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A raider rethinks his career choices.

Zaphod woke up in pain, tightly strapped into a bio bed. The last thing he remembered was being shot. He could hear the doctors talking about the leader of the raiders being killed by someone named Byblos. 'Diklyt dead? I'm free.' he thought. Zaphod went over the last eighteen years of his life..

He had graduated from Star Fleet Academy after 4 years of intensive study, but was offered a demeaning job as waste reclamation engineer on Space Station Deep Space 7. He was disgusted by the underhanded politics of the now corrupt Federation. Because he was half Caitian, half Human, a "genetic freak" as his commanding officer called him, he got the worst job in Star Fleet. So, he resigned his new commision, got a civilian pilots license, and bought a ship (the S.S. Silver Star). While delivering supplies to a colony in the Hyades cluster, he had met Diklyt. Zaphod was inpressed with his carisma and ideas. He sold his ship and settled in with the expedition to the Hydran expance. Life on their colony was wonderful. Zaphod loved the fact that he was away from the disgusting dictatorship the Federation had become. But, in the last few years, the Horde raiders had become an increasing problem. The Horde force the colony to leave their fruitful and beautiful planet. They eventually founded a new colony. But, it was barren and almost lifeless. Diklyt became more desperate to feed his colony. They started doing raids on other colonies for food and supplies. Zaphod became concerned about this new mission, capturing the Verbistul and searching for Eden. He was even at the point of leaving Diklyt, and joining a supply ship in Bulls Head. But, his dedication to the colony won over, so he pushed any worries about Diklyt aside. He helped to plant the bomb, then he was shot.He thought about his situation. He was alive, but held prisoner in this sick bay. He had over heard the doctor calling a Captain named Manning. Maybe Zaphod could make a deal with this Captain to release him.

"I'm free, now what?" Zaphod muttered laughing.

The doctor put a hypospray to Zaphod's neck. "What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Zaphod whispered as the stative took effect.

Edited by Zaphod_the_spacebum

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