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Winston Chronicles: Qob/Tranquility Universe

West Precinct Headquarters, Unspeakable District


Mark Winston sat on a bench watching the vehicle repair and assembly area. It was quite a busy site with speeders and giant “bessie” riot suppressing vehicles arriving back to station. Some had mere dents, some had windshields shattered by thrown debris, some had definitely taken weapons fire. Winston assumed not all the precinct’s vehicles were going to return to the lot. Most likely torched wrecks are now decorating the District named “Unspeakable.”


Winston observed the gazes of the few mechanics the precinct had. He imagined a vehicle triage of sorts was taking place in their minds. Which ones could be fixed?, Which ones would be cannibalized for parts? A sudden appearance of a shadow changed his view.


“Not a pretty scene. But at least it’s all over. With Minos being in the can, and his threats of mass destruction a lie. A semblance of normalcy can resume for us,” his partner announced as he handed Winston a caf.


“Sir-” Winston was interrupted.


“Relax, Mark. We don’t begin our shift for one more hour. Just Jiles once again.” Benson proceeded to sit on the same bench with his caf and look at the mechanics. “Lots of work ahead for all of us, but these guys... the pits,” Jiles Briefly gestured towards the mechanics contemplating the fate of a speeder.


“Jiles, I think a lot of work is ahead for us all. I mean we lost a lot of men when Guardian HQ went up. That was the symbol of authority for this city, the largest in all of Bull’s Head. No doubt the whole of Hyades Cluster knows what has happened.”


“Valid observation.” Benson took a sip of his caf.


“And if the Klingons were watching this whole thing go down. I am certain the Federation did as well,” Winston paused to gather his thoughts. “Has there ever been anything this bad happen since Bull’s Head became a quasi-state?”


“Not to my knowledge. Quasi-State? Mark, Is that some sort of intergalactic jargon for what is Bull’s Head?”


“From what I have learned since I have been here, and especially since I joined the Guardians, the Federation still holds the gun to Bull’s Head; the Klingons the shield. Yet the Klingons can’t do a thing if the Federation were to suddenly move in. Can they?” the younger Guardian asked.


“Geez Mark what did they put in your caf this morning?” Jiles chuckled a bit.


Winston turned serious and a bit agitated. “Seriously Jiles, just please listen to me as an adult for once! A ‘Flash-point’ just occurred and the major powers in the neighborhood are going to wonder if the nebulous Taurus Brothers really can govern Bull’s Head. The Federation or Klingons can force them out of power.”


“Okay... sorry Mark, but last I heard the Federation doesn’t have the fleet resources to do such a move. And the Klingons are not going to just sit idly if they did. You’ve seen how their culture, trade, heck... just their current presence would strongly deter the Feddies.” Benson responded.


“‘Flash-points’ Historically have started wars, Jiles”


“Okay I defer to your historical database inside that brain of yours,” Jiles conceded. “But you still don’t understand Bull’s Head. Mark, this place isn’t worth an interstellar war between the Klingons and Feddies. Yes, we are on both powers maps but not worth the expense. The status quo will prevail. You’ll see. Things will work themselves out in the end.”


“Not so sure, Jiles.” Winston Quickly glanced at the mechanics at work. “Stability must be restored. The Taurus Brothers need to assure both sides that things will be taken care off. They have to lose that mysterious shroud they’ve created for themselves and step up to the plate. Along with the Consortium.”


JIles Sighed. “Okay I have to agree with you on that last point. I’ve kinda always thought the Guardians should not be the face of government of Bull’s Head, rather than the Brothers. We bear the brunt of discontent because of their invisibility. We are and have been the only tangible visible presence of government for the people.” Benson paused and shook his head. “Did I just say that?”


Hija! The younger Guardian replied.


Jiles looked down a moment then spoke, “Listen since I have you here, I need to let you know I think we might not be partners in the near future.”


“What?” Winston exclaimed. “Did I-”


“No, Mark. It’s nothing you’ve done on patrol with me. It’s just that I cannot teach you all what the Sheriff wishes you to learn. You have an unbelievable ability with a rifle. ‘Big Al’ feels that it’s time you learn how to be a ‘long-arm’ from another ‘long-arm’ Guardian.” Benson looked at Mark who was in a state of disbelief.


“You haven’t failed Mark, considering what you’ve been through on Tranquility,” Benson continued. “You’ve exceeded my expectations. But you always told me you learned to shoot from hunting voles on a rural or forested Vesta Prime. You need someone to teach you to use the urban terrain of a city now to set up and shoot. That’s out of my bag of tricks, Mark Winston. During ‘The Garage Shootout’ you had the ‘Cycles of Death’ riders completely caught off guard because they knew long-arms were something this precinct didn’t have.


Mark was quiet a while then replied. “After seeing the quality of shooting at the Spaceport, who does the Sheriff trust my training and life with? He will select my training officer, won’t he?”


“My understanding is yes, and I made my own concerns known to the Sheriff. The ‘Big Al’ is going to screen your instructor. I just don’t know who or where in Tranquility or the Hyades Cluster he’s going to find the man for the job. But the process has begun.” Jiles tried to reassure his partner.


Mark exhaled and remained silent. Jiles stayed with him until his partner decided to get up and leave the busy repair yard for the morning brief.

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