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To Obey Or Not To Obey

It wasn't unexpected but it still amazed her. It always did and she supposed it always would.


Aidan Ridire's emerald green eyes were one of his most distinguishing characteristics...that and his gorgeous red hair. But today, it was those eyes that caught her attention. There was no way to avoid them. Where Debbie was concerned, her husband's eyes reflected his feelings for her....warm, loving and inviting. Not that she hadn't seen them reflect other, more negative, emotions. But rarely were those directed at her. This, however, was one of those rare occasions.



The XO had assembled an away team to board a damaged ship somewhere in the Benecia system. Deb didn't know all the details. In truth, she was certain of only three things. First of all, the crew complement of the ship in distress was approximately 25 souls. But she had no idea what type of ship it was much less its name. Secondly, their problem might have something to do with triceron explosives the ship was carrying. How exactly the triceron was involved remained a mystery. And thirdly, Aidan Ridire did not expect the representative from the medical department requested to accompany his away team to be none other than the CMO herself.....and he wasn't happy about it.



Somehow, Deb had managed to arrive in the transporter room before anyone else on the away team. She wasn't there long when Aidan came in with Anna, TKar and Murray.



"De....Dr. Matthews....what are you doing here?"



The words weren't out of his mouth before he figured it out and those beautiful emerald eyes of his turned from warm and loving to stunned and then angry....no....not angry....concerned.....yes, definitely concerned and very, very unhappy.


He frowns, knowing they didn't have much time for this particular conversation. For the three years they had been married, Aidan had managed to not let his innate desire to protect her interfere with letting her do her job. Of course most of the situations that were dangerous were dangerous after he had let her do her job. This situation is entirely different. It was known to be dangerous from the start. Ignoring the others for now he steps towards Deb and gently guides her off to the side. Keeping his voice low he murmurs "Deb, we are about to beam over to a freighter that has a very unstable engine core and its carrying triceron explosives that were going to be disposed of by the technicians on Starbase Two. The explosives themselves might be unstable as well. This situation is highly dangerous and I don't want you...." Even as he says the words he knows he’s not likely to get anywhere in this conversation. The rational part of him is telling him he can hardly tell her that its too dangerous for her but expect her to let him do his job as well. Of course, when it comes to love and marriage, rationality didn't always play a part.


This wasn't a surprise either. She fully expected Aidan's little lecture. And she was pretty sure he knew how she would respond. On the way to the transporter room, Deb had pondered how she would deal with it. She didn't make her final decision on that until after he started talking about unstable engine cores and triceron explosives that might be just as unstable. She chose to take the high road.


Holding up a hand to stop him, she smiled warmly at her husband. "I appreciate your concern," she said quietly. "I take great comfort in the fact you love me as much as you do. But you don't have a leg to stand on here and you know it." She nodded slightly at the other members of the away team, huddled together discreetly trying to ignore their commanding officer and his wife. "The situation isn't too dangerous for them," she continued keeping her voice low. "Or for you." She shrugged slightly. "So why don't we get this over with. If we're lucky, we might make it back in time for a late night dinner."


Aidan spends a good twenty seconds or so trying to come up with an argument that she would agree with and choose to stay on Reaent, safe and sound. And as quickly as he comes up with them he also comes up with what she is likely to say in response. Finally he closes his eyes, sighs to himself, and shakes his head briefly. He knows she is right, as much as he wishes she wasn't so he could order her to remain on the ship, safe and sound. Opening his eyes he focuses on her and finally murmurs "Very well, Doctor, as you wish. But you are not to do anything reckless." His voice drops to a whisper and a fleeting smirk appears on his lips. "And after dinner you and I are going to have a....talk about the part in the wedding ceremony that mentions "wives, love and obey your husbands," your failure to abide by that and exactly how you're going to make it up to me for doing so and making me worry."


"Obey?" she questioned with a whimsical grin. "I don't remember anything in our vows about obeying a husband. And I'm never reckless either." She took a small step toward the rest of the away team pausing just long enough to wink at Aidan. "Now come on, let's do this and then we'll discuss who is going to make up for what."


He whispers "It was right there next to 'a husbands should love and protect his wife'. And as for who owes what to who...that's still going to be you owing me. But feel free to try and convince me otherwise later." He smirks as he says the last. He steps past her and onto the transporter dais. When everyone is assembled and has made sure they all have the appropriate equipment, he turns his attention to the transporter chief and gives the order to energize.

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