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Leilani Feretti

UFP Betazoid Cultural Analysis

(OOC: This data is written from a 24th century prospective, on Betazoid society in Challenger's era. Much of the information contained herein would not be known by your characters and serves as OOC reference purposes only).




Compiled by: Lt. Cmdr. Leilani Feretti, Chief Science Officer- Sky Harbour Aegis – 23 Sept 2386




Full Name: Betazed (UFP Designation)

Alternate Name: Cyndriel (Native Designation)

Planet Classification: Minshara Class

Location: Beta Veldonna System

Position in System: 5th in Beta Veldonna System

Natural Satellite(s): 3; Avandar, Merandar, Keylandar

Quadrant: Alpha

Population: 5 billion

Capitol: Medara (Rixx)

Gravity: 1.0 G

Length of Day: 25 hours




Due to atmospheric gases, Betazed skies are blue with pink clouds. Much of the planet comprises of vast farmland, lush forests, dense jungles to wide canyons and clffs. Much of the major continents on Betazed are dotted with lakes.


Sites of interest on the planet are Lake Cataria, a large lake famous for its natural beauty, Janaran Falls, a large cascading waterfall located in the Jalara Jungle in Betazed, and Lake El-Nar.




The climate of Betazed ranges from sub-tropical to tropical. The weather on the planet is typically calm and pleasant, but atmospheric conditions can shift with startling speed, but is typically rare.





Betazed is the home planet of the Betazoid people, a peaceful race of sentient beings. Betazoids are nearly indistinguishable in external appearance from humans, the only difference being the larger irises on Betazoids that are completely black.


Betazoid people are telepathic and emphatic. The Betazoid brain contains a specialized lobe called the paracortex, devoted specifically for telepathy. Most Betazoids develop telepathic powers at the onset of adolescence, which gradually develops over time. However, a small number of Betazoid children are born with fully telepathic capabilities. This is a rare occurrence and is such where children born with these abilities are usually unable to live a normal life, due to the constant bombardment of thoughts from others.


Conversely, some Betazoids are born without any telepathic abilities at all, which could lead to sociopathic behavior, but such occurrences are extremely rare. The REM sleep frequency is also different from most humanoid species.


At mid-life, females undergo a physiological change known as “The Phase” where their sex drive is increased by a factor of four or more. Mature Betazoids are susceptible to a disease called Zanthi fever, which causes an affected individual to lose control over their empathic capabilities.


Zanthi Fever causes a Betazoid to project their emotions to others where latent propensities of emotions are present. A wide-spectrum anti-vital agent can cure the disease.




Unlike most humanoid species, Betazoid history is not marred by the conflicts of war. Due to their telepathic capabilities, Betazoid culture embraces honesty and openness, almost to a point where it is considered rude by other cultures. The concept of a human fibbing to spare the feelings of others, for example, is a concept most Betazoids fail to understand.


Betazoid society comprises of a complex hereditary nobility divided into five houses. Each house comprises of certain elements that are passed down from generation to generation. (For example, the Fifth House of Betazed, which holds the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and the Holy Rings of Betazed).


Betazoid religion involves a form of polytheism, centred on the Four Dieties, an important religious icon in Betazoid society. At one point in time, it was considered fashionable for women to have elaborate wigs, which encaged small animals. This practice was stopped after one woman stood against it.


Betazoids practice a style of arranged marriage, called genetic bonding where children are promised for marriage by their parents. Betazoid wedding ceremonies are traditionally conducted in the nude to celebrate the pure act of love to Betazoids.


Gestation time for a Betazed is typically about 10 months, but is otherwise similar to the child-bearing of humans and other humanoid species. Betazoid females tend to reach maturity at the age of 40.


Betazoids communicate to each other by telepathic, projecting their thoughts and emotions to the minds of their recipients and can communicate to non-telepathic species by voice. Full Betazoids are unable to read the minds of certain species due to the configuration of the brains of certain alien species and feel uncomfortable with people whose minds they cannot read.




Sources: Memory Alpha, Memory Beta, Wikipedia and StarTrek.com


Edit: Images Attached (Betazoid, Surface, Garden in Betazoid, and Janaran Falls)





Edited by Leilani Feretti

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