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Vex Xiang

Sim Thoughts...

31 posts in this topic

The very first sim I was on was a Federation crew that commanded a Vorcha Class Klingon warship as a kind of "starship exchange" program.


It was very interesting indeed and I had a lot of fun with it.


What does everyone think of such a sim possibility for STSF? A Federation crew aboard a Klingon, Romulan, or other species vessel. Maybe even a starship that is not often seen such as a Ferengi Maurader?

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Hey there,


The issue you run into here is that normally, "speciality" sims are not the most popular ones. They are not games that someone who's brand new to the game will often lean towards joining their first time out. Most want to go with something they are familiar with and feel they can play without getting into too much trouble. Note, I'm saying most...not all.


When STSF does expand, I'm relatively certain the goal will be for a mainstream sim. Those seem to be the most popular and are also the ones filling up the fastest. Just my personal view on things....I'll go back to my cubicale now. :D

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Hmm good point Fred. I agree. But once STSF grows larger and it has many mainstream sims...wouldnt experienced officers want to do something a little different? I think it would be unpopular with most graduates...but it might be a "transfer" hot spot.


What do you think?

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I agree with Van for the monday night sims with blurox is what attracted me to the Talon in the first place.  :D

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FRED?? I got a suggestion...if a new sim is created, put it on friday!! :D Thank you

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Well, STSF *has* a Federation crew on a Vorcha class starship...  Although not an exchange program, the Qob has the combined crews of Klingon and a Federation ship, all squeezed into a Vorcha.  Qapla.

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Here's a thought.  I know that you gm's might sometimes have a hard time coming up with plot lines for the academy sims.  I know with the advanced sims that the plots are a little more structured, but it seems like in the academy sims, we are visiting the same planets over and over again to do basically the same thing.


What I would suggest is maybe set up like a sim submission page for people to submit plot lines.  Now, I'd recommend maybe leaving this something for those that have graduated the sims to submit plots to, but it could be something for everyone.


I came in on the tail end of a very good sim about a week ago or so in Moose's academy involving a changeling murderer on the ship and no one really knew about it.  I like to sim where I have to think a little more than normal.  I think with a few more of those type sims, you guys as gms can see some of the creativity that comes out of the good group of people that we have here.


Anyway, that's my two cents...I'm always looking for something that's a little different.

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I like that idea Jacob. Maybe we could use a special message board to let people post their sim ideas, and GMs can use that as a resource if they're ever at a loss.

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Hey there,


First, when a new sim is added I cannot even imagine what day it would run on.


Second, Vex, your post about when "STSF grows larger" is a valid one. However, I can tell you that I know many are not welcoming nor looking at a rapid expansion. Sim additions/creations within the group are going to be a slow process and something that's deeply considered before it's done.


Third, there are a few resources GMs have in the event they're sufferring a brain freeze. The problem I would have with a message board for submissions is the fact folks will get upset. Whether it be the fact the GM's vision doesn't match the authors, one person's mission gets used over another, etc.

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I'd go for a different time line sim...every sim execpt for the Hood takes place around the TNG movie frame...unless I read otherwise.  I'd like to see one, in the not to distant future...Or an ENT time line sim...

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Well I think if anybody has an idea for a sim they should just email the GM in charge of thats days academy sim I'm sure they'll read it and think about it and there is no reason to have the GM's make a new board for it because some people lack maturity and it will turn into that idea is a stupid one and people will get hurt so I full heartily agree with Fred.

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I'd go for a different time line sim...every sim execpt for the Hood takes place around the TNG movie frame...unless I read otherwise.  I'd like to see one, in the not to distant future...Or an ENT time line sim...

well Travis that is a good idea but we are simming star trek and the distant future would not be simming Star Trek because we don't know that much about the future world of trek except little tidbits that would make it too unaccurate and to sim properly and head up in fustration.

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I know with the advanced sims that the plots are a little more structured, but it seems like in the academy sims, we are visiting the same planets over and over again to do basically the same thing.

In comment to the statement that was made about the fact that the Academy sims at time seem repetitious, this may be attributed to the fact, that they are there as a "teaching aid" for new players. While players that have graduated are welcome and encouraged to attend the Academy to help increase their level of play, and to assist the new members, you must remember its basic function.  The Academy is our way to help introduce the new player to our sim forum, as well as to the basic concepts used in doing so. This is where the new player learns how to interact, how to show speech, personal actions, thoughts, as well as learning how the various departments work together.


There are many things that we need to judge while plots go on. We need to watch how well people are interacting with each other within a department, when in interdepartmental interactions, their ability to follow the given plot, and ability to use reason to solve a puzzle.  We are looking for certain types of actions and responses to situations. While basic premises are changed to keep things fresh, and a storyline going, we need to use these responses to certain criteria to assess when a new cadet is ready to graduate.  Thus, we need to set forth plots in which, we may attempt to view certain responses


You may see plots that are somewhat familiar, when a GM is trying to assess how someone is going to react to a situation that they may have reacted to poorly at an earlier session, or not at all.  You might want to see who is trigger-happy, and who takes the time to ask questions.  Sometimes, the perceived villain is not what they seem.


Not all sims are bang, bang, blow-them-up. Though, it's usually the easiest way to end the hour when time is up, and the next sim is due in the room (LOL). Seriously though, at times, I'll run something fast to see how people do with a sudden, unexpected event (will they use the chain of command, will they do something like blow the warp core-bad answer btw), and at other times, and often when I'm looking at someone that's almost ready to graduate, a slower sim. Personally, I like to see a slower based sim sometimes, as players reactions tell me if they are ready to move to an advanced sim or not. If there are complaints that it's too slow, (why don't we have some Borg show up? Or what can I do?) it tells me that the player has not yet figured out how to find things to do individually, and needs more time. Plots on Advanced sims can last from as short as a one week plot, to plots that span some 15 months or more. The newly graduated ensign must be ready for the slower pace, and work on interpersonal skills at this point.


There is always something that can be done, and if I leave a department out of the main plot, it may or may not be that I'm testing to see what that player will find to do.  One can always do an inventory, a diagnostic, call the XO and request an opportunity to cross-train with another department. There are many options open, and this is what the new player needs to grasp before being moved onto the advanced ships. Also, I like to see the player excel at the assistant posts, as on most advances ships that they will join, they will not be the department head for some time.


I do solicit opinions and plot/side plot ideas from my advanced crews, as I know most of the other GM’s do as well. It is easier to work player plots/sideplots into an advanced sim, where everyone should know how to interact. However, the downside of soliciting detailed plot ideas for Academies, is that as the one judging how people doing, you have to makes sure that plot idea, will give you something for everyone to do, as well as meet enough of the criteria that we need to judge.


 I’m going to stop here, though I do have more thoughts on the subject, but I have to get back to work now.


Blu  :cool:

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[Academies] are there as a "teaching aid" for new players. While players that have graduated are welcome and encouraged to attend the Academy to help increase their level of play, and to assist the new members, you must remember its basic function.  The Academy is our way to help introduce the new player to our sim forum, as well as to the basic concepts used in doing so. This is where the new player learns how to interact, how to show speech, personal actions, thoughts, as well as learning how the various departments work together.

Hear, Hear!

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Well I remember one acad where I was the CSEC and I all my ASEC going around and patrol the corridors and I gave one of them the jerries tubes for being late and he used the whole going through the academy cursing about it. The were constantly keeping me informed while I was writting reports on previous stituations and then someone got this crazy blop idea and it blew up the ship which ruined it becuse everyone were doing something.  :D

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Here's my comment on a submittions board:


If I submitted a story involving my character or my department, such as:


Dr. Smith catches a rare untreatable disease or,

The entire Reaent medical staff catches a rare disease that puts them into coma's.


It might be fun for yourself and your department, but it may noty be fun for the security department or engineering, who may have to change jobs or such.


Submitting story lines is a bad idea. They don't do it for Star Trek series...I'm not saying that I'm completely against it, but it may put some of the crew into situations that they may not want to be in.


Lt(Jg) Brian Smith, Md.

Assistant Medical Officer

USS Reaent

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Hi :D


I'd like to first say that I'm not attempting to ruffle any feathers ;D.


Maybe I've been to too many academy sims lately.  I don't know.


I do understand the gm view that Blurox and Fred gave.  I can see that you guys definitely have a lot on your plate when the academy sims are being conducted.


I have a lot of ideas, and I'm one of those types of people who at times will throw out his idea without thinking it through thoroughly.  But, I assure you...there will prolly be many more ideas to come ;D

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Wow there are a lot of ideas on this...and many are good, but don't forget that the GM will ultimately have more work as more STSF expands.  However although the mebers are groing and have exceeded 300, I don't think I counted that many ppl actual in advanced sims as I was ship shopping.  (Thank you to all those who made me laugh and gave me advice and "calling cards" :wink: )


On one point, I do agree the acedemy should have a specialty sim once in a while.  Before I graduated, I was afraid to consider a specialty sim bc I had no experience.  And if you truly think about it, any type of ship or crew will have the same basic command structe, and the basic ship problems.  Another point of fact I see is tat the academies are something special in commanders and GM can create new sitautions and characters that aren't always typical of starfleet (flying bird/fish...and especially the lovable huggable :wink: Pandarians).  


In my eyes if a cadet has at least one or 2 exposures to a specialty sim in a holodeck (maybe one specity academy per month in palce of a tradition)  They would be less intimidated by the phrase "specialty sim".  And I must admit, I would like to get an idea, but currently it seem to me that the only way I can do that is by joining one.


Sorry this is lenghty, but these are my thoughts....


And to the GM:  You guys have done a wonderful job already, and even though I have graduated the holodecks are a lot of fun.  I still like to visit them! :D

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Perhaps if people are apathetic with the academy sims, they need to get togather on thier own time for sims where they controll the plot line, you know like the old days of the holosuite.  


Another alternative would be for the GM's to host a 'free-style' sim once and while, you know more relaxed, not so ridged (no offense but that is the only way i could think to word it, I am perfectly happy right now)


The problem with that becomes the infamous "captain...I DETECT 40 BORG CUBES ON SCREEN!!!" ----and you just left space dock.....anyway thats my thoughts on the matter.

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On one point, I do agree the acedemy should have a specialty sim once in a while.  Before I graduated,

                     I was afraid to consider a specialty sim bc I had no experience.  And if you truly think about it, any type

                     of ship or crew will have the same basic command structe, and the basic ship problems.

Anika, I am not totally sure on this but I think Blu and Kbear were running some Romulan themed academies on Monday nights.  I became interested in the Romulan sim after watching some of the Talon sims.  I do agree with you that the occasional academy with a Romulan or Klingon theme would give the new players a chance to experience those kind of sim, and hopefully create interest in them.

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On one point, I do agree the acedemy should have a specialty sim once in a while.  Before I graduated,

                     I was afraid to consider a specialty sim bc I had no experience.  And if you truly think about it, any type

                     of ship or crew will have the same basic command structe, and the basic ship problems.

Anika, I am not totally sure on this but I think Blu and Kbear were running some Romulan themed academies on Monday nights.  I became interested in the Romulan sim after watching some of the Talon sims.  I do agree with you that the occasional academy with a Romulan or Klingon theme would give the new players a chance to experience those kind of sim, and hopefully create interest in them.



R'Tor's right. We do try to run at least 2 Rihannsu (Romulan) sims a month to give you a different perspective on things. I have to be fair to both my Federation and Rihannsu friends.


Blu :cool:

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The problem with that becomes the infamous "captain...I DETECT 40 BORG CUBES ON SCREEN!!!" ----and you just left space dock.....anyway thats my thoughts on the matter.


Now now as any Trek watcher knows, despite that the Borg have hundreds (if not thousands) of cubes in their collective...when they want to conquer a technologically advanced society they only send ONE cube each time.

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The problem with that becomes the infamous "captain...I DETECT 40 BORG CUBES ON SCREEN!!!" ----and you just left space dock.....anyway thats my thoughts on the matter.


Now now as any Trek watcher knows, despite that the Borg have hundreds (if not thousands) of cubes in their collective...when they want to conquer a technologically advanced society they only send ONE cube each time.

LOL, it's that collective pride thing. :D

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Another alternative would be for the GM's to host a 'free-style' sim once and while, you know more relaxed.

This is an excellent idea.

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