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Rue Wydown

Cause of Death and Dread

“How in the blue blazes did you find that?” Dr Moon adjusted the scanning device while Commander Wydown simply shrugged and stepped out of the way. The doctor examined the pin prick of a wound located on the ambassador’s underside of his upper arm, then glanced back up at Wydown. “Seriously, how did you find that? The initial bioscan didn’t even find that?”


“Don’t worry about that. Just tell me if that had something to do with his death, hmmm?”


“Maybe, but probably not. “




“You jump to too many conclusions, ma’am. This could very well be what it looks like…a death by natural causes.”


“That’s a Romulan. And this is Excalibur, Andrew. Nothing is ever what it seems.” Wydown leaned against the wall panel and motioned with her hands for the pathologist to continue his work.



“What did you say the cause of death was again?”


“A systematic shock reaction to an anaphylaxis condition. A trace amount of the antigen found on the wound you identified was a food born reactant so to make it look like a normal allergic reaction.” Dr Moon grumbled, not happy that the commander was right about where the antigen was introduced into the body, nor the cause of death being suspicious in nature. “The onset of anaphylaxis was gradual, due to where the antigen was introduced to the body. Anaphylaxis led to his difficulty breathing, or the coughing that was observed. Then low blood pressure and loss of consciousness during the shock phase. Once the body goes into shock, vital organs being to shut down quickly, even for a Romulan.”


“When can I get the final autopsy and toxicology report?”


“I can have it to you by the end of the shift. If—“ Dr Moon paused then gulped. “…if you tell me how you found that wound?”


Wydown smiled as she approached the pathologist and gently took him under the arm to demonstrate. “Because it’s how I would have done it if I wanted to be discreet.” She wiggled her index finger against the underside of his arm, mimicking the pin prick, giving the man the shivers, then turned to leave the room. “I’ll be looking for your report.”


Dr Moon frowned as he watched the executive officer stride off, “Remind me not to make her mad.”

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