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tr'Jeth Dabi

Just A Few Minutes

The Daise placed each woman in a chair and stood before them after security closing the door. “This causes a severe security problem with your illnesses. We must talk in detail.



Lillian’s head was still pounding, not only from her own pains, but from the empathy she began to share from all the other telepaths that had recently arrived in sickbay with the same pain. Fortunately, with Dabi’s help, moving to this secluded room seemed to help for the moment. She looked up at the Centurion with her coal black eyes, a frown forming on her lips. “I’m not exactly sure how much detail we’ll be able to give you. Things are still quite a bit fuzzy, but I’ll try.”


He looked at each of them. “I must know exactly what is remembered before you collapsed.” He hates interrogating people together, but they were beautiful women, and didn’t mind having them all to himself



Lilly tried best she could to think back on the incident. “I...I think we had just met each other in the Midway. Something was said...then I blanked out.”


“What were you doing before you went to the Midway?” He wasn’t grilling them like any other interrogation, one might even thing he was slightly soft on them



“I was in sickbay. It was a slow shift, not many injuries at the moment. I then told Nick and Mimi that I was going for a little walk. It’s never anything unusual. Sometimes you need a little fresh air...”


“Did you spend time with the other any part of the last federation day?” He noticed that Leiliana was being particularly quiet but didn’t point it only



Lilly thought for a moment. “The last time we were together, we went on the trip to TK-117 to aid in moving the Deosi. For the most part we were together the entire time.” It was really hard to think right now. Her head still felt like it wanted explode.


He hated seeing them struggle to answer, because back on his planet, he’d have chemical enhancements to aid them and make them keep talking, but he knew the Feds would not ever hear of it, much less be privy to their full interrogation techniques. “If you can help with this investigation, we can stop the culprit.” He paused, and tried his best to use the techniques the Federation taught at the academy. “I am sorry that au feel so bad. I want au to COM me, if au have certain questions or ready to have interrogations more.” He almost added that when they felt better, he’d buy them dinner. These Lloannae did not mix business and personal as if both were business like the Rihans did so logically



“There was something else...” Lillian added. “During the time we apparently passed out, we weren’t here...” It was hard telling Dabi that. He probably already thought the women were crazy.


It took a moment to look at Leilani, to see if she confirmed the same feeling



“Yes, I had the same feeling. We were there, but we weren’t. It’s hard to describe. It was much like one of those out of body experiences you read about in those tabloids. I can’t put it to words really,” replied Leilani.


“These findings will be reported to the scientists. They may have more questions. One more question at this time.” His rather long pauses was probably dreadful on their heads, but he was formulating a clearly translated phrase. “Did either of au see or hear something or someone before or afterwards that was, or felt like, it was completely out of location?”


Lillian lightly shook her head. “No...I don’t remember voices. just remember waking up in sickbay with a bad headache. Sorry we aren’t being as helpful as you’d like.”


He considers asking them about the related PMS issue, but dismisses it as there were some males in sickbay that probably helped rule that one out.


Leilani rubbed her head in obvious discomfort. “I’m sorry I haven’t been responsive. It affected me worse than I had originally thought. Thinking back to where this all started, I was at my station on the Control Tower when I had this sudden urge to head down to the mid way; I can’t explain it. Like a voice in my mind calling me out to that particular spot” she looked apprehensively at Lillian.


“I had the same feelings that Lillian described. We spent time together during breakfast at TK-117, but other than that, we didn’t really spend that much time together. I certainly didn’t spend much time with the other telepaths I saw in Sickbay that’s for sure. You know there’s those old stories on Earth I’ve read about where people got ‘abducted’ by ‘UFOs’. That is probably the best description I can give. I’m not sure if it was a dream or not, it was so real. I’m sure Lillian can agree with me on that”


Lilly nodded in agreement, as she felt the same thing. “It was definitely a strange feeling...” Chills went up her arms as she thought about it more.



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This retrospective log takes place in the future, looking back on the present situation.

At the time, had Commander Chirakis known of the Rihan Chief of Security's "interrogation" of Drs Feretti and Belar, she might have questioned it, perhaps even stopped it and called it absurd. However, well after the fact, Commander Chirakis would wonder why she questioned the judgement of the security officer, and why, after her vast experience with several telepathic species, it would not even enter her mind that someone or something would be capable of such power.

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