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Getting Familiarized. A Log by Nickles and Byblos

Getting Familiarized...



After the Boss' holo-head disappeared from the table, Byblos noted the group beginning to disperse. He noted the second in command Chris Nickles being present. He hadn't really had time to talk to him on Qob or since the retaking of the Vestibul bridge where Nickles treated a disruptor graze to his leg. Something was stabbing at the back of Byblos' mind about the Boss, perhaps it was nothing of concern. Nonetheless he had to pass on what his thoughts were about the "rat" loose on Capricorn and how dangerous he felt the threat was. The Nausicaan approached the human cautiously, not certain if Pher still was treating Nickles for pheromone addiction.


"Sir..do you have a moment?" The Nausicaan had both hands behind his back, a form or respect he figured. He knew he looked terrible in his battered outfit. But he had to break the ice.


Chris looks up from what he was reading. "Sure Byblos, what is it you wish to talk about?"

Chris closes whats in front of him giving the Nausicaan his full attention. "Have a seat Byblos."


"Someone tried to kill me, Vestibul personnel and Koora ..someone also tried to kill you guys on the transporter. The methods used suggest the Pe`taQ is not stupid. I think...you should stay close to Pher. If the killer aboard this ship kills the only Orion aboard this ship..." Byblos does not finish the statement as he took his seat.


"What evidence do you have about us being targets as well as yourself? Have you said anything to Joe about this?" Chris didn't pick up on what He was getting at about the last Orion being on board.


Byblos couldn't help but blink. "Sir..when you beamed aboard it was a miracle you arrived from what I heard. Shane and others had to fix the transporter just as you were inbound." The Nausicaan looked puzzled, if uncomfortable if one could read his face. "Sir, you did just listen to our brief with the Boss? This ship is compromised..he wants us to help the Vestibule people secure it once and for all."


A slight pause and the Nausicaan tilted his head quietly adding something. "You still need Pher don't you?"


"Of course I still need Pher, Shes ........ our Head of Security..." He then pulled out of his haze and shook it off. "I heard what Joe said. Do you have a plan?"


Byblos retreated slightly in his chair. He had been around humans on Tranquility enough to know when they were not going to answer your question. "Sir, I am just a big guy with muscle...that's all I am to this crew and the Boss. I don't plan anything..I simply obey. I have...done things in the past on the planning stage. But that "Cycle" of my life is over. Pher is going to need to lead the way as Head of Security..but...you are the #2. I mean if the Boss met his end. You would take over the business right? Hence I defer to you sir...or Pher if you wish."


Chris looked at the Nausicaan. "You have a point. Don't sell yourself short my huge friend. You are not just the big guy with Muscle, Everyone on this ship has their jobs to do. Now's not time to cut yourself short on them or the team. I guess we will have to wait to get the ques from the boss or Pher herself. But remember this, everyone on this ship is important in his or her own way." Chris points to the huge guys drink. "Want another?"


Byblos admired Nickles for trying to raise his self-esteem back from the demolition it had taken on Tranquility. "Sure Nickles..and..err" ::looks away briefly:: "Thanks."


"Welcome My friend." Chris poured another for the Nausicaan. "I'll be glad to get back home."

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