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Cptn Ja'Lale





The Enterprise-B silently slowed to warp 7, alongside Challenger in a rare meeting of two of Starfleet’s most state-of-the-art ships. For anyone in the same area, the sight of two Excelsior-Refit Class ships was quite the formidable sight. Ja’Lale looked at his counterpart, Captain John Harriman, on the Enterprise-B, who was still giving him details of their next mission.


“We don’t know too much about these Betazeds, but they do fill all of the criteria for admission into the Federation. They have had warp capable ships for the better part of almost a century, based on our scans of their historical files” Captain Harriman replied. “I see” replied the Rigellian. “I wonder why we haven’t contacted them sooner, then” he pondered out loud.


“As I mentioned before, we only just discovered them two years ago. It was one of our missions after we were re-commissioned” answered Harriman, of course referring to their tragic maiden voyage, which resulted in the death of dozens of El-Aurian refugees as well as Captain Kirk.


“We scanned their planet, some of their historical files as well as their technology and star ships. After we sent or results to Starfleet Command, they decided they would make a good addition to the Federation” continued Harriman. “Starfleet was initially going to give the first contact mission to us, but we have received urgent new orders, apparently some trouble near the Neutral Zone. Thus, they ordered us to give these new orders to you”


Ja’Lale nodded knowingly. “Is there anything you can tell us about these people, based on the scans you’ve collected?” asked Ja’Lale. Harriman made a quick gesture to the science officer. “I’m forwarding all of the information we’ve collected to you now. They’re quite similar to humans in appearance and they seem to be quite peaceful. We haven’t found any signs of past wars or conflict, so that’s a good sign” Harriman said with a shrug.


“Hmm, that is indeed a good sign,” conceded Ja’Lale. “Well… based on Challenger’s past experience in diplomacy, I’m sure you guys will do all right. So long as nobody decides not to marry one of the locals, this time around” Harriman said with a smile. “No, you guys will be okay. Don’t worry about it”


It was times like these when Ja’Lale wished he had brows to rise. “I am certain my crew will fare well in this mission. I have high confidence in their abilities, and since we Chelons do not marry in the traditional sense, and only have one gender, that is one aspect, that Starfleet need not worry about” Ja’Lale responded with a smile of his own


“Of course, Captain. You should all the files and information we’ve gathered on Betazoid and its people. I’d love to stick around and chat, but we need to be on our way. Seems the Romulans might be causing a bit of trouble along their side of the Neutral Zone” Harriman said. “Good luck, Challenger. God speed to you”


“And good luck, and god speed to you too, Captain Harriman” replied Ja’Lale. With a final farewell, the screen finally went blank. Beside Challenger, the Enterprise-B slowed and turned port and jumped into warp, headed for the Neutral Zone. “Continue on course, Mr. M’Guire” Ja’Lale ordered as Challenger hurtled across the stars at warp 7, for Betazed.

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