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Requisition & Approval

This evening is progressing quite nicely, thought Debbie as her head came to rest on the soft, down pillow. She slipped her hands under head and grinned at the bedroom ceiling. She had managed to get home on time and was greeted by her husband's carefully prepared dinner....lobster tail, baked potato and green beans. Their meal was topped off with a hefty slice of that decadent chocolate cake Aidan had purchased at that sinful bakery on Starbase 2. Yes, thought Deb giddily, this evening is progressing perfectly....and the day didn't go too badly either.


She and Merina and two or three others had spent most of their on duty hours working on "The Requisition." They'd started with a detailed survey of the physical therapy facility located next door to Sickbay. It was much larger and more spacious than Deb remembered. In no time at all, the "spa team" had come up with a plan to rearrange the equipment in order to accommodate all three of the proposed spa tubs the CMO wanted to install. They'd put their plans on a padd and treked down to engineering to see if the power supplies in the rehab facility could be moved without too much inconvenience.


As fate would have it, the maintenance engineers saw no problems with the proposed plan. A couple of them even offered suggestions on how to tuck the tubs away for more privacy. Their ideas were excellent and quickly added to the original plans. After the leg work was completed, Deb and Merina spent hours carefully wording the requisition making sure to incorporate the all important information regarding "medical necessity." Once the requisition was finished, it was reviewed by the entire "spa team." All of the necessary changes were made and finally, just a few minutes before the shift ended, Debbie forwarded it to her immediate superior. He'd been amenable when she first mentioned it yesterday. Hopefully, he would put his stamp of approval on it and that would be that.


Her grin broadened as she thought about the timing. It was perfect!


She glanced to her right as her immediate superior entered the bedroom, a large towel wrapped around his waist. How convenient that he was also her husband, whom she adored. He smiled warmly as he proceeded to dress for bed. Deb returned the smile. Again, the timing was perfect. She would give him a few minutes to settle in and then remind him about the requisition. After that, she would focus all of her attention on him. The requisition was already waiting for him. He would read it in the morning. But for tonight, she was determined to do all she could to help sway his opinion.....and guarantee his approval of Spa Reaent.

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