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Travis Kroells

The Turkey Day Raid

::has dark stealth uniform on::


Computer begin log....


If you are hearing this then you are hopefully either Ensign Van Roy or Ensign Garnoopy...During the Thanksgiving party in the Reaent's officers lounge I intend on finding Debbie's seceret stash of lollipops and secretly dispersing them around the crew...with most of the crew on shore leave security should be minimal and if Ensign Garnoopy decides to work with me it will be all the easier...::hears footsteps outside:: Computer pause log...::footsteps fade away:: Resume log...  I will shurly be dishonorably discharged if I am caught...as to the mission brief...while every one is at the party I will head to sick bay and scan for the lollipops...once I find them I will head to transporter room 1 and transport 1 lollipop to evey persons quarters making it look as if debbie gave them a thanksgiving day present...if I am lucky this will go off with out a hitch and every one will have those sweet tasty lollipops..


Computer end log and put a encription code so that only Ensigns Van Roy and Garnoopy can read it...Operation Turkey Day Raid is a go...

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