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Mitar Precip

The Dinner...Finally- Part 2

= = = = = = Part Two (Joint Log from Precip and Nancy) = = = = = =


She couldn’t figure out what to say next, but just watched him take his seat. She.... yes, SHE was sitting across from this handsome Commander... ‘Commander Precip... Mrs Commander Precip... Mrs Nancy Precip...‘ her mind wouldn’t stop. She knew she was WAY ahead of the game, but she had not dated since high school and couldn’t help allow herself to dream.


She uncovered the rest of the food, explaining all of the exotic dishes, even though he was probably thoroughly familiar with food from his homeland. “I had to remove some of the spices and acids, or else I wouldn’t be able to eat them,” she giggled, but turned into a full blush. “I tried to eat one vegetable root for a taste test, but ended up having to down a few glasses of neutralizing milky substance just to put the fire out.” She died saying that. Why was such silly stuff coming out of her mouth; he surely didn’t want to hear about such nonsense, but it just kept dribbling.


“Oh dear, I hope you are alright.” Mitar was concerned. “Yes, I knew when I joined Starfleet Bolian Cuisine was most likely not going to be featured at the cadet cafeteria or replicators. There would have to be safety messages played every time a cadet ordered a Bolian dish.”

Mitar went right to work on Nancy’s Dinner.


Nancy could hardly eat now, with him across from her, but she uttered, “Well, I had to try it, you know?” She feared that some part of the meat would stick between her teeth and she’d talk like that for the rest of the night, and this gentleman wouldn’t reveal it. She toyed with her food and slipped lightly on the soup instead, while making sure that his plate continued to stay full.


“Ah thank you.” Precip responded as Ensign Nancy Smith refilled his plate. The modified cuisine was tasty despite it being “tamed” in a way for Nancy’s consumption. “And thank you and your staff for attending to my second home which seems to be sickbay. I just have bad luck I guess.”


She felt it was fate. Was her mouth going to say it? No... she actually held her tongue. At one point, Nancy’s sling-backs, with the never warn synthetic leather bottoms, slipped beneath the table and touched the front of his foot. She gasped and almost pulled them back, but held her hands tightly on her silverware while waiting for his response.


“Oops. Everything alright Nurse Nancy? I could of sworn my toes were just stepped on. Odd I think there is yet another human phrase regarding ‘stepping on people’s toes’. I tend to do that with the Admiral. One day I might end up in sickbay as a result of one of his telekinesis blasts I fear. Then you’d really have to patch me up again.” Mitar tried to ease Nancy’s reaction to the inadvertent toe tap with command humor. He found it worked quite often.


She pulled back her shoes slightly so they weren’t right up against him. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to step on your toes.” She more wished he had held her feet there, in place, for an eternity. “And if you want to come back to sickbay, anytime, I will be more than able to accommodate and take care of you. After all, Starfleet’s health plan aboard these ships is more than perfect.” She likewise attempted a little medical humor. “Our bills are rather cheap.” Inside she sunk; why did she say such a thing. She didn’t want him to withhold his dinner invitation.


“So how did you come to be assigned to Manticore?” Precip queried. It was one of the many questions he had for Nurse Nancy that evening. And he responded in kind to her questions regarding himself.


“Well, I was stationed on the USS Harrow just after the academy, and this opening came up. I was told that it was a tug boat. Imagine, a tub boat needing a full staff of medical and psychological doctors, as well as all the techs and nurses we have aboard. Well, after hearing that there was also an admiral and his wife aboard, I knew I had to be here.” She continued with a rather length dissertation about her skills and experiences aboard, including going over his medical history. Her hand laid on the table during the chat, just above the silverware, hoping to show she was open to have him hold her hand. She still wasn’t totally convinced that he liked her, but she figured he must, since he accepted her invitation and came alone. This was SO on her bucket list!


“They gave me the ‘Tug Boat’ cover story as well,” Mitar laughed.


After a long evening of getting to know each other and their environs on board. Precip knew he had to leave. “I am afraid I am going to have to call it a night, Ms. Nancy Smith. I am deeply thankful for your hospitality and kindness. I hope any-how shall I say nervousness about dining with a command officer I have put to rest.”


“Please, again, call me Nancy,” she gleaned, “and I would love to prepare dinner for you anytime.” Talk about overkill, she might as well have thrown herself at his feet and begged, but she resisted that urge as well. She stood with him, slowly moving as they neared the door. Her eyes were nearly glowing with her elation of the night that had come about.


“If I may,” Precip reached for Nurse Nancy’s wrist gently lifting it upward, he thought he saw ‘goosebumps’ or whatever humans called them. He chose to ignore that phenomenon and noted to Nancy, “This may feel a bit like something called ‘antiseptic.” At this point, Mitar Precip gave Nurse Nancy’s forehand a gentle kiss, leaving a rather unique faint “Blue lip pattern” on her hand.


She looked at his lips leave the back of her hand; she was simply glowing and uttered, “Its wonderful.” The only words that could part her lips. He kissed her hand. It stung, she would never forget this!


“Perhaps the next dinner will be on me.” Commander Mitar Precip bowed slightly and without turning his back till he reached the door, which opened within his proximity. It was late in the evening he left Nurse Nancy’s quarters.


She released short burst nods repeatedly to his invite, but could hardly release a sound. Her hand was still out in the air near the region where he had kissed it, and she stood there for almost an hour after he left, awestruck.

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