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The Phantos Documents

Sal pored over the data uploaded onto QoB from Dr. Phantos. The available information was sketchy at best but it was more than he had expected to receive without requesting specifics himself. The planet was indeed class-M and liken to Earth although from the maps it appeared to have far less landmass. There were only three major continents identified however it couldn't be described as archipelago because these land masses were very large and contained there own coastal islands and such.




The diagrams that Phantos provided identified eight sites that were previously explored:



"In general, ruins can be found sporadically placed all over the entire globe. Architectural styles vary in different regions and it is assumed that there were diverse cultures and possibly multiple languages. Најголем is the largest and most developed continent and lies in the northern hemisphere of the planet.




Located in Најголем, SITE 1 and SITE 2 are found in a temperate clime. Here the structures seem to be much older. There are several cities along both river basins with commercial congestion near the coastline areas.




The mountainous southern continent, Планински остров, contains two coastal cities of interest. SITE 3 is a tropical climate where as SITE 4 is again a more moderate temperature range. The elevations at these two sites are between 1000 and 1200 meter range as both are constructed into the faces of shear cliffs and overlooking the opposing seas below.




SITES 5, 6 and 7 are found on a cluster of larger isolated islands that make up the continent of зелено дрво земјиште or green tree land. Its name of course comes from the vast number of tall and 'green' trees that populate the landscapes. These forests are dense and contain several layers of self-contained eco-systems. These islands are a Biologists dream and obviously a Zoalus' developers nightmare. Although there is a very large and developed clearing at SITE 7 which is assumed to be agricultural in nature, much of these islands remain untamed.




The Големата Северна отпад area is a vast hot desert and contains almost no life at all.




The Устата на Бог is home to the last archaeological site that is of interest. This volcanic island is a subcontinent of the aforementioned Планински остров and lies 1000 kilometers off the southwestern coast. In spite perhaps, of the yet active mountain which spews hot lava annually, this island is the most highly developed site on Zoalus. Skyscraping towers line its northern shore and unique 'tree houses' populate the forest that lies north and west of the huge bellowing mountain."




The attached diagrams had provided little detail as they were images taken from deep orbit. He was very disappointed in their quality but they were the only images currently available on any network. They were also the most recent.




The document that most intrigued Sal (see six attached images in following posts) was the excerpt from an essay prepared by Dr. Jillian West. Many scientists and archaeologists have unsuccessfully attempted to analyze alien glyphs, leaving subsequent contemporaries the task of identifying errors to their logic. Dr. West's simplistic approach, however, seemed to 'nail it' for this cryptic language as far as Sal was concerned. He had been studying the documents and images available using his language analysis program and after adding this excerpt the program seemed to have many fewer stumbling blocks.






Edited by rosetto

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That'd be great Joe. Thanks...

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