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Crash Calestorm

Night of the Living Trekkies

Set your phasers and reading glasses to stun people, and for the love of Roddenberry, aim for the head!


"Night of the Living Trekkies" is a fun parody of Star Trek and the Sci Fi Convention circuit without being scathing; very similar to the "Galaxy Quest" movie that had come out in the 1990's, and written by author(s) Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall.


I'm not the type of Trek fan that has my nose so far up in the air as to shun anything that pokes fun at the franchise, so I'd recommend "Night" to any like-minded fans out there who want a good Halloween type of book read with Trekkies and the Undead thrown in for good measure.


This book understands everything about the Trek fan culture: Conventions, how much Trek is loved, the vendors, the events, people dressing up in the costumes, the fanboys and fangirls. The author(s) are lifelong Sci Fi geeks, and boy does that come through in the pages of the book. There are so many little fan culture gems hidden throughout the novel that they all can't be listed here. With that said, I'm not sure the casual fan or the non-Trek fan would much get into the nods to fan culture -- probably not.


This is a typical (OMG, we gotta get out of here alive!) plot as the characters try and escape from a hotel overrun with undead & hosting a Star Trek convention, but the writing and character dialogue keeps it fresh and moving along nicely without being overly graphic with the blood or gore. Thankfully, silliness is also completely absent, replaced by light hearted moments that are interjected skillfully without taking away from the book.


On a more serious note, the main protagonist is Jim Pike (the name dropping/combinations are done throughout the novel, which adds a great trivia depth), a former soldier dealing with the aftermath of two deployments to Afghanistan. At one time, he was a Trek fan, but his Afghan experiences crushed his interest in Star Trek.


Can Jim Pike put his personal demons to rest and rescue the small group stuck inside the hotel, and expose what's going on, Trek fan style?


Pick up a copy of "Night of the Living Trekkies" and find out for yourself!


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