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12 hours ...

Shan returned to the Imperious downcast. He had managed to screw up again, thereby getting yet another staff officer upset at him. He was quickly developing a rather nasty reputation - one he wasn't at all comfortable with.


He thought back to the incident: he had heard the Lieutenant's sarcastic remark about carrying the shuttle, and he had heard the midshipman's wisecrack ... yet another Marine looking down their nose at him. Shan shook his head to wipe the thought. That wasn't what was bothering him. What bothered him was how he missed the Lieutenant's second order to withdraw. Shan wasn't a rebelious person - at least, not deliberately. He didn't mean to disobey a direct order; it just sort of happened.



Four hours ...


Shan finished his bridge shift and checked for messages. The Lieutenant hadn't contacted him for his follow-up dressing down. The waiting only made things worse. Any time ranking officers waited, it was only so they could tear him apart good and proper. It was kind of the reason why he liked the Captain: she got mad ... she tore out a chunk of flesh ... and it was over. The ones that waited always festered, and that always made for more trouble.


Checking his status log, Shan was suprised to see that nothing further was logged against him as of yet. It made him uneasier by the second: he was bound to get tore up, and with no other action taken this was going to be ugly. But then a light went on inside him: perhaps, or perhaps he went a little bit crazy. Being who he was, Shan wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. He was, however, suddenly much more relaxed as a single thought - he was going to get busted and busted hard ... so the crime might as well fit the punishment.




Eight hours ...


With a quick nap completed Shan stole out of his room; careful not to check messages or bump into anyone with a notable rank. Listening in to conversations he confirmed what he suspected: the ship was rotating crew down to the surface for reconaisance work. Checking with the officer in charge, he signed up for the next shift. Checking out a civilian-model pulse weapon, he beamed down outside of the maze facility. Yet while most of the others went in to the open areas to get a look around, Shan headed away from settled areas.


Unfolding a small undetailed readout, Shan pulled out a compass and got his bearings. He was a fair navigator himself - whether in space or on the ground. A shuttle pilot had to be, for shuttles weren't staffed like starships. Within moments he knew exactly where he was and where he wanted to be. Tucking away the papers he began his hike, forcing himself to keep quiet as he had no desire to attract attention.




Twelve hours ...


Shan checked his map and bearings again. Things were beginning to look familiar and he knew he was getting close. That, along with two nutrient sticks and a water can, had kept his morale up. It actually didn't hurt that he was alone. He had four hours without a single officer or crewman to highlight his mistakes to him, and a clear plan for what he wanted to do.


There was the very distinct possibility that he had screwed up yet again: the shuttle might not be there. If it was it might be overrun by Orions, but even that didn't bother him. He had a plan to deal with it: probably a stupid plan, but a plan nevertheless. He was ready to answer the Orions and ready to answer for his actions. It only made sense to return to the Fleming and secure it. Among other things it was over 50 mil' in unadjusted credits worth of Starfleet hardware - the quartermaster was bound to want it back.


That aside, Shan had no experience when it came to infiltration. If he went into the Orion's den it was unlikely that he would come back. No - his plan was much better. It was the Commander's job to get out of the Maze with their missing crewmembers: a task she was way better suited to accomplish than Shan ever would be. All Shan had to do was find an advisable location to secure, then simply await the return of his delinquent XO.


200 yards left: hopefully the shuttle was still there.

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