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Capt Rian Kwai

Can't Take Cookies from Strangers

Can't Take Cookies from Strangers

by Captain Rian Kwai


New ship smell. Yum.


Well, it wasn’t exactly new. But it was clean and didn’t resemble a beat up, chewed up hockey puck. Rian leaned back in her chair, folding her hands together in her lap as she listened to Captain Corizon and Admiral BluRox continue with the beginning pleasantries of their discussion. Her home had looked like this once upon a time ago. And now it was…….


She glanced briefly over her shoulder at Republic’s saucer section, as the Excalibur’s shuttles and fighters buzzed around her. She’d lived 90% of her life in space. She knew the dangers and the risks. She wasn’t that naive when she joined Starfleet. But Republic was her home. And it was breaking her heart to see it like this. It was almost enough to make her wish Republic had not come back for Kwai, Weber and Bardolph and the rest of the abducted. Almost.


She turned her attention back to the Captain or Admiral before they could sense her distraction. There were enough claws and fangs in the room to scare anyone straight. She inhaled deeply, quietly, and glanced at the hospitality spread in front of them.


Joined gods, I have no stomach for any of it.


She glanced at Admiral BluRox, hoping that Errricka couldn’t sense what her Executive Officer was thinking. Rian had been systematically poisoned during her abduction by the Oest, something she hadn’t told Errricka just yet. The Oest who conversed with her (if that was one called it) had said it was for her own protection to keep her out of the breeding program. Since then, nothing but the MRE’s had seemed appetizing to Rian’s pallet. She had a bad feeling that she was going to have to add this little factoid to their conversation with Captain Corizon. That wouldn't sit well with BluRox - finding out what that her Executive Officer had omitted some information. But she also knew that the Admiral had a protective streak when it came to her crew, and Rian would have felt even more guilty for laying this on her as well.


Oh well. Yet another personality twitch Rian was going to have to conquer. So the question was, did she try to keep up appearances and take io of the refreshments presented to the Republic command staff and pick at it, or did she refuse completely. Which would cause the least amount of suspicion that she was hesitant to take food from strangers?


She had a feeling she was doomed no matter which choice she made. Ooooh spite.

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Perhaps, we should commandeer it, I am an admiral after all....

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