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Thomas Jaruq

Jaruq log -- 37907.23

PADD, begin recording duty log for Stardate 37907.23.

      My team has completed our inspection of the Lodi colony's water reclamation plant.  Or, at least, we were close to doing so when we received an emergency call from the ship indicating that Commander Stardust had been wounded.  Apparently, there has been some sort of ... incident ... in the Lodi bar.  I couldn't get much out of the local police force dispatched to the scene, but I'm sure the marines are to blame.

      Anyway, our team successfully determined how hazardous agents were able to make it past the reclamator's filtration system.  All three of the circuit boards (primary and two backups) controlling the system were severely damaged.  This wasn't just a short-out or erosion from overuse; it was clearly sabotage.  The major question, now, is how did this escape detection?  Our scans show that the boards had been out of commission for two weeks, but the whole system should have been placed on automatic standby as soon as the breakdown occurred.

      In inspecting the main control room, I may have found the answer.  My diagnostics of the reclamation systems all came up green.  According to the computer, the filtration system was working just fine.  Obviously, the computer had been tampered with.  I would have investigated this possibility more thoroughly if not for the call from the ship.

      Another concern was the old man who claimed to be the administrator of the plant, Tepi.  He seemed slightly senile, and was unwilling to answer my questions.  It is highly unusual that the filter problem went unnoticed for so long, under Tepi's nose, even despite the computer tampering.  It should have been his responsibility to regularly inspect every component of the plant, especially after the water contamination started.  His negligence offers two possibilities--either he's hiding something, or he's simply an inept old man who was given his position by someone else who is hiding something.  His reluctance to answer my questions begs suspicion.  If only my Betazoid talents were stronger, I could have been certain.

      The consequences of the damaged filter hardly need mentioning.  Not only has wastewater from the colony not been properly cleansed for two weeks, but anyone with harmful intent could easily have slipped a toxin through the reclamator.  As I stated in a previous report, with this system accepting wastewater from every establishment in the colony, it would have been as easy as dropping the toxin down any drain or flushing it down any toilet.  We've replaced the damaged circuit boards and the system is now working just fine, but if the saboteur is still hanging around ...

      This leads into yet another hint of shady goings-on that we have to consider.  Trichon talked to the old man, Tepi, and received a PADD from him.  It shows evidence of a break-in which occurred at the plant two weeks ago, exactly when the circuit boards appear to have been damaged.  I don't know what to make of this.  The old man may just be trying to throw us off course, or he may just be as incompetent at keeping intruders out of his plant as he is at keeping it working properly.  Our security detachment will need to look into this.

      If they're still available, that is.  Commander Stardust is out of the picture now, and I'm willing to bet that the marines are just as unable to help.  I'm on my way to the Lodi jail to see if they were responsible for the barroom brawl...


      PADD, continue recording duty log for Stardate 37907.23.

      Well, so much for that.  I'm here outside the Lodi jail.  According to the keepers, the marines were, indeed, arrested at the bar.  I can't even consult them, as a representative from Arcadia has already come down and retrieved them.  I'm not sure who can and can't be trusted in this colony, so I don't want to go flashing my suspicions around to the police.  My only hope is that there's at least one marine down here who was smart enough to not get arrested...

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