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Joe Manning

"The Final Doom of Minos"

"Decrepit citizens of Tranquility and imprisoned visitors, if you have been clinging to the false hope that the Guardians will save you from the cleansing rain, know that the Guardians have been struck down by the Rainmakers. Turn to the news reels to see their stronghold in ruins, to see that your false police, the great pretenders, are not shielded from the will of Minos.


"The shackles with which the Guardians have kept you restrained on this world have been broken. Their surviving agents are scattered throughout the city concerned only with sparing themselves from our wrath. The vile and weak Taurus Brothers are powerless to help them or you. Now is the time for you to take action, to rise against your oppressors and make your exodus from this corrupted world.


"Should you need further encouragement, know that the greatest cleansing of all is still to come. In six hours, if the unlawful blockade has not been lifted, the orbital shield which protects the surface of this world from Phaesula's harmful rays will fail. The star's deadly radiation will rain upon Tranquility City, and all that lives upon the face of this decadent rock will be burned away. The means by which we will bring this rain to Tranquility cannot be stopped by the Guardian fleet. Our drones lurk hidden among the planetary ring, ready to sabotage the shield nodes at my command; there are too many and their concealment too great for the Guardians to preserve the shield.


"My Rainmakers are willing to make this sacrifice to protest the tyranny of false rulers. We are not burdened by conscience, for we know that it will be the Guardians and the Taurus Brothers whose inaction will bring about this terrible purging. Expect no mercy from your jailers; they will retreat inside underground shelters and protective suits, willing to allow an entire city to die if their own safety is ensured.


"Do not allow their callous disregard to damn you. Your ships await at the port, held against your will by the uniformed thieves. They are weakened and scattered; now is the time to strike against them and take back what is yours! The will of Minos is the will of the people; let it carry on this night as a new struggle to reclaim the Hyades cluster from the tyrants, a struggle fueled by the memory of a murdered populace."

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