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Rue Wydown

Oh Nuts

Counselor Emmane Lui shook her head as she tapped the commands in her PADD to transfer her report from her device to Ramin Tong’s PADD. “You ordered a psych exam on your own client?”


“I didn’t have much of a choice. She keeps making the Andorian turn strange colors.” Ramin chuckled as he started to skim through the Counselor’s report on Commander Ruth Wyodwn. “It was a preemptive strike. Besides, I need to know what I’m working with here.” He glanced up at the senior mental health specialist. “So, want to give me the Cliff’s Notes version. Is she sane or insane?”


“Intelligent. Eccentric. Playful. Socially awkward. Issues with impulse control. Overly curious at times. But quite clearly...quite definitely sane.” Lui leaned against Tong’s desk, watching his eyes drifting across the written work in his hand. “She’s actually quite pleasant to talk to, too. But that bit about the balloon animals in her bio – I think she was playing with the junior officer who was doing the initial evaluation.” Lui paused. “Err…at least I think she was.” She shrugged. "Very odd sense of humor, that human."



“Among other odd traits. You know, she has a tendency to jump topics with no rhyme or reason during the questioning phase. One minute we’re talking about the Excalibur mission, the next minute somehow we’re talking about command management policies regarding enlisted military crew.” Ramin folded his arms across his chest. “Or the recipe to the banana smoothie in the mess hall. And I have no frelling idea how that happens.”




“You think?”


“No wonder the Andorian is turning funny colors.” Lui laughed softly, the look on her face clearly demonstrated her opinion about Andorian JAG officer's character.


Ramin scratched his nose ridges. “Find anything in her head that I can use as a defense?”


“Not really.”




Lui pushed up off the desk. “But there’s enough in there to help you keep her on task. And understand what you’re dealing with. It’s more than the Andorian has.”


“I just hope it’s enough.” Tong shook his head. “Or next time it’ll be Andorian who’ll need the next psych exam….for himself.”


"Oh I look forward to cracking *that* nut." Counselor Lui grinned from ear to ear. "Good luck with cracking yours."


Ramin looked a bit confused. "I thought you said she was sane?"


"I did. Perfectly sane. But nutty too. A perfectly sane nut." Lui waved as she exited Tong's office.



"Oh nuts." the JAG officer sighed, sinking into his chair.









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