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From the other side of the trees

Epsilion Scorpii IV

Villageof Tee'Nek


Major Tu'mino stood at the map in hiscommand trailer. The battalion commander looked at thereconnaissance reports from both his own nation's Raptors and theAmadacian fighters, as well as what the engineers were reporting. Explosive ordinance disposal had cleared out 100 improvised explosivedevices and land mines around the town, since they got there twoweeks ago to clear the area out for the Landeswher. Quite alarge number of the mines were leftovers from the Meredan Civil War30 years ago, which caused the country to just implode. The otherswere IEDs emplaced by the Se'an Chan, but were of such shoddyquality, not many were even going to detonate when they tripped.


The deployment was a prescheduledsummer training mission for the reserve unit but with the crash ofthe Federation shuttle additional units were suddenly attached,primarily for ADCON1 purposes. And the orders from Joint Force Headquarters were changed. Instead of summer camp, it was full on, federalized support mission. Live ammunition was issued out to all personnel, not just those onthe perimeter of the encampment.


MAJ. Tu'mino moved over tothe reports from the perimeter guards. They'd had heard noise in thetree line, and were dispatching out scouts to investigate. Abrunette and a pinkette (!) had exited the tree line almost on top ofthe patrol. He was just about to issue orders when a muffled BOOMrolled through camp. "That didn't sound like EOD. Captain, weneed to investigate what just happened. And have medical personnelstanding by."


"By your command, Major," the overweight reserve XO replied and trotted out of the expandabletrailer. A four litter ambulance was already rolling, the medic crewheading towards where the pinkette was standing, out in the open.



1ADCON- Military acronym for "Administrative Control". The controlling unit provides administrative services that the attached unit cannot normally provide.

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