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The air in the observation lounge hung thick with anger, disappointment and frustration. The short, dark-eyed newly promoted Rihanssu had barely had time to celebrate his promotion before something terrible had happened. There they’d been, watching Daise’Enriov tr’Vaxtrix and t’Rexan celebrate their So’droz, when io of the crew – io of the senior staff no less made a scene.


Na, he thought. A scene was too mild a word for what had transpired in the observation lounge. A disaster. A calamity. A tragedy. Ie, all of those words rolled into one. How could t’Jhiin have been so… so… careless?


He sighed and glanced to the mug of strong coffee on the desk and put it to his lips. So this was his first test of command? Hell of a way to start a mission. He didn’t even know where to begin. The little stunt in the conference room had gone far beyond being covered by a simple reprimand, or a note in her file. Na, what she’d done classified as high insubordination; and he was na entirely sure that a demotion even qualified as proper punishment, given the fallout this incident was going to cause, not only for himself but the entire crew.


Putting the coffee mug back on the desk, he stood and walked towards the window, starring out into the darkness of space as the Talon hung in the air, awaiting his orders. He exhaled and leaned his head against the window. He’d had the veruul confined to her quarters until he decided what to do with her, and for now, that seemed a good idea – though perhaps he should have sent her to the br’tehh instead.


As stray thoughts and worries coalesced in his head, his t’liss chirped to life, startling him. After regaining his composure, he tapped it. “N’Dak here.”


“Enarrain,” came the soft voice of the beta shift operations officer. “I have a messenger from Daise’Enriov tr’Vatirx.”


Destorie swallowed hard before responding. “Very well, send him in.”


“Ssuajha’,” the operations officer said.


As Destorie turned towards the doors, a lithe, dark-haired d’heno he’d recognized as io of tr’Vatrix’s personal guards entered flanked on either side by two more d’heno.


“Jolan tru, Ennarain,” the lithe officer said. “The Daise’Enriov has asked me to give you this.”


The officer produced an ISD.


“Elements,” he said reading it. “That makes that easier.”


He finished and laid the ISD on the table top. For a few moments he simply sat in his chair. To be entirely honest, he wasn’t sure if he should be happy or not. On one hand, it made his part easier. Now he had orders in hand and didn’t have to weigh the consequences of his own decisions, on the otherhand it was clear that tr’Vatrix and t’Rexan didn’t trust him to make decisions about his own personnel aboard the Talon. If the issue were anything less than what it was, he likely would have fought them simply to make the point that he was in command of the ship, but unlike some people – he knew when to pick his battles.


“Well then, I expect au will do this quickly. We will be waiting in the h’tejj for her. See to it that she is brought there expediently.”


Before Destorie could remind the young officer that he didn’t take orders from him, the young Rihan had disappeared out the door with his guard in tow.


Destorie tapped his t’Liss again to call his personal guard Aelion tr’Saeol to report to the observation lounge. A few moments later and the raven-haired, green-eyed Aelion appeared.


“Jolan tru,” Destorie said. “I would offer au to sit, but this is na the time for pleasentries.”


Aelion nodded and stood at an easy attention. “Of course, rehhkai. What is it that au wanted to speak to me about?”


“I need au to handle something for me that I do na trust the Daise’D’Heno to handle on her own.”


Aelion nodded again. He had served under the now Enarrain N’Dak for nearly the entire time the young man had been aboard the Talon, first as a disheren in D’heno and then as his personal guard as executive officer. Though he found Destorie to be brash, arrogant, and occasionally wreckless – Aelion knew a rising star when he saw one and had deftly attached himself to the young Rihannsu; and despite the occasional bump in the road, had benefited greatly.


“Of course,” he said. “Whatever you require.”


Destorie nodded. He was well aware that Aelion served him to gain power and that his loyalty was bought, but he also knew that meant he wouldn’t cross him, either – least he be knocked off his lofty perch that had been given to him.


“Take another member of the D’heno with au and go to Erei’Riov t’Jhiin’s quarters. Au can inform the guards that she is being relocated on my authority.”


Word of the incident had traveled quickly and Aeilion lifted his brows. “And then au want me to dispose of her.”


Destorie tipped his head. “While that would be most satisfying, na. I have orders from the Daise’Enriov that she is to be taken by three of his personal guard where she will be transferred to Vikr’l Prison on ch’Rihan. She is, effective as of this time, stripped of rank. She will remain in custody until such time as the Daise’Enriov sees fit on charges of insubordination and conspiracy to mutiny.”


Aelion blinked but quickly regained his composure. “As au wish. I will see to it immediately. Where do I meet tr’Vatrix’s people?”


“They will be waiting for her in the h’tejj.”


“Of course.”


Aelion tipped his head and moved towards the door. He stopped just short of the threshold and turned towards Destorie. “Rehhkai?”


Looking over, Destorie nodded. “Ie?”


“Perhaps au would wish to accompany me, seeing as she is a senior officer – or was, na?”


Destorie shook his head. “Na. That veruul is na worthy of my appearance. She has forfeited all honor and deserves to be treated like the fvai she behaves like.”


“Very well.”


With that, Destorie found himself alone and with an even more uncomfortable conclusion: Issaha was about to become the Daise science officer.

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“I need au to handle something for me that I do na trust the Daise’D’Heno to handle on her own.”



Well At least hes honest about it.


Cool logs folks


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