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Mitar Precip

Winston Chronicles: Qob/Tranquility Universe



The Best Laid Plans...


Cycles of Death Hideout-Warehouse ward, Unspeakable District


Byblos towered over his fellow Nausicaan gang member, Vargros, and viewed what the expert slicer was pulling up on his terminal. “So who will be present at this ceremony aside from the primary target, Daniel Winston?”


Vargros turned his chair to face the tactical planner of mission. “Oh, you are going to be quite pleased. Presuming you succeed.” Vargros looked up to the standing Byblos. “I have penetrated the Sunset District Guardian Precinct HQ quite cleanly. Query Erased, ah the typical Guardian-”


“WHO is going to be present!” Byblos interrupted the seated Nausicaan. He knew Vargros liked to try describe his “works of slicing art” as he once put it. But it got in the way of business. “Vargros stay focused.” Byblos toned himself down.


“Oh besides your Primary, the Sheriff himself will be present along with a dozen Guardians. I have there names and ranks as well,” Vargros grinned.


“Sheriff Iktar Senar himself? Hah!” The other Nausicaan half laughed as he looked at the datapadd Vargros had produced. “And his underling Deputy Shrike? The bastard who gave Winston access to all their vehicles?” Byblos paused momentarily as a wave of hatred rushed over him. “We must not fail in our attack. Senar is a fool to have selected such a location for the ceremony. And killing Shrike, the one with the brains in the precinct, what a bonus. But...their numbers...”


“As you said yourself Byblos, Sheriff Senar picked a building that can be easily isolated by our remaining Cycles. And our special acquisition from the spaceport...Our tri-speeder carrying it with our best gunners.” Vargros tried to restrain himself, but clapped anyways. “You can inflict a deadly counterstrike against the Guardian maggots!”


“Yes our delivery courtesy of those latinum-hungry workers at the spaceport can easily deal with the numbers assuming we have access to all holocams around the target building and that ODRI pulse you have been working nights on?”


“It will work.” Vargros noted Byblos’ doubt. “ODRI’s are amazing devices. Tackling them all locally will be easier than just disabling Deputy Shrike’s, I assure you. Also, their lack of a sniper team I have noted on the datapadd is a plus. Even if there were a team, my Pulse will disable their ability to counter our surprise before it is too late.”


Byblos glanced at the Datapadd, then at the large display screen table behind him. Facing him was their leader, a Nausicaan, with the absolute desire to strike back at the Guardians.


“No Snipers, and a stupid adversary presiding. Very well. Proceed with the attack. If this succeeds we shall turn the tide the Winston Pe’taq sent against us!” the elder leader of the Cycles of Death proclaimed.

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