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Demi t'Shia

Bio: Demi N. t'Shia

Profile: Demi Nuqios [new-key-ohs] t'Shia

Email: [email protected]

[There is no 't' in the email address – she's plenty demented without it.]


Sex: Female

Age: 25 [as calculated in human years]




First assignment - Just after training completed at IWC, when she was assigned to the Beta Quadrant on board the RES Selok. There were no remarkable incidents aboard this ship on her service record. She was the grunt and just getting her feet wet.


Second assignment - RES Talon. No record notes yet.




The Shia House is well respected on the worlds, highly loyal to the Raptor, and the Shia house has been involved in the military for every generation recorded. She has 4 brothers with various RES assignments and parents living on Romulus.


Her parents were devout and outspoken against the reunification movement between the Vulcans and Romulans, as they wanted a pure race. This was the old frame of mind, as this sort of racism has been overturned in recent years. Her parents, however, still hold the original truths to be their firm beliefs. Demi must keep her tongue when it comes to the purist attitude in the household, and never allows her feelings of liberal thinking to influence the comments within the family when she is home.


Education and Training: Imperial War College: New Graduate, general honors due to honored house of Shia.


Specialty Training: Though it did not take much training, Demi has a gift for hand weapons, such as knives. This fascination came from the time she was a child and used them first in the kitchen, then in the yard, and eventually during Galae training. Her instructors allowed her to train the others, but often she was in charge of the groups routines, as her skills were lethal. The instructor informed the Tal Shiar of her particular skills, and though she hasn't been called upon at this point, they do have a dog-ear in her file to pull her for any special situations that could arise.

Edited by Demi t'Shia

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The instructor informed the Tal Shiar of her particular skills, and though she hasn't been called upon at this point, they do have a dog-ear in her file to pull her for any special situations that could arise.



Menkha bio Demi!! Just don't let us find au consorting with the Tal'Shiar, it would be a bad thing. Now spies, the whole crew seems to consort with spies!

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There are na spies! I would know.



Menkha bio Demi!! Just don't let us find au consorting with the Tal'Shiar, it would be a bad thing. Now spies, the whole crew seems to consort with spies!

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