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Ambushed by the Sea

A Joint Log by Daise’Erei’Riov Morgana tKsa and Khre’Riov L’haiy ira-Kallen t’Rexan


It had been a few days since L’haiy had even worn a uniform, let alone had to put on all the trappings of a dress uniform. With her recent transformation, what she had didn’t fit as well as she liked so she quickly replicated a tunic of a more appropriate cut and fit. Opening her drawer, she pulls out the wooden box with the velvet lining and the dress harness with the t'Liss, gleaming bright against the black lining. t’Rexan settles the dress harness over her shoulders and adjustes it. Looking in the mirror, she barely recognized even herself and had to smile. "Var'lon might not mind the dress uniform so much either, if he saw this one," She said, smiling to herself.


t’Rexan picks up another box that she had sent to her quarters earlier in the day, opens it, making sure it was correct and then nods in approval. Ie, this would be a most agreeable day, and for one of the most deserving people she knew. She was only too happy to be able to present this herself. Tr’Vatrix himself was going to try to make it, but he had matters to attend to with the Fvillah, and might na. If he were unable, t’Rexan was to give his regrets and pass along that there would be a reception at his home for those receiving the commendations in the near future. After making sure all was in readiness, she quickly made her way back to the htiej pad.


It's amazing how quickly the Daise'Maenak could alter na only her appearance, but attitude when it came to Galae affairs. Gone was the civilian dress. Her dress uniform on, her hair coiffed in the appropriate 'on-duty' style, and a stoic expression plastered on her face, Morgana t’Ksa back in the transporter room to be dragged off to whatever Galae business she was to conduct. She stood nervously smoothing back hair that she expected to be out of place but was na as more of the ship’s officers start to fill the room.


"She did say ten suiren, ie?" Morgana glances at the chrono, knowing it has na been that long, but she was getting rather impatient in this uncomfortable costume. She'd much prefer her day to day duty uniform or even her maenak smock to this heavy garb.


Seconds after t’Ksa utters her statement, the Khre’Riov enters the room and looks at the others hrrau the party, each also in dress uniforms, insignias from tr'Vatrix's headquarters and media relations, a few from Galae Medical she also noted. “Menkha, it appears au are all here. Very well, I believe we are ready to get this underway. Have all the parties been notified to be in attendance?”


t’Rexan turns to look at one of tr'Vatrix's aides as he spoke to her, "Ie Rekkhai, all is hrrau readiness. The Daise'Khre'Riov unfortunately sends his regrets, more so as he feels this deserves his direct attention, however a matter has called him into consultation with the Fvillah, and he will be unable to attend."


“Hann'yyo for the update. We will then proceed to organize his backup plan, I will notify his household security and staff to watch for his orders regarding that." She turns to the others in the room and orders, "Places if au all would, fhaen. Morgana, fahd beside me if au would."


Trying to tamp down the unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach, t’Ksa tugs at her uniform tunic and steps forward to stand on the pad next to the Khre'Riov. "I don't suppose au will be filling me in any time soon, would au?" She hisses softly to L'haiy.


” I believe all will be explained hrrau about io siuren. Activate Htiej"


The red swirling lights engulfed them as it sparkled and dematerialized the party, and reassembling them all upon a sunswept cliff overlooking the ocean. Behind them a dais, chairs, several tents and a good number of people sat in readiness.


"I believe au were telling me about these cliffs earlier today. Is this the io that au used to climb?"


Taking a step forward, Morgana stared at the all to familiar sight of her home providence. She took a moment, mostly to collect her wits about her, before she whipped around to face t'Rexan. "What. Did. Au. Do?"


“I told au, we took care of everything," the Khre’Riov uncharacteristically winks at her and smiles. "Au are right, it is beautiful here."


Still stunned, and feeling extraordinarily uncomfortable at the moment, especially when she starts to recognize several of those in attendance, Morgana vaguely recognized the complement. "Ie, ie, ie." She waved a hand dismissively until she starts putting puzzle pieces together. "Oh na, na, na."


t’Rexan reaches over to take her by the elbow and steer the stunned woman in the right direction, "Come, it looks like all is in readiness and they are waiting for us. The Daise'Khre'Riov does send along his sincere regrets that he can na be here. But it was too difficult to have to reschedule all of this, so we proceed. This way," L’haiy took her elbow again as Morgana attempted to drift to the back of the group. “You're seat is right up here in the front of the dias, next to mine.”


"Whatever it is au are about to do, could we na have done it quietly? On the ship? Na in front of all these people." Morgana whispered following along. She spied in the front row of the audience, Galae officers begining to escort the guests of honor forward to the front row of the audience. These being primarily t'Ksa's parents, 2 sisters and their bondmates


L’haiy looks at the maenak with an extremely mischievous smile on her face, "No, I wanted to do this one thing right."


t’Ksa resigns herself to public humiliation at the hand of the Galae. She gave a slight wave to her father who seems to having as difficult time a time as she remaining calm. As she sat, she scanned the crowd to see who else was dragged to this public spectacle. It only took a moment for her to spot another familiar face towards the rear of the group which caused her to relax a little and bite her lip to suppress a smile which would grow into embarrassing proportions if she let it.


As Morgana's family is seated, t’Rexan saw tr'Vatrix's people setting up the cameras to record this for the daily news across the planet. She would have to see if N’Dak would want to attend the next io, but this io, she was doing herself for her friend. That, and she needed to surprise him with his own commendation after Koga had been rewarded his as well. Then she could get him to assist with any others.


"Don't expect that I will be talking to au again after this," Morgana said in jest, trying to relax a bit. In her thoughts, the cameras brought home that it was na just to recognize something, but also a needed for positive public relations that the Galae needed. Which means she was just another instrument and she did need to play the part. Or so she tries to convince herself.


"I'm sure that next time au will think better of things and just let me yya' so au don't have to do this again, ie?" She laughs again, eyes twinkling with evil delight at having beaten t'Ksa this io time, and having totally surprised her friend! “Besides, what are friends for?" She turned her attention to the assembly. "Very well, it looks like we're ready to start," the Khre’Riov stood and patted Morgana on the shoulder to reassure her before moving to the microphone.


"Besides public humiliation?" She whispers as t'Rexan moves off, na sure if the woman heard her or na. She sat at attention, trying her best na to embarrass any io besides herself. Every so often she'd glance at her family, which would cause a blush to bloom, then back to the back of the crowd where she found the strength in a friend to remain calm.


“Jolan tru. Please let me introduce myself. I am Khre'Riov L'haiy ira-Kallen t'Rexan, commanding officer of the RES Talon. It pleases me greatly to be standing fahd this day, on this beautiful vista over looking the sea. I am proud to be able to stand fahd today, in the presence of so many loyal Rihannsu, all here to help me honor io of our finest officers. I would na be standing here today, were it na for her bravery, her intuition, and her dedication to na only her crew, but to the Empire."


“Today, we are here to honor Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana Jaeih t'Ksa, for her service to the Empire, for her service to Galae, for her service to the RES Talon.”


What na io in the crowd assembled could see was that the maenak was trying to cross her toes within her boots to keep them from tapping nervously on the floor. She took more to focusing on io face enough that even her rinam Kalicia was curious to see who or what she was looking at with such intensity.


“During a recent mission, which I am unable to divulge much detail as it was classified, there was a small faction of disloyal Rihannsu, that sought to overtake the ship, and they took some of the crew including myself hostage. While these forces were taking over the ship, and several of the crew had been murdered, it was the bravery of this woman, who organized a small detail, to retake the ship. Crawling through the many small passageways to avoid detection, she was able to take this party, retake the Oira, and set in motion a plan to use an anesthetic gas to knock out the traitors.”


Oh elements save me now. Morgana glances back to her family, who seem to both be happy and shocked and proud and...they were making her stomach hurt. Na that she was upset that they were proud, but that she was highly uncomfortable with the public display of recognition. She barely heard the Khre’Riov’s speech.


t’Rexan pauses for affect, then continues on, “Due to her bravery against overwhelming odds, the Talon was retaken by her forces, and the traitors captured. She was also very instrumental in na only recovering of the ship, but that of healing a number of severely injured crew, including myself, bringing me back from the very brink of death. At this time I would ask that au all stand with me, and applaud this hero of our empire." She then turned and clapped as an example, motioning for the rest of the assembly to do the same.


Meanwhile, Lannisal t’Ksa starts pantomiming to the meanak that she should be smiling while her youngest rinam, Kalicia, starts swatting at Lannisal to stop. Morgana wants to laugh. Instead t'Ksa took a shaky breath and stood with the audience.


Nodding to the crowd in approval, t’Rexan continues, "Daise'Khre'Riov tr'Vatrix was unfortunately detained by other business, but asked me to send his regrets that he could na attend today, however will be holding a reception at his home in au honor before the Talon leaves on her next mission. H'nah, if I could fhaen ask Ajmes tr'Ksa and Jaeih t'Ksa to fhaen join me on the dais?" Both the elder t'Ksa's stood and, with escort, joined the Khre'Riov on the dais. Meanwhile, their daughter seemed to be rooted in her spot. t'Rexan moves forward and shook both their hands, telling them how proud she is to know their daughter and thanked them for teaching her such upstanding moral fiber. As she hands Morgana's father a box, she explains. "If au would fhaen, pin this medal to au daughters uniform as I read this?" Morgan mutters as she walked woodenly closer, “There will be na living with them after this." Ajmes nods to the Khre'Riov, taking the box and approaches his daughter. Whispering to her as he opens the box to show her what was inside, he smiles. "Relax Little Io." He winks and laid a calming hand on her forearm. "It won't hurt."


"The Order of the Empire - it is the highest military honor in the Romulan Star Empire. The Order of the Empire is awarded for acts of bravery in the face of insurmountable odds. It is awarded upon the recommendation of the Fleet Commander, Daise'Khre'Riov Var'lon tr'Vatrix and the CO of the ship, Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan at this time, to Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana Jaeih t'Ksa with our thanks."


Ajmes t'Ksa proudly pins the medal to his daughter's uniform as he'd been instructed prior to the ceremony, and whispering softly to her. "Don't forget to smile at au's Mother or she'll think I've stuck au with this."


This simple comment, so like something she would have uttered herself causes t’Ksa to laugh softly, flinching as she pretends he did just that. She whispers so that na io but her father could hear, "Fhaen tell me this will be over soon."


Ajmes reaches down and took his daughter’s hand, patting it gently with his free hand. “Hardly, au’s Mother has a party planned. Probably several. I’m afraid au will be suffering all day.” He turns and nods to the Khre’Riov that they were ready.


t'Rexan pauses to allow the family time to enjoy this. She was so glad she came up with this idea instead of something boring back on the ship. And to taunt the maenak further, she leans over to her, "Oh, I've barely begun," she grins ear to ear. Morgana, finding herself returning to her senses complete with sarcastic humor, mutters back, "I should have left au in that stasis field while i had the chance."


”At this time, I would like to call forward Lannisal t'Ksa.” t’Rexan turns after hearing the maenak’s muttering and grins. The discomfort of her Daise’Maenak causing the woman to enjoy this even more. She then turns her attention to the younger and impossibly pregnant t’Ksa rinam as she waddles up to the dais. The Khre’Riov hands another box to this io. “If au would do the honors, fhaen.” She then turns back to the assembly.


“The Senatorial Medal of Valor - The Senatorial Medal of Valor is awarded by the Fleet Commander, Daise’Khre’Riov Var'lon tr'Vatrix, on the recommendation of the CO, Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan. It is award to crew members that exhibit uncommon valor in the face of imminent danger. At this time we present the Senatorial Medal of Valor to Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana Jaeih t'Ksa. What has been unsaid, is na only did Morgana tKsa retake the Oira of the Ship, she was able to also infiltrate where the traitors where holding the hostages, and liberated them all as well as defeat the enemy.”


Now, t'Ksa looks horrified. She glances at her rinam and had it na been for her father holding her hand firmly she would have fled. Another io? Lannisal, na so versed in military protocol grins, "Relax, would au, fhaen." Coached by her father, Lannisal manages to pin the commendation on the dress tunic, giggling as she felt her older rinam wince as she was pricked by the pin. To add more to Morgana’s embarrassment, Lannisal grabs her for a tight hug as another round of applause initiated.

“And if au would indulge me once again, I would like to call Kalicia t'Ksa to the dias fhaen.”


Had her father na had such a tight hold on her hand, Morgana t’Ksa would have fled as she watches her youngest rinam join them on the dais and a third box was handed to her.


The Imperial Commendation Medal - The Imperial Commendation Medal is awarded by the CO of a ship, to crew members who display outstanding job performance skills in excess of that called for in their duty station. I, Khre'Riov L'haiy ira-Kallen t'Rexan do so hereby award this medal to Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa.” “In the aftermath of the traitorous attack on the crew, the station we had been repairing at, sent a force of cloned invaders onto the ship. Again, the Daise'Erei'Riov helped stave off an attack on medical, while attending to two officers in stasis units that were in danger of being lost do to circumstances. Having been io of those in stasis. I find I have to say she did an outstanding job," t’Rexan turns and smiles, laughing with the crowd.


“Morgana, it is with my heartfelt thanks, and to the many other that were injured that we present this medal to au today.” She turned and motioned to the assembly to stand and applaud.


Meanwhile the maenak muttering as her sister pins on yet another io, t’Ksa frowned "Any more and my uniform will weight too much."


"Be nice." Kalicia whispers publicly, then leans in and whispers softly in her rinam's ear, so softly a secret that only the re rinams share.


Morgana cast a glance to her father, whispering again, "I am y'yaing here." She gulps, feeling as if her skin was on fire.


“H'nah, before I embarrass the Daise Maenak any further, would Daise'Erei'Riov Maec tr'Aieme please come forward?" t’Rexan smiles to the group, but all the while her gaze was on the Kheinsa, giving him a challenging look. To his credit, he shows na reaction to that challenge, but focuses his attention o the mortified Daise’Maenak on the dias. t’Rexan waits until he approaches before asking, "If au would do the honors of escorting this Hero of the Empire to the Festival Tents behind us Fhaen," She nods and smiles.


“It would be my pleasure." He offers an arm to Morgana. Meanwhile, her rinams under the impression that they were na longer involved shared curious looks between the re of them.


“See, I told au we would take care of things,” t’Rexan whispers more to herself than anyone. Satisfied that t’Ksa was being looked after, t’Rexan turns her attention back to the cameras and audience. “Hann'yyo for helping us honor this Hero of the Empire. I invite au all to join us at the tents hrrau the back for a reception hrrau her honor.” To the press, she smiles. “Hann’yyo, I appreciate au’s time. Fhaen, au are welcome to eat as well, but if au wish, au may be dismissed. This is mainly a family affair hnah.”


The last thing the Khre’Riov heard before she starts to make her way around the dais to shake a few hands with the local officials and old acquaintances from tr’Vatrix’s office was a curious exchange between the Maenak and the Kheinsa.


“I think I'm going to throw up."


"If au think au are going to loose au's lunch, fhaen warn me first."

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I think I'm in the wrong line of work! :/


Congrats, Ksa! If you walked into the ocean wearing all that metal, you'd sink.

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We 'were' coming to your house too! That's going to 'interesting' when we get to that now..



Think of it like the Publishers Clearing House for Romulans. You never know when she's going to show up.


I'm really looking forward to the next few sims to see what people are up to :( Muhahahah

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