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A familiar walk

It seemed like days, the questioning, the grilling, the medical exams. If they took one more blood sample, or tissue sample she'd scream. And just laying there held by a stasis field because they were frightened that she might ba some sort of clone that might go berserk and start yy'ing everyone nearby. And finally, they released the field and let me up. I knew this walk, and had done it many times before. Long ago were the days when it was just to report in to her superiors. Of late, in fact, the last 4 times they had returned to ch'Rihan, she had done this walk under guard, and at times in shackles. No doubt, that the cargo she had returned with, had bought her enough freedom not to be in irons at the moment, but that still did na diminish the fact that there were at least a half dozen ieyakk trained upon her the entire way. Na, they did na trust her, or believe her. Even with the crew's testimony, tKsa's files and all the medical checks she had just gone through, there were doubts.


Finally, her party stopped as they were passed through another security checkpoint, and she stood before the door she had almost was relieved to be before yet again, yet also, feared as she worried about the response she would get.

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