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Pass the Ball

New Topeka Colony Planet

09:00 Hours (09:00 AM)

Starfleet Apartment Complex


A few hours after the out of sector meeting, Commander K. Vacer JoNs found herself back at a safe house apartment, a nondescript building located within the commercial district of New Topeka. The deeds of the day had been performed, though the so called game was still playing out and she still had a role to play.


Tapping a secure wireless line from her desktop computer monitor and console, the felinoid officer only waited a few moments before her SPECOPS handler accessed the communications packet and the two way audio communication was established. The signal, sent through three communications relay satellites across the sector, would be difficult to track.


+Mission status?+


“The opposing team has made their move and the punted ball is in play.”


+Have the visiting players been dispatched and apprised of the play book?+


JoNs flipped an ear back, even though her commanding officer couldn’t see the gesture, and spoke into the communicator. “Yes. Though as we had discussed, the opposing team has not felt the need to pass along all the information to our guest quarterbacks and defensive lineup. Will we intercept the ball and make the score?”


The Caitian feline had been undercover for this particular mission for just under nine months, and at times it was hard to keep the light and dark separate within the shadows. Overall, JoNs was looking forward to an end to the SPECOPS assignment.


+That depends on the referee; standby for further instructions and be prepared to move out at a moment’s notice.+


And with that, the wireless communication was dropped. The commander flipped the wireless channel closed with a swipe of her paw across the keyboard sensor. Easing herself back in the desk chair, her gaze fixated on the picture window view of the New Topeka colony skyline. She spoke out loud to the apartments only other occupant, her tone slightly playful. “I never quite understood the Human fascination with their Earth sports.”


Tyrell Akers responded to the rhetorical query, his deep voice pitched low. “I’ve always preferred Parrises Squares myself. Here’s to hoping we can recover the fumble.”


“I hope you’re right Tyrell. Smithson and Stone on the move?”


“Aye. Our agents are tracking their route.”


“The quarterback back on site?”


“Yes; she arrived just over three hours ago, standard time.”


JoNs sighed and glanced towards her partner and second in command before speaking again. “Maybe we’ll get a touchdown with this one.”


“Amen Commander. Amen.”

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