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Ready or not Nausicaan you are watching those men!

"Boss, regarding sending me to the Vestibule to gather a fix team for the Connie..I realize with Pher and Selek planetside you've got no other option. But Maxwell is not going be happy with it. I know when someone doesn't trust my judgement, after what I did with Diklyt I sort of see where he's coming from. You sure he's going to let me take care of his team?"


"He's got no choice," Joe answered without looking up from the flight station. "Dr. Phantos made it clear that any aspects of the mission that do not entail archaeological study of the planet are under my discretion. Well, the mercenaries' discretion to be exact, but the Lucky Hand ain't exactly been cooperating since this job started. Captain Maxwell very graciously provided me with three extra bodies for the crew, and they are under my command until I send them back. Treat them like they're members of our crew -- don't put them in any excessive danger that you wouldn't put the rest of us in -- and Maxwell will have to live with it."


"And Boss regarding the crew of the Connie. I am not so confident as you are that a deal has been stuck between yourself and these "people". If I am to guarantee Maxwell's team's security I need something to convince them not to mess with us. I cannot keep an eye on all of them aboard that ex-feddie ship during repairs. How about bringing Diklyt's head for a show and tell as to say 'Don't jyke with us.' " The Nausicaan grinned after stating his proposal.


Joe turned his chair to look at Byblos then. "Diklyt's head?" he asked, blinking in disbelief. "You still got that thing on board?"


"Well of course, Boss." The Nausicaan attempted to explain himself. "I thought it might be needed to send a message to the crew of the 'Connie' if someone didn't take us seriously and well," Byblos delayed a second .. "also I thought one day it might look good attached to the front of the ship... But! Mostly for the keeping the others inline. Hmm..I suppose since you weren't aware of ole` Diklyt's lovely head still aboard.. I was successful in creating an airtight stowage seal..guess I haven't lost my touch in stowage skills! Hah!" The Nausicaan habitually chortled.

"I hope it's airtight." Joe shook his head. "Can't let you bring it over though, Byblos. I seriously want to avoid any more hostility with these people, in part because I get the sense that most of them are good people in a bad situation, and in part because if they get backed into a corner they could wreak havoc with their transporters. I want to play this as pleasant as possible.


"When I chatted with their team on Verbistule, I got the sense that Diklyt was a hero to these people, even if he'd gone astray the last few years. Bringing his head aboard his old ship doesn't send quite the message I want to get across to these people." Joe turned back to the flight station. "We'll discuss attaching it the ship another time."


"Okay Boss just let me know when you want to add the hood ornament! Hah!" The Nausicaan departed the bridge with a curt nod and a smile forgetting just for a moment the task Captain Joe Manning had set before him.

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