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Rue Wydown

USS Excalibur Nov 29, 2010

Cptn Corizon -> MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur and what is left of Republic have docked at Deep Space Nine. Excalibur's crew had been given some leave time, while Republic makes repairs to their broken ship. Corizon has spent the large part of the leave MIA. Questions?


Cptn Corizon -> BEGIN SIM


Cptn Corizon -> BEGIN SIM


Cptn Corizon -> BEGIN SIM


Laarell -> (And here we all thought we were getting a sexy Bajoran)


Major Cloud ->::Looking for the Orion::


Rue Wydown ->::on the station, checking her chrono::


Laarell ->::on the Bridge, more than likely::


Jameson Bardolph -> @::having finally caught a decent nap, is heading over to the Republic to see what help he can offer the repair efforts::


Fae ->:: On the bridge with a very high probability ::


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() ::on the Republic bridge (or what's left of it) reviewing the ship's journey thru the wormhole after a quick shower and coffee at DS9::


Maryse Dubois ->::Walking through sickbay, going over to Jax, padd in her hand.:: Good new.


Maryse Dubois ->: *news


August Jax Robinson ->::In Excal Sickbay, waiting::


Major Cloud ->::Looking for her in where the thought the most likely place to find an Orion at DS9, Quarks::


August Jax Robinson -> Triplets? ::Smirks::


Laarell ->::oh, is on leave, wasn't paying attention to the mission briefing...::


Laarell ->::at Quark's, drinking something that was neon red::


LtCmdrRobinson -> I thought we were having twins? Are they cloning themselves in there?


Jameson Bardolph ->: @::airlocks over from DS9, trying to figure out who's where and who's organizing::


Rue Wydown -> Blasted Trill. Where the frell is she?


Tandaris Admiran ->::in engineering, managing the minor repairs Excalibur needs from their recent ordeal::


August Jax Robinson -> with our luck they are


Cptn Corizon ->::Enters engineering, hunting a Trill as well:


Ayumu Kasuga ->: !@#$%^&*() ::wasn’t sure who was organizing either, but figures the bridge is a good place to start""


Tandaris Admiran -> <<It's not Trill season. It's rabbit season.>>


Charlotte Matsumura ->::seated at the bar in Quark's, ostensibly watching the latest scores scroll across the bottom of the news broadcast::


Maryse Dubois ->::Smiles.:: You and the baby are doing just fine. Perfectly healthy. Just make sure no stress, etc. Keep it easy on both of you.


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Republic+ Kwai to Security.


Laarell ->::is not "Hunting a Trill"::


Maryse Dubois -> And you are also free to go.


Laarell ->::is having a drink::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::sips something in a coffee cup that may or may not be coffee::


Capt Rian Kwai ->::walking up to Wydown, not amused::


August Jax Robinson ->::Sits up:: good, I need to see my ship


Major Cloud ->::Enters Quarks::


Rue Wydown -> About time, luv, I was going to send out the cavalry. ::pats her on the back::


Tandaris Admiran ->::doesn't notice Corizon at first, absorbed in comparing the information on a PADD to a readout on the console::


August Jax Robinson -> Will... help me down


Jameson Bardolph -> @::making a similar decision a few decks away from Kasuga; heads into one of the turbolifts::


LtCmdrRobinson ->: +Kwai+ What's left of it, Captain.


Fiona Weber ->::resting, like a good little Weber::


Cptn Corizon -> Mister Admiran


LtCmdrRobinson ->::helps the Wife® down::


Major Cloud ->::Doesn't see the Orion yet, but does see Charlotte::


Tandaris Admiran ->::turns around, seeing Corizon:: Ah. Hello, Captain.


Major Cloud ->: ::Makes his way over:: Lieutenant Matsumura.


Mark Garrison ->::walking along the top level of the promenade, Mark couldn't help but feel that DS9 didn't live up to the reputation that everyone built it up too be. Maybe he was just melancholy:: You know, I haven't been back in the Alpha Quadrant since I first came


Charlotte Matsumura ->::ears pick out the faint strains of music amidst the rest of the ambient noise, looks up as the Major approaches:: Major. ::nods::


August Jax Robinson ->::Gets down, heads for the door:: Come on


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ ::holds up a finger to Wydown:: I want a security detail set up for freighter bay 2 and 3. The station has given us permission to store personal gear and the stuff we salvage from the ship there.


Mark Garrison ->: on board Excalibur. ::he said non-challantly to the Al-Ucard beside him::


Cptn Corizon -> How's my present coming?


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ By the way, have you seen Jax? I need to track her down too.


Heather Jamieson ->:: walking along the promenade ::


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() ::looking through the damage sustained to the ship in transit through the wormhole, seeing that Jamieson and Apollo lost their quarters and were now homeless:: Well, at least my quarters are still in one piece... mostly


Major Cloud -> Buy you a drink?


August Jax Robinson -> ::yells into Will's chest:: I am with him!


LtCmdrRobinson -> +Kwai+ I'll get on that right away. She's right here.


Jameson Bardolph -> @::takes the lift up to the republic's bridge and looks around to see who, if anyone, is there::


Rue Wydown ->::folding her arms, grinning from ear to ear, watching::


Laarell ->::gets another drink for herself with a sigh::


Maryse Dubois ->::Watches the couple leave before she goes to the private ward she had set up for Dr. Weber. She quietly walks in.::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::holds up her coffee cup with a slight smile::


Laarell ->::If an Orion had to get a drink for herself, especially when she was actually in civies, something was wrong with the world.::


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Jax+ ::transferring her comm from one Robinson to the other:: Jax, they let you out of sickbay?


Charlotte Matsumura -> I'm letting it ride for now.


Tandaris Admiran ->::sets the padd down:: It's about as finished as I can get it until we get those last few parts from your . . . supplier.


August Jax Robinson -> +Kwai+ just let me out, I am free to go... and who gave me up to the Med staff!?


Charlotte Matsumura -> But I'd be happy to buy you one.


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() ::Looks at her PADD Again for the orders Kwai gave her and begins to do them, tapping away at her console::


Cptn Corizon ->::hands him a PADD:: Ask and you shall receive.


Major Cloud -> ACTION> The dabo will was hot hot hot.


Major Cloud ->::Smiles:: Very well. ::Orders a Vodka Tonic::


Tandaris Admiran ->::takes the PADD:: What's this then?


Victria ->::She leaned on the railing, eyes darting over the crowd that moved about and below them.:: It feels unnatural here... like the water flows in the wrong direction.


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Jax+ Blame the Admiral on that. Can you coordinate the salvage of Republic's critical systems?


LtCmdrRobinson ->::steps back from the Wife® for a moment:: +Bardolph+ Have you been assigned to anything yet?


Jameson Bardolph -> @::locating movement up by the front of the bridge, approaches Kasuga from behind and opens his mouth to speak and then jumps as Robinson's voice interrupts him before he can start::


August Jax Robinson -> +Kwai+ I was just heading to the ship now, I am going to get teams together and have them get to work.. any area's you want us to focus on?


Heather Jamieson -> walks among the crowd, but wanted to get out from the river of people, goes off to the side ::


Cptn Corizon -> Finishing touches.


Jameson Bardolph -> @+Robinson+ Ah, no, sir; just got over to the ship.


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles:: Now have that ready by tomorrow.


Charlotte Matsumura -> And how has DS9 been treating you, Major? Finding enough trouble to get into? ::grin over the top of her coffee cup::


Cptn Corizon -> Pats him on the head, smiling::


Ayumu Kasuga -> slightly startled by Will's comm, but sees Bardolph standing behind her::


Maryse Dubois ->::Looks over the Charts for Fiona, quietly, so as not to disturb her yet.::


Mark Garrison -> ::he nodded, leaning his back against the railing next to her, himself looking out of the large window to the starfields outside:: Now that I think of it...I've never asked if you've been on this side of the wormhole before.


Cptn Corizon -> I'll make sure you get something nice; and by that I mean that the Trill Symbiosis Commission doesn't know you're back in the quadrant.


Jameson Bardolph ->::quirks a lopsided grin and mock-salute at Kasuga as she turns around and mouths "Good morning" at her::


Heather Jamieson ->:: wanted to get something to eat, or drink, or both, before any salvage operation began ::


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Jax+ Engineering, of course. Bridge control and Science. I'll check with Weber in a bit to see how she wants to handle medical.


Cptn Corizon -> They kind of have arranged for standing orders for you to be brought back with your uh... girl friend.


Ayumu Kasuga -> Morning.


Cptn Corizon ->::Scratches behind one of his own ears:: You are still with her, right?


Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Blu apologizes, she's still having computer issues.))


Major Cloud ->::Notices the Orion::


Fiona Weber ->::looks over to her visitor::


Jameson Bardolph ->::waiting to hear if Will has an assignment for him::


Rue Wydown -> Can we go now? You can walk and talk at the same time, yes?


August Jax Robinson -> +Kwai+ understood, when you have a moment.. I need to talk to you face to face. I will be on the Bridge


LtCmdrRobinson -> +Bardolph+ Outstanding, we need security details on the station's freighter bays. We've had two assigned to us for storage purposes, and the Captain would like for a security detail on each bay. Take whomever you can find from our department.


Tandaris Admiran ->::sighs::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::...or could be ignored for the Orion with the rep::


Heather Jamieson ->:: taps :: "Ltjg Jamieson to Joy."


Joy -> +Heather+ Joy here.


August Jax Robinson ->::Looks at Will:: I could go for Onion rings


Victria -> Of course. Earth. I was imprisoned there for some months while they searched for some sort of leverage to keep me from killing them all. ::She glanced sidelong at Mark.::


Laarell -> (Sorry!)


Maryse Dubois ->::Looks up from the charts, smiling.:: Hello. How are you feeling today? ::Takes a seat next to the bed.:: We haven't been formally introduced, since I first met you in a more...relaxed state. I'm Dr. Dubois, CMO here.


Jameson Bardolph -> +Robinson+ Security details on DS9 freighter bays, acknowledged.


Tandaris Admiran ->::Corizon:: I wasn't aware we were at that point quite yet.


Fiona Weber ->::smiles thinly:: I feel fine. ::nods:: Lieutenant Commander Weber. Assuming "Republic" still exists, I am the chief medical officer there.


Jameson Bardolph ->: <m> Should make for a fun afternoon seeing's how it's more'r'less the top trading outpost this side of a lot of empty space.


Heather Jamieson ->: +Joy+ "There sure are a lot of people here. Have you heard when salvage operations are to begin?"


Capt Rian Kwai -> +Jax+ Aye, I'll be there as soon as I can. ::actually relieved about seeing Jax::


Ayumu Kasuga -> Security detail. Fun. If you're coming back, can you grab me some Onion rings at Quark's?


LtCmdrRobinson -> Onion rings or fix the ship?


Charlotte Matsumura ->::finishes her coffee, drops a credit chip on the bar::


Cptn Corizon ->::Lifts a brow::


August Jax Robinson -> I can do both ::Scowls::


Maryse Dubois ->::Nods.:: It does, but it's seen better days. If no one has informed you yet, we're currently docked at DS9.


Joy -> +Heather+ Sort of started already. I'm doing a survey of portable stuff that can be taken out of the labs.


Cptn Corizon -> You've been living together. She gave up her career for you.


Rue Wydown ->::folds her arms:: You bugging out on me?


August Jax Robinson ->::Hurries down the hall:: keep up!


Fiona Weber -> Ah. I imagine this is near the end of the tow for us.


Cptn Corizon -> How in like ten lifetimes can you not know anything about women?


Mark Garrison -> Instinct told me not to ask. Still rusty I see. ::he gave her a casual smirk:: Still...It's an odd feeling being back here. First couple of years, I managed to make excuses not to come back, but now that I'm here...


Tandaris Admiran -> waves hand:: No, not _that_.


Joy -> +Heather+ I certainly hope the big holo projector in Cartography can be pulled as well.


Charlotte Matsumura ->: ::nods to the Marine, then makes her way out of Quark's to go find...something... else to do::


Ayumu Kasuga -> I wanted to go there before my shift, but I slept in :D


Mark Garrison ->::he furrowed his brow:: Lets just say that last three years have made the first thirty seem rather dull.


Maryse Dubois -> I assume so, but I have not heard details yet.


Cptn Corizon -> Oh.


Tandaris Admiran -> I wasn't surprised by the threats from Varen, but I expected better from you.


Cptn Corizon -> Well then what?


Capt Rian Kwai -> I'll catch up to you later. :;she smiled stiffly, then heads to her ship, what's left of it::


Jameson Bardolph ->::cocks his head at Kasuga and his grin widens:: Aye, I reckon I'd be able to make some time. Though you have the advantage of me...I may not be able to find ye later to give 'em to ye. ::wink::


Major Cloud ->::Makes his way over to the Orion::


Rue Wydown ->::mutters to herself, heading towards Quarks::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::mutters about if she wanted to be ignored, she could have stayed on Camelot for that...::


Laarell ->::glances at the incoming male, then notices who it actually is::


LtCmdrRobinson ->::following the hungry wife::


Ayumu Kasuga -> Heh, well I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon given Kwai's assignments she gave me


Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "That would be great. At least the data we collected is safe as well. I heard the wormhole travel also damaged some living quarters. Have you heard if mine was one of those?"


Major Cloud -> << Will, this is PG-13! >>


August Jax Robinson ->::Steps onto the Station, stops to get food::


Cptn Corizon ->::Snorts:: I didn't threaten you.


Charlotte Matsumura ->::weaving her way through the crowds, looking none-too-pleased::


Cptn Corizon -> I just asked you to have it done by tommro... wait what?


Joy -> +Heather+ I hadn't checked that out. I hope you had everything personal out?


Laarell -> Why, Major. It's nice to see you back on your feet again.


Cptn Corizon -> He threatened you?


Capt Rian Kwai -> @::picks her way through the debris field as she heads up to the bridge of the Republic, trying to keep herself centered::


Fiona Weber ->::nods:: Please let me know if you do.


Major Cloud -> I think I owe you a drink.


Fiona Weber -> I'm not exactly getting all of the news reels here.


Victria ->: Do you have family to come back to? Old girlfriends to visit? ::Glancing back to the crowd, she spotted Charlotte below and watched her for a moment.::


Capt Rian Kwai -> @+Excalibur Medical+ Captain Kwai to Medical.


Maryse Dubois -> I will. Do you need anything for the time being?


August Jax Robinson -> gets extra ketchup and heads to the ship::


Jameson Bardolph ->::smiles at this neat evasion and nods easily:: Well, I'll make it a point to bring a bit of DS9 back with me, then. G'day to you, ma'am. ::another mock salute, turns to head towards the door::


Ayumu Kasuga -> Thanks! Good day


Maryse Dubois ->::Hears the comm.:: +Kwai+ Yes Captain?


Laarell ->: ::looks at her current one, her third already, and smirks:: Oh, do you now?


Rue Wydown ->::knocks into Charlotte's shoulder, probably on purpose:: Where's the fire, Matsumura?


Ayumu Kasuga -> Good morning Captain ::European Salute::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::takes a deep breath, shaking her head::


August Jax Robinson ->: ::Pushes a few people on the station out of her way::


Capt Rian Kwai ->: @+Dubois+ I need to know what the status is of one my crew members.


Rue Wydown -> Whot?


Charlotte Matsumura -> Let's just say... I've had better vacations in combat zones.


Rue Wydown ->: ::barks out a laugh:: No a people person?


Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "No. I have few personal items in reality. I do have my PADD, but nothing else."


Maryse Dubois ->: +Kwai+ It wouldn't happen to be Dr. Weber, would it?


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Steps onto the ship:: +BobO+ I am going to the Bridge.. be there


Mark Garrison ->::his back turned, he didn't notice the fellow security officer:: Mother's dead, Father's probably to the point where he wouldn't recognize me. Sister and I don't speak anymore, and my brother...well, we're still on good terms but we're both career...


Capt Rian Kwai -> @Jax, what's up? ::looking at the wiring dangling from the ceiling:: We've got structural integrity to be here, right?


Jameson Bardolph ->: @::slides past Kwai with a smile-nod to her as he walks into the TL::


Joy ->: +Heather+ And I thought I was unconnected with the physical world.


Mark Garrison ->...officers. We don't have that need to keep in constant contact.


Major Cloud ->: ::Smiles and motions for the bartender to get them both another::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Apparently, if you're not a blood sucking parasite or greener than an English pea, you might as well be a bloody wallflower.


Joy ->:: checks damage control ::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ Would I send us some place to be killed ::Smiles:: BobO told me earlier that we are good.


Laarell -> How are you feeling?


Mark Garrison -> Though...he was jealous about the lake monster. ::smirks::


Joy -> +Heather+ It does seem that your quarters were among those that blew out.


Cptn Corizon ->::Glances at Tandaris::


Capt Rian Kwai -> @+Dubois+ ::nods to Bardolph, slight smile;: Aye Doctor, that'd be the same one. What is her status?


Cptn Corizon -> I mean, they do have standing orders to take you back. But you're far too useful to me to let thaty happen.


Tandaris Admiran ->::Corizon:: He intimated that if I stayed on Excalibur, I would remain out of the hands of the Symbiosis Commission. It was either that or . . . leave.


Maryse Dubois -> +Kwai+ I am with her now, and she is awake if you would like to speak with her.


Rue Wydown -> C'mon luv, :;steering her back through the crowd:: Let's see if we can find ye something that better suit your interests, hmmm?


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ What exactly are we trying to salvage out of her? She looks fairly trashed.


Cptn Corizon ->::Snorts:: Varen? Like he had that kind of authority.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Thwapps Will:: bite your tongue


Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "What?! Oh. Well... I can't do anything about that tough being thankful I was not there when it happened."


Jameson Bardolph -> @::into TL:: Main docking airlock. +ALL SEC+ Alpha and Beta teams meet on DS9 freighter decks in five. On the bounce, boys and girls, we're still on duty.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ She still has life to offer us


Capt Rian Kwai ->: @+Dubois+ Awake is great, but when are you gonna release her into the wild again?


Cptn Corizon -> At any rate, from what I've been able to gather, you're fine as long as you don't go making a public speech on the promenade or something.


Major Cloud -> Better.


Tandaris Admiran ->::Corizon, somewhat irate:: Then don't make it sound like I remain on your good graces!


Capt Rian Kwai -> @Well, good. What is it you need from me?


Cptn Corizon -> Gives him a look:: You're touchy.


Tandaris Admiran -> Wouldn't you be?!


Joy -> +Heather+ The admiral did get through cleanly on the yacht, though.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ Oh... Umm...


Victria -> What do you think of our executive officer? ::She asked out of the blue, watching Rue and Charlotte lose themselves in the crowd.::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::steered by Rue, not amused... and frustrated by her own shortcomings -- personal and professional::


Laarell ->::smiles, taking her drink from the bartender and sipping it:: I'm glad to hear that. I've been worried about you.


Tandaris Admiran -> Have you any idea how far away from normal--even for a Trill--these years have taken me?


Maryse Dubois -> +Kwai+ She can be released, when she feels she is ready.


Tandaris Admiran -> I do this thing for you because what you ask is crazy, and at this point, crazy is _all_ I have left.


Cptn Corizon ->: If I had plugged myself into a Scorpiad Warship then borked the chick they sent to check my worm out and then refused to go home.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ Since you are the second here and all.. I thought you should know that I am will be adding 2 more to the ship not one


Mark Garrison -> ((Line of the night Cori))


Maryse Dubois -> <<lol I know>>


Ayumu Kasuga -> <Lol>


Rue Wydown -> Whot you interested in luv. Shopping? Eating? Drinking? Holodecking? Freefalling? Beating the living daylights out of something? ::can feel the tension the woman's neck::


Laarell -> (And dumped the Orion no less)


Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "That's good to hear." :: she leaned against a wall off from the crowd."


Laarell -> (That takes the case for idiocy, not being symbiotic with a warship)


Cptn Corizon -> I don't know if I'd be testy or just confused.


Charlotte Matsumura -> Eating, drinking, and possibly beating something or someone to a bloody pulp sounds good.


Capt Rian Kwai -> @Two more to the ship? ::confused, then the "ooooooooooooh moment":: Ooooooooooooh. Congrats.


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles, fangily:: When you get done, stop by my quarters and have a drink. I think you could use it.


Ayumu Kasuga -> Ooooooo


Fiona Weber ->::raises an eyebrow:: I've been asking to leave since I was on Republic.


Mark Garrison -> She's...personable enough. I suppose I had more structure and rigidity on the Mercutio. Corizon runs things too fast and loose for my tastes sometimes.


Joy -> +Heather+ Then, after running around outer Gamma forever, salvage has priority over shore leave.


Major Cloud ->::Looks at the dabo wheel::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_Thanks.. lets hope we have a ship by then


Joy -> +Heather+ You might not want to be too visible until you report back.


Ayumu Kasuga ->::salvaging/downloading what she can from her console on the bridge;:


Jameson Bardolph ->::steps off the lift and jogs off the ship onto the DS9 docking ring::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Looks at Will:: was the Armory on here?


Rue Wydown -> In that order then? ::stops pushing her but does lead the way back to Quarks to get a bit to eat::


Heather Jamieson -> surprised by her, she'd think of what to call it :: +Joy+ "I should slip somewhere for a bit to eat."


Tandaris Admiran ->::calms down a bit:: Fine. Thank you. ::taps the PADD against his thigh:: I will get on this.


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ Stardrive section. ::frowns::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Sure. Though if there's pulverizing, it's best to drink water. Sake will have to wait.


Maryse Dubois ->::Looks to Fiona.:: I can't hold you here. There's nothing physically wrong with you...well except you know. I just wanted to make sure you had plenty of rest before you could be released.


LtCmdrRobinson ->: @ And my personal armory was in our quarters...which is also gone.


Joy -> +Heather+ How very human of you. Go ahead. I'm just doing inventory at this point, anyway.


Jameson Bardolph ->::heads down past the promenade area heading for the freighter bays; pauses to glance out at the economic maelstrom and grin, feeling very much at home::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ Well... that is the down side to having a good view


Rue Wydown -> Speaking of which. You wouldn't mind helping me with a bit of a brush up at some point, hmm?


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ That’s right. I have zero photon grenades....none. Its never happened before.


Victria ->::She barked a laugh.:: You could always request a transfer if his style does not suit you. I have many times, though the powers that be seem to want me caged on his ship.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ Feel naked?


Capt Rian Kwai -> @Hopefully we will. :;responding to the ship part:: I gotta go check on some people.


Charlotte Matsumura ->::shakes her head:: Not at all. I'd offer to instruct you and Victria at the same time, but that might end badly.


Fiona Weber ->::stares at Maryse:: You're saying you kept me here when I was physically able to leave?


Rue Wydown -> Um, yes, quite.


Laarell ->::looks over to dabo::


Laarell ->::smirks:: I've never actually played.


Major Cloud -> You've never played Dabo?


August Jax Robinson ->::moves over to a console, pulls it open::


Jameson Bardolph ->::leans on the railing for a bit, glancing around for any familiar faces, then resumes his general downward course::


Maryse Dubois -> Where were you going to go? And besides at the time you arrived, you had been heavily sedated.


Charlotte Matsumura -> ::slides into a booth toward the back of the room, back to the wall, facing the entrance::


Rue Wydown ->: I'm a novice. I'm quite good with a club. Not so much for anything else.


Charlotte Matsumura -> You strike me as a scrapper -- more than capable when the need arises, and willing to make use of anything at your disposal.


Cptn Corizon ->::Looks his chrono:: Well good luck. I have a meeting to be at.


Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "Thanks, and see how I am to get a new set of clothes if you please. Heather out."


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles and heads off towards the airlock::


Capt Rian Kwai ->: @::heading back off the bridge, needed a break:: <q>Joined gods ::she held her stomach::


Heather Jamieson ->:: She slips into a loud placed called "Quark's" ::


Mark Garrison -> If I were gone, who'd keep an eye on you? ::he gave her a playful nudge:: No...Excalibur is a front line ship. No...chasing petty criminals and dealing with ornery freighter captains. That sense of importance is more important then structure and rigidity


Mark Garrison ->...most days.


Joy ->:: smiles, deciding not to begrudge Heather her clothes. ::


Tandaris Admiran ->::is glad engineering is so quiet, save a glaring Crewman Kent in the corner::


August Jax Robinson ->: ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Talking with BobO::


Fiona Weber -> Anywhere that is not a biobed. I've been in one for weeks.


Rue Wydown -> Thank ye luv, but I'm also a liability if I don't get some training. They don't teach you much in that line in medical.


Jameson Bardolph ->::reaching the freighter bays, takes stock of which SEC officers have reached there before him and which are lollygagging::


Fiona Weber ->::pushes back the covers, barely able to contain how annoyed she was, and thinking she might actually have a drink at this point::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Starts looking over the list of compromised areas::


Charlotte Matsumura ->: ::chuckles, still clearly not herself, but chilling a bit:: Hippocratic oath and all that?


Fiona Weber ->: ::carefully puts weight on one leg, and then the other::


Tandaris Admiran -> sits down and starts looking over the schematics Corizon gave him::


Heather Jamieson ->:: moves up to the bar, taking a seat at the far left end ::


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*()::looks at the progress bar finally reach 100%:: There. That should just about do it


LtCmdrRobinson ->::goes to a terminal to monitor inventory transfers::


Capt Rian Kwai -> @+Republic+ Just a reminder, please remove all personal gear and designated salvage to the two appointed freighter bays on the station. Station operations crew will assist in cataloging and storing the gear appropriately.


Maryse Dubois -> I'm sorry to hear that. If I had known, I may have been able to procure more comfortable settings. ::Watches Fiona get up. She inches a little closer to make sure she is able to catch her if need be.::


Rue Wydown -> The Hippocratic oath says nothing about defending ones self. But it's interpreted that way by some.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Looks at Will:: I can't, but do you want to go EV and see what you can save from out Quarters?


Charlotte Matsumura ->...thus the lack of self-defense training?


Victria -> Yes, not to mention all of the killing we do. ::She dug her fingers into the railing.:: Speaking of which, I hear they have holosuites here. ::She grinned, thinking of their last holo-encounter and how badly it ended.:: I was thinking about following one


Cptn Corizon -> << Poor Blu. She sends her best Republicans, but is still having network issues. Says to tell you all hi. >>


Victria ->: of those Klingons about.


Jameson Bardolph -> Alright, kids; form up. One team per bay -- any sign of miscreants or general weirdness, you holler like it means something to you.


Tandaris Admiran -> When did I stop caring about what's legal or not?


Jameson Bardolph -> ((HI BLU))


Victria -> In hopes of sparring with one.


Major Cloud -> How have you never played Dabo?


Rue Wydown ->::drops the @ as soon as she's on the station again::


Ayumu Kasuga ->::hears the comm, and heads down to her quarters:: That’s right. I need to clear out my stuff.


Laarell -> Excalibur: ::smiles, taking another drink:: I never gamble, Major.


Major Cloud -> Only with boys hearts?


Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Yep, there we go again ::thwaps::))


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ Do you think there would be anything left? I mean...space...vacuum...


Fiona Weber -> steadies herself, looking around like one of hers might be there:: I don't suppose I have a uniform here.


Laarell -> Excuse me?


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ There is no wind... maybe the Force fields kept some stuff there?


Mark Garrison -> Now thats a fight I could put money on. Just go easy on them...Klingons have a hard time knowing when to call it quits.


Heather Jamieson ->:: a Ferengi walks up :: "What'll ya have?"


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ it's up to you


Maryse Dubois ->::Looks over at a small case in the corner. She walks over and opens it, pulling out a uniform, handing it to Fiona.:: Here you are.


Laarell ->::slight smirk, looks back to her drink:: I have no idea what you're talking about.


Heather Jamieson -> "Oh, well, I, hmmm.. Anything Scottish?"


Capt Rian Kwai -> I should check on security down at the freight storage. And Weber. ::leans against the lift, closing her eyes::


Jameson Bardolph -> Sec Teams> ::hop to, setting themselves up on appropriate positions ranged around the freighter bays, glad to have something to do, for the most part::


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() I've never checked on my quarters since I had to leave the ship in such a hurry. I hope everything' still in one piece, even though I don'y have much in there


Charlotte Matsumura ->::glancing around, her attention divided between the menu and the activity around her::


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ I'll go take a look.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Pulls chips and Data rods out::


Major Cloud -> Breakin' hearts.


Jameson Bardolph ->::takes up a position himself near the door of the first bay where he can see as much as possible::


Jameson Bardolph -> +Will+ Bardolph to Robinson.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ Look for baby pictures! ::Calls over::


Laarell -> I do no such thing.


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() ::takes the lift down to her quarters a few decks down::


Capt Rian Kwai ->::exhaling as the lift doors open and she steps out to try to locate the newly appointed storage area::


Heather Jamieson -> Quark: "I have just the thing, brought on board by a Tellarite just last week."


Victria -> So I hear. It would be nice to have a challenge. I am looking forward to sessions with Charlotte and her style of fighting. I have never studied another species' way of fighting.


Laarell ->::smiles, looking at the dabo wheel, and quite happy to have a handy distraction:: Shall we?


Rue Wydown -> Sorry there lass, getting a bit loud in here, aye?


Cptn Corizon -> Enters Quarks, looking for Wydown and Kwai::


Charlotte Matsumura -> A tad. Somewhat expected, given the clientele and... services... offered.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Wishes she had an engineering room::


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ +Bardolph+ Go ahead


Fiona Weber ->::nods, taking it:: Thank you.


Capt Rian Kwai ->: Aaaaaah :::aggravated as she finds she's actually on the promenade:: I'm getting too tired for this.


LtCmdrRobinson ->: @ ::heads down to grab an EVA suit and see what he can find::


Jameson Bardolph -> +Robinson+ Teams are in position in DS9 freighter bays. We'll advise if anything of interest crops up.


Ayumu Kasuga ->: !@#$%^&*() ::surveying the mess that is now her quarters. Sees that a fallen ceiling beam had punched a hole in her bed:: Aww. Those were my favorite blankets.


Rue Wydown -> Well, it is amusing. ::grins as she hears DABO! yelled out again::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Certainly an interesting place to people watch.


Heather Jamieson ->: :: Quark gets Heather a tall frothy brew, something familiar ::


Laarell ->::notes Corizon's arrival, finishing her drink::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Pick up on the latest news and innuendo::


Capt Rian Kwai ->: ::smoothes back her hair, knowing that Blu should be coming out of sickbay at any moment::


Heather Jamieson -> "I have not had this in ages. Thanks."


Cptn Corizon ->: ::Doesn't even see the Orion or the Major::


August Jax Robinson ->: ~!@#$%^&*()_ BobO> ::Starts downloading the Mapping work they were doing::


Ayumu Kasuga ->: !@#$%^&*() ::replicates a box and starts placing her things inside, such as her Academy Graduation Diploma and Helm Certification Certificate::


Major Cloud -> Well let's give the dabo wheel a shot then.


Charlotte Matsumura ->...and see what people are like with their guard down. ::pause:: Mostly.


Rue Wydown -> If you're a gossip monger, this is the place to be.


Mark Garrison -> Don't under estimate her because of her youthfulness. I found her quite refreshing, compared to everyone else fresh out of the academy we've gotten.


Major Cloud ->::Notices Wydown and Kwai::


Capt Rian Kwai ->::enters Quarks, and almost walks right back out::


Charlotte Matsumura -> One thing I've learned about gossip... There's usually an element of truth somewhere, buried in all the flotsam.


Cptn Corizon -> Captain Kwai!


Jameson Bardolph ->::settles in on top of a crate and begins his watch::


Rue Wydown -> Funny, that's my theory too. :;grins::


Laarell -> Sounds like fun.


Charlotte Matsumura ->::flags down the attendant and orders a bowl of soup that sounds relatively harmless and a cup of tea::


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles:: Come, let's grab Rue and have a drink.


Laarell ->::pushes the payment for her own drinks over the counter and heads towards the table::


Cptn Corizon ->::Was almost excited::


Capt Rian Kwai ->::oops, spotted, smiles:: Thank you Captain. ::nods again::


Heather Jamieson ->:: takes sips of her drink and also is served a sandwich, origin unknown ::


Victria -> She said that she has been training since she was young. I imagine not many academy graduates reach that level of in depth study. ::Having watched Corizon walk by, she took a glance at the establishment they'd all entered.::


August Jax Robinson ->::Sits down in the center seat..


Victria -> What is Quark's?


August Jax Robinson ->::Closes her eyes for a sec::


LtCmdrRobinson -> +Bardolph+ Understood, keep me informed.


Capt Rian Kwai -> ((She made it!))


Charlotte Matsumura -> <<There's a reason we dropped it like a hot potato when there were alternatives... >>


Charlotte Matsumura -> << And welcome! >>


Major Cloud ->: ::Smiles::


Major Cloud -> ACTION DABO!


Jameson Bardolph -> ((welcome, admiral))


Rue Wydown ->::places an order for an ale and onion rings::


Jameson Bardolph -> +Robinson+ Will do, sir. Bardolph out.


Laarell -> So how exactly does this work?


Rue Wydown ->:glances behind her, then back to Charlotte:: You gamble any?


Jameson Bardolph -> ((my family has comcast too; i feel your pain))


Major Cloud -> You know I never have figured out.


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() ::continuing packing her meager possessions::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::arches brow at Rue's selection:: ::then shakes her head::


Cptn Corizon ->: Admiral Blurox let me know that she'd come buy soon.


Charlotte Matsumura -> Senseless, really, when life itself seems like such a gamble.


Laarell -> And you were planning on teaching me?


Major Cloud -> Not really.


STSF_BluRox -> Finishes talking with SF Headquarters, and is raving mad at the moment::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Takes a deep breath::


STSF_BluRox -> <buy!? is that a hint?>


Mark Garrison ->: Depends who you ask. Food drink and game, Quark's has it all. Personally, from the couple times I've been, I like it better then The Grail, but don't tell Travis.


Ayumu Kasuga ->!@#$%^&*() Well, I guess that's it. I'd better take this down


Capt Rian Kwai ->::nods:: Thank you again, for the tow. I'm not sure what we would have done if you all hadn't been in the area.


Ayumu Kasuga -> to the frigate collection place


Jameson Bardolph ->::leans his head back against the wall, listening to the bustle of the cargo areas and feeling quite content::


Rue Wydown -> So what is it you do for fun then?


Laarell ->::shrugs:: They spin the wheel...


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles::


Cptn Corizon -> I've been in that situation a couple times.


Laarell -> Then the house makes a killing?


Victria -> It seems to be the main gathering point of this station.


Cptn Corizon ->::Orders them a round of drinks::


Major Cloud -> The house always wins.


STSF_BluRox ->::contacts yeoman to beam her travel bag to her aboard DS9::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Probably not as much as I should. Practice kata. Workout. Dance. I'm trying to enjoy reading again, but after my last term at the Academy, it seems a losing proposition.


Cptn Corizon ->::Kwai:: Of course we may get some more time together.


Ayumu Kasuga -> @::notices a passing crewman:: Say, can you be a chum and deliver these to the appropriate place? I need to continue with the salvage operation. Thanks, pal.


Cptn Corizon ->::Takes a drink::


Laarell -> Maybe I should drop out of Starfleet and open a casino. Casino/massage parlor.


STSF_BluRox ->::watches as it materializes on the floor a few feet from her and com's the yeoman to thank him::


Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh? ::raises a brow, interested::


Major Cloud -> Then you'd be a proper Orion?


Ayumu Kasuga -> @::Hands her box to the crewman and heads back to the bridge::


Mark Garrison ->::nods:: One way or the other, you usually find your way to Quark's when you're on DS9.


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ ::looking around their quarters in an EVA suit for anything to salvage::


Laarell -> Are you saying I'm not proper now?


Major Cloud ->::Smiles::


Rue Wydown -> Reading is a losing proposition?


Charlotte Matsumura -> Learning to enjoy it again.


Charlotte Matsumura -> I read so much that last term, it's been difficult, to say the least.


Rue Wydown -> Ah, now I understand. :;toothy grin::


Heather Jamieson ->:: munches at her 'wich and drinks more from her pint ::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::looks over a list of finished sections::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::slightly lopsided grin::


Cptn Corizon ->::Kwai:: I've heard rumor that our new orders will be to escort you back to base.


Laarell ->: What's that look supposed to mean?


Ayumu Kasuga -> @::sighs, not much left in her quarters that wasn't broken, ripped or otherwise damaged beyond use::


Cptn Corizon -> << three minute mark >>


Heather Jamieson ->:: sees some of the Starfleet personell milling about in Quark's ::


Mark Garrison -> ((No, I need more time))


STSF_BluRox -> ::lifts the bag by the strap, shouldering it exits the room::


STSF_BluRox -> Excalibur: and heads towards Quarks.


Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh, oh that's great. Considering what shape we're in. ::she plays with the glass in front of her instead of drinking it:: Or how long it would take us to get there.


Victria -> What sort of games?


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ +Will+ Check the Closets! They should have stuff!!


STSF_BluRox ->::luckily had been nearby so it was just a short walk down the Promenade.


Ayumu Kasuga -> @::returns to the bridge, and begins downloading backup star charts, tactical maps of the Gamma Quadrant, evasive and defensive maneuvers from helm and the like::


Fiona Weber ->::finishes changing, limping out of Sickbay::


Rue Wydown -> I like the risk though. But gambling is not my favorite pastime. After a while, you can predict the patterns, then what fun is it?


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ ::just got yelled at randomly!:: +August+ yes, your majesty. I would have never thought of that.


STSF_BluRox ->::enters and looks for Corizon and his party, and sees them up on one of the elevated levels, and makes her way up to them::


STSF_BluRox -> <make it a long 3 there doggieboy, I need a few>


Charlotte Matsumura -> Once you can predict a pattern, you can find ways around it, disrupt the flow.


Major Cloud -> ::Glances over:: And an Altair water for the Admiral.


Mark Garrison ->: Holo-suites, though not as good as The Grail's. Games of chance as well. You might like Dabo.


Fiona Weber -> (woof)


Cptn Corizon -> What cloud just said,


Rue Wydown ->: Oh no, not when you are gambling. You want to see the pattern.


Heather Jamieson ->:: finishes her sandwich and takes her drink to one of the tables to watch ::


Cptn Corizon ->::Knows that the Catian drunk is scary:


Ayumu Kasuga ->: @ ::sigh:: I'm gonna need a whole new wardrobe. None of my clothes survived the wormhole transit. :) But at least that means a shopping spree!


Capt Rian Kwai -> Tell me, how long has it been since you've been back to this quadrant?


STSF_BluRox ->::walks up to their table, trying to make it look like her ears aren't plastered to the top of her head::


Victria -> Excalibur: I prefer games of skill rather than chance.


LtCmdrRobinson -> @ ::finds his fake ID from Risa:: Well, its something.


Charlotte Matsumura ->::chuckles:: Sometimes upsetting the apple cart is reward enough.


STSF_BluRox ->::although, they are close enough, and she was still made enough that the fur on the back of her neck was rather fluffed up::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Sometimes.


Heather Jamieson ->: :: Jumps when a table next to her yells "Dabo!" ::


STSF_BluRox -> <good call Corizon, made that mistake a few years back, she's a water or tea drinker>


STSF_BluRox -> Good evening.


Cptn Corizon ->::Ears go up:: Admiral.


Cptn Corizon -> I ordered you an Altair water.\


Laarell ->: So you don't play dabo... do you gamble at all, Major?


Cptn Corizon ->: << I did have a kitty xo for a while >>


Major Cloud -> Only with people


Major Cloud -> s hearts.


STSF_BluRox ->::extends paw to Corizon:: Thank you, I appreciate the thought, though I can only stay a moment.


Capt Rian Kwai -> Admiral ::nods, folding her hands in her lap, something about the fluffy fur seems like a warning sign::


Major Cloud ->::Smiles::


Heather Jamieson -> ::watches the game at her table, the detail oriented person she is ::


STSF_BluRox -> I really wanted to stop by and thank you and ask you to extend our thanks along to all of your crew, for the assistance you've rendered.


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Steps onto the lift:: deck 5


Rue Wydown -> So you're pretty tame in the hobby department, aye?


STSF_BluRox ->::reaches over and picks up the water, taking a sip::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Tame... or boring. Your choice, of course. ::rueful smile as their food arrives::


STSF_BluRox -> Without you answering that distress call, it would have been a very long ride home.


Mark Garrison -> Well, Klingon's spent plenty of time on this station during the Dominion War, I'm sure there are more then enough battle simulations to test your skills.


Rue Wydown -> You said it, I didn't ::smirks::


August Jax Robinson -> ~!@#$%^&*()_ ::Sighs, steps off::


Charlotte Matsumura -> I'm afraid that, between training and, well, training, I seem to have missed the opportunity to develop a personality.


Laarell ->::smiles back, deviously:: Really. And do you win very often?


STSF_BluRox -> Especially, as that unstable wormhole whipped us to a location other than where we were expected to be, nobody would have been looking for us there.


Major Cloud -> I didn't think you could lose.


Cptn Corizon ->::Smirks::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::chuckles::


Laarell -> Well, I certainly don't.


Major Cloud -> Not what I heard.


Charlotte Matsumura -> And what is it, pray tell, that our illustrious CMO-come-XO does to unwind?


STSF_BluRox -> Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you. Headquarters has asked that you please continue to tow the Republic back to Mars. They will try to send another ship out to meet you part way if one frees up


Victria -> I would rather find an actual Klingon. Their weapons are interesting. ::She tapped at the railing.::


Charlotte Matsumura -> Excalibur: After all, I know it's not martial arts. ::smirk::


Cptn Corizon -> Like I told you're ex-ho, been there myself.


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles:: I kind of figured that would happen.


Laarell -> Oh really? ::smile falters:: What exactly have you heard?


Major Cloud -> Lots of things.


Laarell -> I don't. Lose. You've heard wrong.


Rue Wydown -> I leap tall buildings and free fall with clothing wings. ::cryptic::


STSF_BluRox -> I've been ordered to Starfleet Command and my ship leaves within the hour, so I must take my leave of you at this time. Perhaps when you get to Terra, I can buy you a decent dinner?


Charlotte Matsumura -> Excalibur: Wearing spandex?


Rue Wydown ->: Not if I can help it.


Charlotte Matsumura ->::chuckles:: Just sounded so... heroic.


STSF_BluRox ->: If I may, I need to borrow Captain Kwai for just a moment as well. Ship's business. You understand.


Cptn Corizon ->::Smiles:: I know some good places in Tokyo,


Mark Garrison -> Well, there are plenty to find on the station, and they don't back down from challenges.


August Jax Robinson ->::Steps through the airlock::


Rue Wydown -> Hardly. More like idiotic. :;she grinned:: For the faint hearted. ::she paused;: I free climb and solar surf.


Charlotte Matsumura -> Excalibur: ::sips her tea, stirring some veggies from her side dishes into her soup::


Fiona Weber ->::half walks, half stumbles down to the airlock, muttering::


Capt Rian Kwai ->: ::slipping off the chair she was sitting at, nodding to Corizon her thanks and that hopeful she'd be back::


STSF_BluRox -> We can talk about Tokyo when you arrive, I look forward to it. Captain Kwai, if you would..


Fiona Weber ->::utterly refuses to break down and get a cane for herself, not that *weak*::


Charlotte Matsumura ->::arches brows:: Adrenline rushes, no doubt.


STSF_BluRox ->::motions her over to a small corner of the room::


Victria ->::She chuckled, a deep nefarious sounding chuckle with her full intentions behind it.:: Perhaps I shall see that for myself.


August Jax Robinson ->::gets another drink::


STSF_BluRox ->::Holds up a tricorder::


Ayumu Kasuga ->: @::opens up a panel and begins taking out iso-chips::


Capt Rian Kwai ->::heads over to the corner with Blu, wondering what further instructions would be given::


Cptn Corizon -> PAUSE SIM


STSF_BluRox -> Captain Kwai, as of this time


Cptn Corizon -> PAUSE SIM


STSF_BluRox -> NO!!


Cptn Corizon -> << ACK


Cptn Corizon -> NO


STSF_BluRox -> I didnt' get ot say it


Cptn Corizon -> RESUME


Cptn Corizon -> RESUME


Capt Rian Kwai -> ((ROFLMAO))


Cptn Corizon -> RESUME


Jameson Bardolph -> ((roflol))


STSF_BluRox -> <need 2 minutes.


Cptn Corizon -> << Jumped the Gun! Continue >>


Ayumu Kasuga -> ACTION: Seiben's trial i set to resume.


Heather Jamieson -> << Sim tape wearing out >>


STSF_BluRox -> As of this time, ::mumbles the exact time and date::


Ayumu Kasuga -> <oops!>


Jameson Bardolph -> ((lawl))


STSF_BluRox -> You are hearby placed in Command of the USS Republic, relieving Admiral Errrika BluRox.


STSF_BluRox -> By order of Star Fleet Medical.


STSF_BluRox ->::clicks the button off::


Mark Garrison ->::smirks:: Well, don't let me stop you.


STSF_BluRox ->::growls a bit at her, ears plastered to her head::


Laarell -> having another drink by now::


Laarell ->::probably on Makisu's tab::


STSF_BluRox ->::in a low, quiet growling voice:: I trusted you......


Rue Wydown ->::nods a little:: What's left of her, anyway. ::frowns a bit::


STSF_BluRox -> So, you knew ...you KNEW that another incident would get me removed, and you couldn't just help me out this one little time. It was a HEADACHE Rian....I was shaken up pretty good


STSF_BluRox -> in that wormhole, but all I asked...was a quiet hand to get to my quarters...and you sold me out


Victria ->::She turned and peered at him.:: Really? That is surprising. I expected a warning, at the least. An outright order to stay away from them, at the most.


Capt Rian Kwai -> taken aback, stepping back:: I m sorry, what in my resume indicated to you that I was medically trained? Was it the hand to hand combat scores, or hostage negotiations? Oh, I know! I bet it was the criminal forensics class. That makes me qualified to know the difference between a headache and a head injury.


Capt Rian Kwai -> Let me remind you I gave you a choice? The only ideas I could come up with were to go to sickbay or sit tight in that stupid yacht. If you had any other bright ideas, you damn well should have said something instead of blaming me for making a choice.


Cptn Corizon ->::notices Onion and Cloud::


Cptn Corizon ->::Makes a note::


STSF_BluRox ->::hisses:: The ship's yours now.....Good luck. I've got to go fight now not to be trapped behind a desk for the rest of my career...


STSF_BluRox -> This is why I don't trust too many people, I always get burned....


LtCmdrRobinson -> <This WHOLE time that Ive been trying to shoot Blurox so I could move up in the chain of command, and all I had to do was tell SF Medical that she had a headache? 10 years wasted>


STSF_BluRox ->::spins and storms out of the room, heading towards one of the upper pylon::


STSF_BluRox -> <rofl Will>


Mark Garrison ->::He shook his head:: No. I'm making a choice to trust your judgment. Don't make me regret it.


Jameson Bardolph ->: ((::dramatic chord::))


STSF_BluRox ->: <ok, now you can Cori>


Major Cloud -> NOW PAUSE SIM


Victria ->::Her lips twitched. Amusement?::


Capt Rian Kwai ->::muttering after she's out of earshot:: Oh suck it up. I have


Cptn Corizon -> PAUSE SM


Cptn Corizon -> PAUSE SM


Cptn Corizon -> PAUSE SM


LtCmdrRobinson ->::pauses the sm::


August Jax Robinson ->: ::Paused::


Victria ->: Yea, cause we don't take orders from a marine.


Jameson Bardolph ->::PAWSORS::


STSF_BluRox -> <my apologies to all, that my local comcast branch sucks like a hoover>


Charlotte Matsumura -> Excalibur: Well, not in this persona, anyway.


Heather Jamieson ->:: Paused ::


Rue Wydown -> Well, that was quiet luverly.


LtCmdrRobinson -> <its not a local thing Blurox, that do that nationally>


Ayumu Kasuga ->::Paused::


STSF_BluRox -> Ok, so we were discussing, that we'll pick tomorrow, with a Time Between Sims...for those that love that thing....of 3 days.


STSF_BluRox -> That will have given you time to get some stuff done


Jameson Bardolph -> lol


STSF_BluRox ->: and me to get to where I need to go


Cptn Corizon -> Excalibur is welcome to come to Republic. :)


Cptn Corizon ->: I'll get a TBS for Excalibur later this week.

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Thanks Rue!

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