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Command Decisions ...

T'Aral stiffened at Commander Wesley's comments.It was the nature of emotional beings to be complementary for a variety of reasons, but this was not the time for complements - it was the time for logic.


For the moment, Captain Calestorm stood quietly with the Commander and the medical El Tee as the command situation was discussed; the three had moved slightly off to one side of the main officer gaggle proper, to at least maintain the illusion of a private conversation.


"Sir: in this situation I may have been competent as a Medical Officer, but as your executive I have proven completely ineffective. I have failed to maintain order. Furthermore, I have failed to carry out basic security measures. There should have been a sentry in a discreet location. We may have been fortunate this time - if the squad had chosen to attack, we would have been trapped in the cave, facing a tactical disadvantage."

"As I recall Lieutenant, you were on sentry duty at the cave entrance; you can't tell me that those sensitive Vulcan ears," Calestorm indicated the pointed appendages with a vague hand wave, "wouldn't have picked up on any outside movement."


"They did not, Captain, for I was not attending to security at the time - I was tending to Lieutenant MrKath. That is precisely my point: I am your medical officer and we have wounded. I am aware of the fact that many consider Vulcans unusually capable, but in the end we are similar to you. We have only one set of eyes with which to see, and only one body with which to perform tasks.


"Currently we have wounded and require an increase in security. I am focused on one and inexperienced in the other.For these reasons I am unfit to serve in a command capacity. You need to be assisted by an officer who is capable of acting in a command capacity, or is more tactically experienced. For the good of everyone, sir - you need to select a suitable XO."


T'Aral's eyes locked with Commander Wesley's ... not defiantly, but firmly resolute in conviction. If this were a training mission, or even if they were simply in a deserted area she could permit the current circumstances to continue while attempting to gain some control of the situation - but this was not a training exercise. The problems they faced did not need to be complicated by her own inability to command.


Crash now spoke again, glancing towards Wesley. "You know, if she wasn't questioning her abilities, I'd be running like hell in the other direction." Then, her sharp hazel eyed gaze went to the Lieutenant and by way of explanation Cale said, "Officers who hard charge and automatically assume they have command abilities, we refer to in the Border Patrol as dangerous and cocky. It's okay to be scared TAral."


An almost bemused eyebrow danced upwards. "Fear, Captain? I would have hoped that your experience in Starfleet would have provided you with enough insight to know better. Fear is a human trait - I merely state the apparent and the logical."


Audraya looked at the Vulcan doctor, and was actually glad to see fire in her eyes. It showed that she wasn't an automaton like most Fleeters like to depict the few surviving Vulcans. "Doc," she said, "you've actually been a help. Now, I know it doesn't help that we've got a crew of hard asses, some of whom want to be in every little thing." Her eyes flicked over towards one of the officers known to have difficulties this mission. She was annoyed that she'd only pointed to Sakura and Innogen to recon the squad, and he jumped in. She then fixed Crash a glare for not coming right back from the latrine, one that screamed I'm going to tear into you when we get back to the ship, because we're in polite company.


Calestorm's eyebrows went for her hairline in a who, me? expression of studied innocence. But, like her Exec, she was no fool; she figured Commander Wesley picked up on her little detour. Admiral Coyote had always told Crash that she'd assign an XO to the 'Creek that'd be perfectly capable of riding herd on the spirited ships captain.


"Ground combat is not like ship combat, Doc.My job is to make sure we get to where we're going, and deal with the unforeseen, like that Se'an Chan squad.Your job, as Exec, is to minutia that I might miss, or if I go down, or we have to break the squad up for whatever reason.


"Now, having security is good, but it does us no good the next day if we're all exhausted. And to be honest, Doc, we had good cover and concealment in the cave, as long as they didn't have grenades. But I can think of one or two who might throw themselves on one."


Outwardly T'Aral made no sign, but inwardly she shivered. Her greatest flaw as a Vulcan was that she took her responsibilities to heart, instead of simply addressing every challenge before her with proper logic. To be in the circumstances where any of the officers would have to sacrifice themselves would be a failure on her part: a failure to command effectively, a failure to develop sufficient tactics, and a failure to care for those in her charge. Such things T'Aral couldn't help but feel on a deeply personal level.


"I spent most of my time as a junior officer with Marines.Even had a Platoon Leader's course crammed into my head sideways by my company's gunnery sergeant. Gunny Hyweigh made sure I knew how to do it like the rawest butter bar from OCS. Once again, Doc, I vested you with my powers because you're the most level-headed out of this motley crew. And once again, I'm not going to relieve you of your additional duty as Executive Officer." Audraya paused for a moment as she poured her packet of powdered orange bug juice into her water bottle. "Besides, we all make mistakes," she added quietly. "Mine were made in actual combat, against Klingons."


Cale glanced at Scooter, but made no comment; per Fleet records, she was aware of the Commander's background of course, but had never been the prying type; the Orion would let her know the details on her own terms, in time.


At this T'Aral paused.Previous explanations suggested that she was made XO to give her authority which, as Medical Officer, she would have already been within her rights to assume. This statement suggested that Commander Wesley had some logic behind her decision ... and T'Aral would prefer not to discourage the use of logic by her commanding officers.


She was also aware that no commander appreciated having their orders questioned. This was as true for Vulcans as it was for anyone. It was not T'Aral's intention to irritate her superiors, but then again the matter was important. If it wasn't, she would not have risked irritating Commander Wesley in the first place. She knew the Commander had quite enough on her mind, and this was the second time she refused to relieve T'Aral of the XO position. Arguing the matter further bordered on open insubordination, which also was not her intention.


"Very well, Commander." T'Aral nodded respectfully and backed away. Yet as she did so her mind began developing a suitable strategy to deal with the situation.There were always alternatives; T'Aral merely needed to develop one.

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Shifting her stance slightly, T'Aral looked over to her superiors. "Since you appear to be resolute in this matter, there are a few details which must be discussed. Specifically - our current objective. Lieutenant MrKath is currently stable. I do not expect that condition to last: he has a relatively untreated compound fracture, and I cannot treat it directly within the expansion splint. I also cannot break into the splint, as we do not have materials to form another. Therefore, we are pressed to locate proper facilities, or preferably to re-establish contact with the Comanche Creek.


"There are multiple possible strategies we can pursue to accomplish this. I would like to know your thoughts on the matter, Commander, so that we do not conflict with one another regarding objectives and how to pursue them best." T'Aral's mind had analyzed over five scenarios which brought the officers to their current situation. While some were far more probable than others, she was reluctant to dismiss any possibility.


A resultant strategy had developed from this conclusion, but there was only a 3.27% probability that the Commander would agree with her. The probability that Audraya would agree with the potential while planning a less conservative approach was 31.47%. The remaining 65.26% probability rested with the Commander calling T'Aral needlessly paranoid.


Audraya sipped her orange-colored bug juice. The colors didn't always associate with any particular flavor. "My primary goal, Doc, is to keep us alive, and out of the clutches of a terrorist organization. Secondary to that is getting BC to proper medical care. Lt. Belo picked up a settlement about 5 or 6 kilometers away. Granted, we'll have to cross a river to do so, and if we can maintain a steady 2 or 3 kilometers an hour walking pace, we should be able to get there in a few hours. Provided, of course, the terrain and vegetation doesn't begin to impact us."


T'Aral nodded in agreement. "As most of our complement has improved, I would suggest we tighten our goal to two hours. Remaining in the wilds does not improve our situation."


Captain Calestorm demurely wrinkled her nose at the orange hued packet and resulting bug juice as Wesley prepped her liquid meal; Fleet issue field rations and drinkable antibiotics or health drinks were needed for them all to stay alive and relatively mobile, but it didn't help that she knew she also had to down a version of what the Commander was drinking as well.


Audraya continued. "As for contacting the 'Creek? I don't happen to see the parts for a satcom radio lurking about on the trees. And if you recall, most of our equipment got fried along with the Hobbes. And if we were able to contact them, how would we get back up to the ship? I, for one, don't like the idea of my scrambled atoms beaming through a radioactive cloud. Our best bet, get to the town. We can contact the planetary authorities from there, get BC into a hospital, and then get back to the ship."


The captain interjected. "Those roughnecks had an assortment of equipment as well; if we do happen to run into another patrol, and if we come out on the better end of a conflict…maybe we might be able to locate some sort of short range communications device. Hell, a cell phone, something. That's two if's too many though…" She rubbed the back of her neck with a hand, working out an 'I spent the night in a cave' kink.


While in complete agreement with the Commander on general intent, T'Aral now had reached the point of contention. "Sir - what if our current situation is not the result of a terrorist action, but rather perpetrated by either or both of the ruling governments? There are a number of explanations which would render this a possibility. While I concede there is only a 21.74% probability of conspiracy, it is enough of a probability to make contacting the local authorities a questionable step. Our priority should be to locate a transmission station of any kind: Lieutenant Tauariki could be put to work on the challenge of contacting the ship. Hopefully they will not stand on protocol when considering a launch of a rescue vessel and escort, given that we are in a situation proven hostile."


The captain looked from T'Aral to Wesley. "I expect that our watch officer has a rescue team standing by - just waitin' on word from us."


T'Aral locked her gaze upon the Commander again. "Sir: there is little I can do for Lieutenant MrKath here. We must get him to the ship and to proper care before debridement becomes necessary."


Crash felt sick to her stomach as the worst case medical scenario was openly discussed; she shifted her stance restlessly, hands on her hips as her gaze flicked to the downed CAG. She turned her attention to the acting CO and XO. "Sirs, not to speak out of line as I'm not in command, though knowin' you two you'll write me up--," Calestorm delivered the little joke deadpan, "--I think we best start haulin' some ass to that settlement, pray to whatever gods are listenin' that they have a transmitter of some sort able to reach the 'Creek, and don't shoot at us."

Setting aside the Captain's colorful use of metaphor, it was helpful that she appeared to be in agreement with T'Aral's assessment. It lent weight to her intent, and would hopefully shift the direction of their efforts away from contacting local authorities towards contacting the ship directly. Dark eyes examined the Commander intently, awaiting orders.


"Right...I want Sakura on point with Tifa. If we happen to run into any Se'an Chan, it'll help to have two up there, instead of one. Belo and Tauariki can carry Mrkath. Crash, keep an eye on Radar—if you have to, carry her. We're going to move fast and quick then.


"Doc, I know you were pointing out the alternatives, and it does pay to be paranoid at times. But I somehow doubt that the governments were being duplicitous in this. Perhaps some members of their military or intelligence services are stealthily supporting this terror organization. Although, if elements of either nation's military opens fire on us, feel free to tell me 'I told you so'."


Swallowing the rest of her bug juice with a grimace, Audraya looked T'Aral in the eyes. "If any officer back talks or takes liberties with your orders, Doc, let me know and I'll deal with them when we get back to the ship. Clear?"


"Your orders are clear, Commander." With a nod she returned back to the group to finish preparation. She had no intention of reporting anyone regardless of feedback: it would be a useless gesture. Humans rarely responded favorably to reprimand; instead using it as an excuse to find fault with others. She was already isolated enough - there was no reason to make matters worse.


T'Aral's own division of labor varied from the Commander's, though it did make some assumptions. She agreed regarding Leutenant Haruno, but Leutenant Belo could be better utilized by having her scan for life forms. This would allow the group advanced notice so that they could avoid encounters. Leutenant Tauariki was an obvious choice as a litter bearer along with herself. T'Aral would've had Ensign Akade joining the Commander in rearguard, leaving the Captain as a wildcard. In this senario, no one was alone, and the command officers would be distanced from each other. That, of course, assumed that Ensign Akade's condition continued to demonstrate improvement. In this case the Commander was being more conservative than she was, and T'Aral saw the logic of it. It left the Commander exposed as rearguard, but their choices were few and T'Aral had already questioned the Commander's directives enough for the entire mission.


Quickly packing the medical equipment and slinging it, T'Aral prepared to carry out Commander Wesley's orders. Even without her own personal infractions, her meditations after this mission would have been long, deep, and necessarily tranquil. She was unsure how long she would be recovering from this experience, other than to know that it would not be any time soon.

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