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STSF Seiben

Innocent until Proven Guilty





Captain Rolf Seiben sat at the witness box. "I don't think what I did violates the Prime Directive, and how I conduct my personal life has no merit in judging my conduct as an officer" he said. After several grilling questions, he was feeling tired and a bit agitated by some of the questions the prosecuting counsel fired at him.


"On the contrary, Captain" blurted out the persecuting lawyer, a rotund balding man with a bad combover. "Captain Seiben's decision to marry a member of a non-Federation world -- especially a high ranking one, is the very definition of a gross violation of the Prime Directive; one that could hold negative connotations of the relationship between the UFP and Magna Romanus"


The balding lawyer with the bad combover paced the courtroom. "Your honour, Captain Seiben should have known better. The Prime Directive is a little vague on situations like these because situations like these don't normally happen! And how you conduct yourself in personal matters has just as much merit as when conducted on-duty, especially regarding matters like these. Not even Captain Kirk married any of his alien lovers! Because it violates Starfleet and Federation laws"


The Caitian judge stroked her bright orange chin in contemplation as the balding lawyer with the bad combover rattled on quoting several Federation laws and Prime Directive statutes. Captain Seiben slunk in his seat at the lawyer babbled on. It didn't look good as Seiben thought to himself. The trial has been going on for several days now and no one could yet tell the outcome of the trial. Both prosecuting and defence counsels had pitched compelling evidence and testimonies to sway the verdict in their favour.


Out of the window, Seiben caught a glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge over the Pacific. He gazed up at the sky and wished he could have been with his crew. From what he understood, the Challenger crew were serving on the Columbia with his friend Captain Saylek investigating a planet near Orion space and that an away team comprising of some of the Challenger crew was commanded by a Rigellian Chellon named Ja'Lale. Seiben didn't know this individual personally, or even seen a Rigellian Chellon now that he thought of it, and wished they were in good hands.


The night before, Seiben sent a message wishing them luck. He hoped to see them again when the Challenger was fully repaired, but at this point in the trial, he wasn't sure if he could follow through with that wish. He questioned the timing of that assignment with prevented the crew offering testimony in his trial. "Captain, I must ask you: What is your reasoning in marrying Julia Quintis? Surely, you would know what kind of repercussions such an action would be?" asked the balding lawyer with the bad combover.


Seiben sighed. "Well, when two people are in love they decide to get married. Plus, symbollically marrying the Roman Counsel's sister greatly improved relations between the two worlds and symbolizes the union we share" The balding lawyer with the bad combover cocked his head at Seiben.

"Seiben, don't patronize me" replied the balding lawyer. "But, you say you fell in love with Ms. Quintus when you only met her for the first time shortly before you married. How does one fall in love with someone sight unseen?"


"Objection, your honour!" cried out Locke. "Captain Seiben's personal love life should not be considered anyone's business" The Caitian judge nodded at Locke. The balding lawyer shrugged. "Hmm, perhaps it is too personal, but it is food for thought. The state rests." Seiben left the witness box after that and sat back down at the defendant's table next to Locke. He rubbed his head and took a drink of water. The trial looked like a stale mate and buckled down for another long day.


To be Continued....

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