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The Blu Prints 01102011

STSF_BluRox -> oh good, on right name

Blu> Always a good start….


Joy -> Elizabet is still with LoAmi.

Blu> Scandalous!!


LtCmdrRobinson -> Its about time, Boss. Manticore had a room forever, and clearly our ship is more important then thiers, so obviously we should have our own room

Capt Rian Kwai -> Yes, that's true. We are more important. Shiny new ship and all


James Fenn -> Ayumu on a beer run poss?

August Jax Robinson -> Well that might take weeks! he is in Canada

James Fenn -> Ah, ask a mountie?

LtCmdrRobinson -> they have beer way up there? why?

Blu> She is Canadian, eh?


Elizabet Margrave -> ;can I be creepy and watch you guys tonight?

LtCmdrRobinson -> we like creepy

Blu> Look who’s flirting with the new girl…


STSF_BluRox -> OMG Elizabet, why aren’t' you posted here yet!?

Elizabet Margrave -> They ask for -two- options on the application, I'm looking for numero dos;

LtCmdrRobinson -> She told me she doesn’t like you boss. She said you smelled...

LtCmdrRobinson -> so put the Republic for both options, they'll love that

STSF_BluRox -> two options, Rep and Talon

STSF_BluRox -> ;or...Rep and Rep

James Fenn -> Rep-E or Rep-D reassigned?

August Jax Robinson -> ;incase 1 is filled, you don't have to

Elizabet Margrave -> Lol, is that even allowed?? also, I still have to sit it for Talon, hope to do so this week

Blu> our crew is ever so helpful and public service minded!


Jameson Bardolph -> ::finishing up rounds and being all secuirty-ish::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::and slowly learning to spell::


Jameson Bardolph -> ::drumming his thumb lightly against the hilt of his phaser as he jogs along the corridor::

Blu> On noes….he’s picking up Will’s habits


STSF_BluRox -> We have a 'special shuttle, just for Will

LtCmdrRobinson -> ;really? ::runs off to the boards to look::


August Jax Robinson -> ::Snores::

Blu> So lady like!


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::goes over to the Replicator to make some toast for the kids, carries Gunner with him::

Blu> Holly has finally reprogrammed Will. Now ‘HE’ is making toast!


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::sets him down:: Stop it or I'll send you to your mother. Or out an airlock. I’m not sure which is worse.

Blu> You’d best not let her hear that….


Cptn Corizon -> Well, I would hate to tell them about some of wrecked ships in your Habour

Cptn Corizon ->; Harbour*

Ayumu Kasuga -> ;he he he... he spelt harbour. My plan to Canadianise the forum is working! ;)


Joy -> Even Corizon wouldn't likely get into this much trouble in just a short stay at DS9.

Capt Rian Kwai -> You sure about that? :::taps a few commands into the computer console::


Elizabet Margrave -> ::looks up from very interesting granola bar::

Blu> We have to find this girl something better to do with her time


LtCmdrRobinson -> Dont throw toast at your brother. ::throws toast at Gunner::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::munches on toast:: When your Mom comes back, you two need to behave for a couple weeks, cause she'll be stressed out. So no screaming, fighting, or peeing in the corners. If I can't do it, neither can you two.

Blu> He’s turned…..to the toasted side


Capt Rian Kwai -> Thinking of painting a target on your back, hmmm? ::teasing::

Blu> We tried that uniform style. It didn’t go over well…..


James Fenn -> Always, yessir. Back at the shipyard the guys called me Flash.

Blu> Well, guess that’s better than the girls calling him that……

STSF_BluRox -> Be easy on Holly, she's been exceptionally good at helping me with my head

Capt Rian Kwai -> She called you Pumagirl a few moments ago.

Holly> Tattletail…


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::makes sure she doesnt have a pair of scissors for a forced vasectomy::

Fiona Weber -> (That's my job)

LtCmdrRobinson -> Thank you. We just dont know when to quit.

STSF_BluRox -> Yes, very busy...but you might want to consider the limitations of space in your quarters

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::opens her mouth to say something rather rude, but rather funny too, but thinks better of it::

Blu> I’ll get her to come out of her shell and do these soon enough…


STSF_BluRox -> Secondly, one other small change. As we had been having Ops and Helm taking turns at the tactical position, I'd like to change that up a bit. I'd rather security deal with tactical again. We were only able to do it because Kawalas had been rated in Security. I'd like to have Ayumu take over the Ops position, along with main helm duty, but I'd like for your security staff, to take a rotating shift as well, manning tactical and assisting with Helm and occasionally ops as needed

Ayumu Kasuga ->;back

Blu> See what happens when you go to get food…job.transfer! That will teach you to bring bad Hood habits here!


Capt Rian Kwai -> Just because there's a shiny red button does not mean it must be pressed 'just because'. Understood?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::looks at Kwai:: Of course not.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::likes pressing the shiny red button::

LtCmdrRobinson -> But I can have engineering recolor the buttons for you, if you think it'll be a problem? ::grins::

Blu> Finally, someone came up with a unique solution to that problem!


STSF_BluRox -> ::vaguely hears Rian:: Yes..no more shooting me....STSF_BluRox -> or her

LtCmdrRobinson -> I havnt shot you for a long time, Admiral.

LtCmdrRobinson -> I dont think I've ever shot the Captain, come to think of it. Have I?

Capt Rian Kwai -> You tried. She beat you to it.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well I promise not to shoot either of you. Unless a tactical situation requires it.

Blu> Oh sure, he leaves himself an out…..

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