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Laehval tTemarr

"Ties Undone - Part II"

Rain poured unceasing from the sky, turning rich soil to thick mud and driving rivulets of water down the bank to the rushing river below. What started as a placid stream was now a roaring torrent of water that devoured everything in its path. It rose higher by the hour, creeping up the banks in hopes of flooding the grasslands about. Once several feet below the foot bridge that spanned its width, the hungry waters now lapped dangerously at the base of the stone construct.


Laehval leaned on the bridge and gazed into the waters below, standing in the rain without seeming to realize it was pouring. Her sodden clothes clung to her like a second skin. Water ran in ever changing channels through her hair, plastering it to her skull and face. And yet her posture did not change. Her forearms rested on the capstones of the bridge railing, hands clasped before her, back hunched and shoulders drooping. She looked without seeing, too lost in her own thoughts to notice the approaching figure.


"Laehval, it is not safe here," a voice to her right spoke.


She knew his voice, though she had not spoken to him in several years. "I care not. Nor do you, save for yourself," she replied softly.


"At least come inside where we might talk. Nalhven told me you might visit."


"She is and ever will be the voice that you cannot find."


"She should not have said those things to you."


"Said or unsaid, they were in her heart."


"Laehval, I do na wish to argue. Come inside and share a meal with us."


"I will na share a meal where I am na wanted," she said firmly. Attention finally shifting, she turned her head to peer at her eldest brother. "I came to Nalhven first because she is the very image of our mother, both in looks and in deed. Though you are eldest, you have always bent to her will and shared her opinions."


Yilte frowned but did not contradict her. His grip on the rain shade tightened as he shifted it to better block the downpour. Laehval turned and met his gaze evenly.


"I am here to know if this holds true or if you have somehow found your own path and morality."


"Laehval... I... you are in no condition to question my morality," Yilte began gruffly. "The happenings on the Talon have been spread far and wide and your name was among those that were cited for treason. Why they left you alive truly baffles me. Sister or no, I would have killed you where you stood."


"Then I see nothing has changed. As ever, you are her puppet." Pushing off the wall, Laehval turned and began to walk across the bridge, wading through the ankle-deep water that now rushed over the stones.


"Laehval! Do not walk way from me!" His anger rising, Yilte followed her, slogging through the water to catch her arm and swing her about.


"You do not control me," Laehval said hotly, wrenching her arm from his grasp. "Go home, Yilte. Go home to your loving wife and children and think no more of the sister that shames you. You will never see me in this place again."


When he tried to grab her once again, a shove from her sent him sprawling backwards. Ignoring his angry shouts, she waded across the flooded bridge and climbed the path on the other side.

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