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Charlotte Matsumura

Death Before Dishonor (Pt. 1)

Death Before Dishonor

LCDR Mark Garrison


Gaius tr'Argelian



Gaius entered main security, glancing about, his hands clasped behind his back. Theoretically, he already knew what security should look like aboard the ship, but it was still the first time he had actually seen it in person since arriving aboard. He glanced over his shoulder at Garrison even as he sauntered toward the brig. "Nice office," he said.


"Well, there has to be something nice about the ship." He sternly replied, stopping Gaius at the door, pulling him aside. "How exactly do you plan to get anything out of the Romulans?" He decided not the mention the previous attempts at interrogating the freighter crew, with the shooting and all that badness.


"I thought maybe I'd start by asking nicely," he replied, then grimaced, "though I have to admit I'm not expecting much. Their commanding officer has a good track record. As a result, she'd play things close to the vest: most of her crew wouldn't have the slightest idea where they fit in the grand scheme of things. Far too often, it's better not to ask too many questions." He paused, waiting for the chief of security to key them entry into the brig.


Reaching forward, Garrison entered his access code. "Well," he said, looking impatient. "Let’s get to it."


The psuedo-Romulan visibly straightened as they stepped into the brig, smoothing his hand down the front of his black tunic. He approached the Romulan cell, footfalls steady against the deck. Once there, he stopped before the forcefield. His feet were planted shoulder width apart, jaw lowered, his eyes dark and steady as he looked at the guests. "Welcome aboard the Lloann'na ship, Excalibur," he said. "I hope au are as comfortable as circumstances allow?"


Tr'Salik rose from the bench he had been sitting upon, and stood at the door of the cell, looking at the Rihannsu standing with the Lloann'na. Obviously this traitor had assisted them in their treachery. A cold look hrrau his eyes, he remained silent, refusing to give the traitor the satisfaction of an authen.


Mark observed the staring contest with a frown, expecting this to go as well as with the freighter crew.


"The strong, silent type, I see," Gaius replied. The corners of his lips twitched, amusement touching his eyes. "Commendable, commendable. At least, so long as your silence guarantees the safety of the Empire."


Tr'Salik continued to stand in silence looking at the man on the other side of the forcefield, while behind him two of the other oira officers mirrored his stance. In the adjoining cell, the remaining two officers moved to the doorway to observe. Across the way, Lobo called back to Nathaniel, and Burris White, that the ship was starting to get overrun with Romulans.


Shifting his stance slightly, tr'Argelian ignored the rabble behind him and pressed on. He tilted his head to the side. "Au do realize aur actions have wide-reaching repercussions, ie? Stirring unrest among client worlds, supplying them with weapons. Did au not think au would be discovered? That au were untouchable because of aur sponsor?"


Tr'Salik continued to stare at the uncaged Rihannsu.


Burris yelled across the brig at the free Romulan's back, "That she devil is the one behind this."


Gaius pivoted slightly, his hands clasped behind his back. "She devil, hm?" Looks back to tr'Salik. "Not a very nice description of aur commanding officer. But then, she's left au here, to fend for aurself." He narrowed his eyes in appraisal of the Rihannsu who stood on the opposite side of the field.


Tr'Salik looked over at Burris calmly, "Too bad au were able to escape our torpedo, but I see au have new friends."


"Yea, but I see you here too you big overgrown elf," Burris snapped back.


"We’re all great friends here," Garrison commented. "Friendly enough that our medical officer got shot during introductions.”


"Friends...talk to io another, do they not?" Tr'Argelian gave his most disarming smile, though it did not reach his eyes. His gaze flitted toward the remaining Rihannsu in the cell, then back to tr'Salik. When he spoke, his voice was quiet, intended only for the Rihannsu standing opposite him. "But au make friends in service, au develop loyalties. And when io starts acting out of character io notices, ie?"


Tr'Salik turned his head ever so slightly, as though interested hrrau this Rihannsu in front of him had to say. He also threw a slight look over his shoulder, making sure they were na listening too closely, but knowing they would be.


With a nod that was barely perceptible, Gaius looked back at Garrison. "Perhaps we should give our guests a bit more room. There are several more cells available, yes?"


Mark stood nearby, appraising the freighter crew with a frown, before turning to look at Gaius. He then turned his attention to the Romulan prisoners. "You," he said, pointing at tr'Salik. "Come with us." Calling in the two guards, they lowered the force field, phasers drawn, motioning for the Romulan XO to follow.


Tr'Salik clasped his hands behind his back, and silently stood there a siuren. "I am prepared to yy'a. Au might as well yy'a me hna."


Gaius arched a brow, glanced back at the armed security personnel, then looked back to tr'Salik. "I'm certain that can be arranged... But first, we need to have a little chat." He nodded and one of the security guards, after a momentary hesitation, entered the cell, grabbing tr'Salik by the arm.


Letting himself be pulled from the cell, tr'Salik then turns to Gaius, "What is au role fahd, with these Fvai? Traitor? Or io of them?"


Garrison couldn't resist a small smirk at the irony of the Romulan speaking to the pesuedo-Romulan.


Gaius could almost feel Garrison's smirk. "Just consider me...auethnen."


Tr'Salik narrowed his eyes at the other Rihan and the dheno, then nodded for them to lead on.



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