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Continuing treatment

Schawnsee walked out of the room where she had just finished a session with her therapist. Standing there waiting for her was an officer in a Star Fleet uniform, holding an envelope. She looked at him and smiled and began to pass him when he spoke to her.


"Cmdr Katherine Swan of the USS Reaent?" He said standing straight and holding the envelope in front of him that read "Confidential".


"Yes sir, may I help you?" She replied with an odd tone to her voice. Who was this and what did they want, she was about to find out, as her therapist came up behind her placing her hand on her shoulder, as if knowing she may be needed.


"Ma'am," he said to the therapist and then back to Schawnsee, "May we go back into the room so we can speak privately?"


Kat looked to him then to the therapist behind her. She turned and walked back into the room being followed by the others. She went over to the couch and stood there waiting.


"Ma'am you may wish to sit down," the officer says nodding to the couch and then looking to the therapist. If was obvious that he was not comfortable with what he was about to do.


Kat sat down as her heart sunk. She had been gone from the Reaent for a while and the last time she had spoken to them was over the open channel that she was given a 5 minute window. She looked up to the officer and waiting to hear what he had to say.


"Ma'am, I'm afraid I have bad news for you. It's it about you ship and your husband," he began. "I have in this envelope a final message from your husband and a few of the crew to their families."


Kat's face went pale, "FINAL? What do you mean final," she cries out as tears form in her eyes. Her mind is going wild with things that could have happened.


"I'm sorry ma'am but the USS Reaent was sent on a mission that I can not disclose because of its nature. Your husbands squadron was sent on a reconissaunce mission."


Kat's eyes watered up almost knowing what was coming. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, placing her face behind them.


"Ma'am, His squad was hit by enemy fire and several fighter were damaged. All but his fighter were recovered, but he is still MIA. They found parts of the fighter but nothing of him as of yet. Upon the regathering of the fighters, the ship also came under attack. The Captain and first officer were forced to place the Reaent into self destruct mode to keep the technology from falling into enemy hands. These are the messages sent out from the crew as final goodbyes to their families incase they didn't make it to escape pods. With their families permissions we made copies for you as well. You husband had recorded a message before he went on this mission knowing how dangerous it was going to be. I'm sorry ma'am." He then offers the envelope to Kat.


The therapist came behind Kat and placed her hands on her shoulders knowing she was going to need a lot of help with this, as Kat starting crying loudly.




Kat jolted awake as a nurse touched her shoulder trying to wake her. The nurse had heard Kat crying and wanted to make sure she was OK. Kat sat up quickly looking around at her surroundings. She was still at the infirmary. Her face was wet from the tears. Her eyes were red and bloodshot. She asked the nurse, "Has anyone had been here to see me, specifically an officer in a Federation uniform?"


"No Mrs Swan, Why are you expecting someone?" The nurse replied handing Kat a tissue for her face.


"No, no. Have you heard anything about the USS Reaent not returning or about me being sent to a different ship?" Kat asks as she's wiped the tears away.


"No, nothing like that. As far as I know you are on the ledger to be released soon. And We have to make arrangements to get you back to the Reaent. What's wrong, Why are you so upset? Maybe I should go get your therapist."


"Please do. I had an awful dream and I want to talk it over with her," Kat says then lets out a huge sigh of relief realizing that it was all just a bad dream, more like a nightmare. She just hoped it would never come true.

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