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Arrain Ael tMirok

Impression of an Exotic

With a half dozen eye glued to her being, watching every shift in her position, studying every symbol uttered, she realized that must find her to be just as exotic and strange as she found the Lloann’na officers. The only difference – she was na gapping at them like some wild animals put on display for their amusement. She wished to rest her hand on the grip of her sidearm, to feel the comfortable familiarity of its weight shift on her hip. But to do so could be misconstrued as a hostile action and na soothing motion she intended. So the dheno remained rooted in spot and did na shift so much as an eyebrow hair.


She was still unsure why the Lloann’na Khre’Riov continued to apologize for the state of her ship or her crew. It was either an attempt to downplay the power and efficiency of the Lloann’na Galae or an attempt to give the dheno officer a false sense of security. Or maybe, just maybe, she was sincere in her confession. Ael hoped for her own sake that she was na.


The Arrain admired her own Daise’Khre’Riov’s tactical prowess for assigning t’Mirok as a liaison officer. As a female, she would be viewed as a less threatening antagonist to the human male dheno officers studying her form from the back of the oira like a rare zoological experiment. And yet, she would also complement the strong alien female command staff standing before her. Like the dheno aboard her ship, she was well trained to follow directions, to be observant and carefully scrutinize situations, to be patient in crisis situations, to analysis threats and provide appropriate tactical support, to follow directives to the bests of her ability and when io finally required use of io’s weapon, to always hit io’s target. What set her apart from her fellow dheno was her grace under pressure and her ability to conceal her distaste for unsuitable situations. And she would never do anything to dishonor herself, tr’Vatrix or the Empire.


It was true, she was na on this Lloann’na ship to make friends. All they knew of her was her rank and her House name. But that did na mean she could na learn a thing or re about this new Lloann’na advisory and this new ship called Republic.

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You do realize we will have to wipe your memory before we let you return home?

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