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The Blu Prints!! 19th Anniversary Edition 100110

The Blu Prints!! 19th Anniversary Edition

The return of the Blu Prints, an irreverent look at last week’s sim through one liners and quips.


Jameson Bardolph -> ::off trying to figure out where to store a whole bunch of Klingons ::

Blu> I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts…….


Joy -> :: Reviewing the scan results she took circling the saucer in the yacht. ::

Blu> Sounds a bit like the Tidy Bowl Guy, and all he has to look forward to is a blu


August Jax Robinson -> ::Sleeping::

Blu> What else is new? She’s either sleeping or conceiving. Convenient that both are…..we’ll leave it at that!


August Jax Robinson -> ::Rolls over:: GRumbles:: Wiiiiiiiiill

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::throws a pillow at her:: Yes, your majesty?

Blu> Ahhh, marital bliss at it’s finest.


Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks at the view screen in contemplation::

Blu> Hmmm, Tetris or Pong!?


Jameson Bardolph -> +Will+ Bardolph to Robinson.

Blu> Ooh, that’s not the best plan there bud


August Jax Robinson -> BobO no! your head could explode out there, you want your brain oozing out your eye sockets

Blu> Oooo, Brainssssss……..


Heather Jamieson -> "I don't have a great deal of experience." :: sighs ::

Blu> That’s what she said….


Fiona Weber -> ::starts to wake up a bit::

Blu> There’s a first time for every sim…


LtCmdrRobinson -> +Bardolph+ Understood, good work. ::pauses for a moment because he just gave the wife-stealer a compliment:: Let me know if we have any problems.

Blu> You mean other than the problem that he can’t hit on your wife as easily now with you hanging around with the twins in tow.


Joy -> I suspect they will be trying to actually fix stuff rather than reproduce new stuff.

Blu> What, engineering actually trying to…..engineer!? Lies!


Heather Jamieson -> "I'd play you on a nice bed for the duration."

Joy -> Don't tempt me.

Heather Jamieson -> er place, grrrr

Blu> Too late!! She’s done accepted! I think you have a date!


LtCmdrRobinson -> +bardolph+ Not if you need the down time, otherwise keep yourself busy.

Blu> And what he means by that, is …..”but Not with my Wife!”


Joy -> :: tries to figure out who Ayumu is talking to ::

Blu> Ayumu, are the voices in your head back again?


LtCmdrRobinson -> thats GREAT, I’m going to ignore all comms now and pretend it’s a system failure. Good idea

Blu> You’re wife’s been doing that for 2 years now, and you’re just now figuring that out?


Fiona Weber -> This is bloody awful.

Blu> Yea, we’ve had better material to poke fun at before! Oh, or do you mean the plot, yea, it’s pretty awful too! LOL


STSF_BluRox -> figured we could at least give each other someone to talk to

Blu> Fiona’s worst nightmare, stuck talking with Blu!


Fiona Weber -> ::thinking that it's a shame Blu isn't a kitty-kitty, because a pillow-sized kitty would be about the right amount of warm::

Blu> Grrrrr…


STSF_BluRox -> Cardboard Rian ::setting a great example, and is standing on the outer hull, looking marvelous while checking hull

Blu> Our New XO at her finest! Wait…who drew the mustache on her?


Fiona Weber -> What do you mean we're without a star drive? What the bloody hell did you do to it?::starting to look panicked::

STSF_BluRox -> Please don’t' yell, it hurts my head.

Blu> Yea…..about that….we sort of well…it blew up. Yea, but it’s not my fault. Blame the dice. And Bardolph picked the number that night.


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::drops the Spawn and the Clone off in daycare::

Blu> :: The doting Father…:: Such lovely nicknames for his precious little ones….


LtCdrJohnson -> @::walks past the cardboard Rian, saluting as he does::

Blu> See, it fools everyone!


August Jax Robinson -> ::Sulks::

Blu> She has this down to an art form by now.


Ayumu Kasuga -> We still have enough quarters by pairing off single personnel.

Blu> It’s the little shot glasses that we’re short of a good game…..

Heather Jamieson -> "I've not been asked to add a roommate, the thought just occurred to me."

Blu> Republic’s new dating service…….Insta-roommate


LtCmdrRobinson -> I think half the crew is going to be out there. Let’s try not to lose any of them along the way.

Blu> Yea, cause otherwise, it’s a whole lot of messy paperwork you have to deal with if you do.


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::wonders what THAT is for::

Blu> Will, how many times to do we have to tell you, keep your fingers off the big red button. Oh crap, someone already pressed it, and no more stardrive section.


Fiona Weber -> ::looks to see where Blu went, needs to learn to stay still::

Blu> First they want me to stay awake, and when I do, they want me to stay still……geez!


Heather Jamieson -> :: is moving her bee around slowly, as it's been a while ::

Blu> Bzzzzz


Joy -> :: Breaks into a sprint much like a gymnast about to do a tumbling run, then leaps out clear of the ship. ::

Blu> And the Russian judge gives her a 9.7!!


August Jax Robinson -> ::drums fingers on the side of her console::

Blu> Mainly cause Will got tired of hearing her do it on Rock band, and he traded the drum padd for a nice plate of toast!


August Jax Robinson -> ::Grumbles::

Blu> She grumbles so much, that the computer is finally starting to be able to translate it…


Fiona Weber -> That's easier than it sounds. I can't even roll over onto my back.

Blu> Like a turtle on its back.

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