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Ethan Neufeld

Unforeseen Consequences

The so-called Selek said nothing when Captain Manning and several of his companions separated from the tour group, and gave no sign that he was aware it occurred. But it wasn't something that had gone unnoticed. He had willingly played into Soora's distraction; not because he thought he was clever or had some sort of countermove. Simply, what Captain Manning did while on Xorax wasn't his problem. Given the secrets which Xorax held, the colony possessed a well-organized and well-equipped security force that could handle itself. He wasn't a member of that force and they weren't hurting for his services. He was just a simple Security Advisor to Dr. Phantos and had been asked to give them a tour in his place. It wasn't his responsibility to police these visitors, nosy or otherwise. He had other more pressing things to consider, particularly those of his employer and what would happen on Zoalus. If Captain Manning managed to lose his contract for the expedition to Zoalus because he meddled in the colony's affairs, Selek wouldn't lose any sleep on it.


Entering the biodome, Selek paused and looked at Soora where she stood to his right. The stark bleakness of space twinkled through the transparent dome overhead.


"You are Vulcan?" The question sounded more like a statement. But there was a subtle rise in his voice that betrayed surprise, which echoed in the brief rise of his brow. Immediately his gaze went to her ear, but it appeared human. There was nothing exceptional about her that made him think of anything but human. In fact, there was a lot about her that reminded him of a human woman he'd once known. She then turned her head and, perhaps intentionally, brushed her hair behind her undeniably Vulcan right ear.


"I am," she replied simply. She knew that any true Vulcan would know that she was not full, just like any true Vulcan would have noticed her Vulcan qualities without having them pointed out. "I graduated from the Academy on New Vulcan." She watched him carefully. She could feel Pher looking at them. She resisted the urge to turn towards the Orion, to see her opinion of him. No.


"I see," remarked Selek. He wasn't sure that he sounded as indifferent as he intended. He hadn't been feeling like himself since leaving the transporter chamber. His concentration was slipping. His arm briefly wavered – he'd almost been unaware of making some movement until, at the last second, he thought better of it.


"I see your companions are no longer with us."


Soora raised an eyebrow, resisting the urge to cross her arms. She bit her tongue from a snide remark. He had just noticed? "My companions," she said almost mockingly, "are not ones to be paraded about to see things that are on showcase."


He dismissively nodded. "Excuse me," he said, and then addressed someone behind her. "Pratek."


"What?" the Ferengi growled. He was dressed in technician's coveralls and didn't welcome the interruption. Apparently, he didn't have much respect for Dr. Phantos's Security Advisor either.


"These are guests of Dr. Phantos. They would like a tour of the biodome. I have personal business to which I must attend. Please conduct their tour and I will return shortly," said Selek. It sounded diplomatic enough, but clearly gave no room for refusal as Selek promptly turned and left.


Pratek sneered and then grumbled at the fleeting Vulcan. "Whatever; it's not like I've got stuff to do or anything."


Realizing Selek wasn't going to stop, he then begrudgingly said to Soora and Pher with a wave: "Come on."


Like the rest of Xorax, the biodomes were an impressive piece of marriage between architectural and geological engineering, and also Spartan. The dull-gray rock of the moon was left exposed, and girders had remained undressed since construction. There were no attempts to beautify the functional in Xorax; such things cost money, nor were they necessary for the biodomes.


The star attractions of the biodomes were glades of towering trees, carpets of flowers and edible vegetation. Though they had not replaced the need to import, the biodomes were capable of supplying one-fourth of the colony's plant-based foodstuffs. They also greatly improved the efficiency of the colony's aged atmosphere scrubbers; the change in air quality between the lower levels of the colony and a biodome was palpable and fragrant. It reminded Selek (or rather, Ethan) of home, and more than once since arriving on Xorax he had managed to linger while passing through.


There were eight biodomes in total. Where other biodomes housed research too delicate for traffic, this biodome was the least secure and often served as a sort of public park. It was nearly two square kilometers and several stories tall. Five stories had been dedicated to the foundation, and another four stories for the sub-foundation that would house soils for the plants that grew there. It required several weeks for engineers to carve into the moon, and deep pockets of cash. The remaining height was in the dome itself; a network of tritanium beams fitted with transparent aluminum panes, which were designed to filter out harmful solar rays while allowing those in that were beneficial. There were four tunneled entrances into the biodome, placed on a terrace and set equally apart in the outer wall of rock. Long, sweeping ramps led from there to the grassy floor.


Following the terrace, Selek left Pher and Soora and made his way to a door between two exits. It didn't take much to figure out that it was a restroom. As he pushed the door aside, Selek wondered if either Soora or Pher would try to ditch Pratek and follow him or wander off on their own. Looking over his shoulder as he entered, he noted that they were still trailing behind the Ferengi.


Inside with the door closed and seeing no one in sight, Selek moved quickly but calmly to the back of the facility. He then slowly returned toward the door and checked each of the forty stalls for occupants. It wasn't the usual method he used to clear a room, but he didn't want to look like he was in a rush and it ensured that no one entered behind him unseen. The room was remarkably empty.


Selek visibly relaxed as he went to the sink farthest from the door and pressed the button for cold water. The facade and airs of Vulcan modesty were gone. There was no immediate concern for being seen. The entry into the restroom was tucked behind a dividing wall that would provide privacy from curious eyes and time to recover his act if someone entered. He pulled the large cuffs of his heavy robe to his shoulders, thrust his hands beneath the running faucet and briskly tossed the water on his face.


He wondered at his reflection. The moment Soora had talked to him, he'd become tangled up in old memories of her – the woman he'd left behind in the Federation. He hadn't seen or talked to her in years. He couldn't explain why he'd suddenly thought of her or why his memory was as clear as if he'd said good-bye yesterday. Except for her black hair and blue eyes, Soora barely reminded him of her, he reasoned. What had him reacting like this? He could almost see her staring at him from the mirror – glossy raven hair neatly pinned up on her head, soft jaw confidently lifted as she stared at him with silvery blue eyes. He had the overwhelming urge to pull her in his arms like some kind of crazed Romeo; he'd almost unconsciously grabbed Soora in her place.


What the hell is wrong with me?


He ran back through the last hour in his head. He hadn't felt like this earlier; it'd only started after he had met Captain Manning and his crew. Could they have somehow drugged him? Was anyone else affected? He hadn't come in direct contact with any of them. Was it an aerosol? Was it an organic compound; were any of them capable of giving off something like that? Beside a Nausicaan and the hybrid Vulcan girl, most had appeared human.


It hit him: the Orion. He frowned. She must have secretly put out some of those Orion pheromones he'd heard stories about. Not enough to completely drive him mad, but enough to get under his skin. Why? Was it just part of their ploy to ditch him? Did they know about his employer; his contract? What were they after: Dr. Phantos, him, or something else?


He was certain about one thing: they weren't going to interfere in his plans. Be it through careful guard or something more direct, he'd make sure they didn't compromise his mission.


Once more he splashed cold water on his face, and then toweled dry. Letting his sleeves fall to their places, he steeled himself and pulled out a comlink. It was lucky that someone hadn't stumbled in on him earlier, but it didn't matter if he was heard now. This was about playing his part.


He called Dr. Phantos and the elderly Denobulan gently answered: "Yes, what is it?"


"Dr. Phantos, I am afraid that Captain Manning and his crew have taken it upon themselves to conduct their tour," Selek explained, once again in his role.


The Denobulan chuckled, taken in by the act. "No need to be concerned, my dear Vulcan," said Phantos.


"As you say, Doctor," he feigned a sense of Vulcan hesitation. "But are you not concerned for your relationship with the colony administration? If they should…"


"I’m sure they mean no harm," Phantos reassured, his voice smiling through the comlink. "They are the adventurous types, but they know how to behave. Just make sure they find their way to me when the time is appropriate."


"Of course, Doctor," Selek Vulcanly relented. He closed the link and returned the com to his sleeve. He then exited the restroom.


When Selek rejoined Pher and Soora, he was noticeably more composed than when he had left. Unfortunately, he'd caught them nearer the end of their tour with Pratek rather than sooner.


"Honored guests," he greeted them. "Shall we adjourn to the visitor's center? You can find nourishment and wait for your Captain there."


Pher and Soora gave no objection, and Selek led them from the biodome to the rail-like transport car. It was a boring ride back into the heart of Xorax.

Edited by Ethan Neufeld

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