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"Jolan tru, Welcome to Talon! Disasters coming up!"

“The oira reported that a t'Liss was acting up and she took an armed guard down to go look for it? And didn't bother to tell any of this to me?”


“I do na know. Au would have to ask her.”


N’Dak and t’Ksa continued their conversation in Daise’Maenak’s office. Both of officers were clearly agitated over the present situation, albeit it for two completely different reasons. While Morgana continued to wear a hole in the floor decking with her uneasy pacing, Destorie shook his head and frowned, “Io of these days I will train that woman to proper procedures. Io of these days.”


Morgana opened her mouth to comment on that, but at the last moment she thought better of it. Aggravating the Daise’Erei’Riov with snide remarks was not going to solve this newest dilemma. “I apologize rekkhai, but this....this...this...has me more than a bit anxious. This is na like my dishern.


Or at least what I know of him.” She paused her pacing. “Perhaps I am na the best judge of character considering the last io I had. But still.” She frowned again. t’Ksa generally did na form judgments against crew members until they did something to warrant negative attention. Even then she usually gave them the benefit of the doubt. Usually.


He softened and waved a hand, “Na. I trust au instincts and whatever au decide as his physician and daise I will au support.”


“He keeps saying ‘they’ did this to him. And that someone questioned him about the nanogenes.” She frowned.


N’Dak lifted an eyebrow, “Perhaps he is confused, na? I have heard the drug can cause well... au know its effects better than me.”


t’Ksa hesitated, “True. And we were questioned as a team before being granted leave.”


Morgana sat on the edge of her desk, chewing on her thumbnail as she contemplated both the influence the drug had on tr’Radaik’s mind and her own obvious overreaction to what was most likely a hallucination, “By fire this is a mess.”


He frowned “I will have to speak with t'Aehjae and get the facts from here; but until such time we are going to do this by the numbers. He was on leave, was he na?”


“Ie” She nodded.


“Then what he does on his own time is his business. I am not going to start monitoring what quii of au do rhae au time off. I will let au deal with the specific medical ramifications and as his daise au will also be responsible for any professional issues that arise.”


“He has na disciplinary actions logged against him, his conduct and work performance has been exemplary until this incident. As long as I find na other evidence of deceit or substance abuse while on duty, then I would like him to remain on the ship. My staff will work with him on detoxifying his shoreleave adventure.” She raised a brow, hoping this would be acceptable. She did na want to destroy the young maenak’s career for a shoreleave indiscretion. Elements, she prayed this was only an isolated incident.


“As au wish.”


“Hann'yyo. I appreciate the leeway au are giving me. And for getting the verrul's attention there.” t’Ksa felt a bit calmer, although she still had some niggling doubts eating away at her resolve. “Is there anything else au need from me? I know au will wish to have more information from tr'Radiak but that might have to wait until the drug has left his system. But if there is anything further au need?”


“I do na believe so.” He smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, “I trust au, t'Ksa.”


Morgana gave him a dubious look, “Maybe I need to work on my Maenak Evil persona some more. All this trust is a heavy burden.” Her doubtful expression faded into a smile, sounding quite sincere as she responded to his kindness, “Hann'yyo rekkhai.”


He smiled again, “You have always shown me great kindness Morgana, it has na been lost on me.”


“Now au are pushing it.” She teased, but did blush at the complement. It took some self control na to look pleased. She started back towards her desk chair, but then paused for a moment as another thought occurred to her. “Io other thing while au are here. Galae Medical has requested t'Temmar's medical file. My nurse has forwarded it down, but I have na yet had a chance to find out what is going on.” She motioned to the other room. “As I currently have my hands full with Etre Verrul out there.”


He frowned, “I just got back from her hospital room. She is stable, but they do na know if she will recover.”


“What happened?”


“She tried to kill herself.” He answered flatly, “Apparently she was performing the ritual to regain her honor, but was found before it could be completed.”


She stood frozen by her desk, na saying anything for a moment. She found her voice again, she spoke softly, “I'm na sure what to say. Does any io else know about this?”


“Na. We've kept it as quiet as possible.”


“ ‘We've’ “ She quoted him. “I assume that means t'Rexan is aware then.” She tiled her head, “I will follow au's lead on this io. If au wish me to keep this quiet, I will do so.”


He nodded, “Ie. t'Rexan has been fully briefed.”


“As if au do na all ready have au's hands full, now au have me and my department's drama.” She flashed a wry smile. “Keep me posted on t’Temmar. And I will keep au posted on tr’Radaik.”


He sighed, despite himself, “I think if everything was na going to hell in the handbasket, I'd be worried.”


t’Ksa barked out a laugh. “Welcome to Talon!”

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Liked it so much, ya posted a 2nd time!? lol!

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