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Joe Manning

Qob: Tranquility 8/29/10

Pher -> Troy and rosetto might try to disable the Qob...

Troy Parson -> What's the point in disabling it?

Pher -> The bad guys seem to want to steal it. They won't be able to if one of the wrong parts is missing.

Joe Manning -> I was thinking Pher and rosetto could do that ...

Joe Manning -> Troy is getting Dash's job

Pher -> Logically, Pher would have wanted to stay and watch people left behind, but someone who isn't hear could be delegated.

Joe Manning -> That could be Dash and Shane

Joe Manning -> T'aral passed along some instructions to remove a part ...

T'Aral -> ... so you send a pilot to do an engineer's job?

Joe Manning -> Troy, you're now Doctor Orson Audrey, Guardian MD

Joe Manning -> Luckily for you, we got you a uniform and ID. I hope you've been following enough of our hospital break-in plot to know what you have to do

Joe Manning -> Let's pick it up en route to Medical One in our speeder ...

Joe Manning -> Pher and rosetto, you'll have to secure your own transportation.

Pher -> Or walk...

rosetto -> rosetto has a thumb...

Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

rosetto -> Pher's got the legs...

Joe Manning -> #::In the back seat of the speeder clutching his side::

T'Aral -> #: Driving :

Pher -> :: Gives last instructions to those staying behind. ::

rosetto -> ::collecting his things out of hotel room::

rosetto -> ::wraps on the closet door to say good-bye to our guest in there::

Pher -> :: Hope Sal remember his gun this time, as she wants hers back. ::

Joe Manning -> #T'aral ... how much of the hospital's layout and patient manifest were you able to dig up?

Pher -> :: Waits at the fish eye in the door for Sal to get back. ::

rosetto -> We should run by my place first, so I can pick up a few things, okay?

Troy Parson -> #::In the back of the speeder adjusting his new uniform::

T'Aral -> # I have the basic layout established, with entrances and egresses noted. The patient roster which I was able to identify are those who we are not interested in. ...

Pher -> Sure.

rosetto -> ^Scratch<sorry I was confused again. thought I was still in Pher's hotel room>

T'Aral -> # ... I was, however, able to locate a group of internal rooms which appear promising.

Pher -> I'd rather have my might weapon back.

Pher -> (( No matter. ))

Pher -> (Mighty)

Joe Manning -> #What's promising about them?

Pher -> :: moving with Sal ::

rosetto -> Okay then let's just leave these guys to it, drop by my place and then head to the ship.

Pher -> Good nuff.

T'Aral -> # They are marked 'quarantined', and are part of ICU.

Pher -> :: Glances one more time at the guardian secured with firm but not uncomfortable fur lined bindings... ::

Joe Manning -> #That's not good. Getting in is going to be tricky.

Pher -> So, do you disable ships often?

Troy Parson -> #::thinks:: Does it say anythin about the type of quarantine?

Troy Parson -> #Has any special equipment been set up...additional air filters, microparticulate fields, anything like that?

T'Aral -> # I believe we were aware of the difficulty when you chose this course of action.

T'Aral -> # Troy > There is not a bacterial quarantine. Rather, the section of ICU is simply quarantined for security purposes.

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Best bet is to find us a less secure area, preferably away from prying eyes, where we can work out a way through the quarantine.

Mitar Precip -> (AFK)

Pher -> And that's all there is to it, Sal. Any questions?

Troy Parson -> #Hm. What do we know about their security precautions? Is it a checkpoint system? General scanners? Closed metal doors?

rosetto -> Sorry, T-Storm can ut of nowhere... kicked me off the network

rosetto -> Question? What did you say Exactly?

Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The speeder is approaching Medical One and its adjacent landing pad

T'Aral -> # Troy > Security personnel, and a ventilation system which would make the sound of an approaching thunderstorm if anyone tried to move through it.

Pher -> :: smiles :: Just thinking we minimze the extra legal stuff.

Troy Parson -> #Right, so no sneaking around, then. I guess that's for the best...my kness aren't exactly what they used to be.

Pher -> Tell them we have decent reasons to make sure the ship doesn't leave without us, and tell just enough truth so they're with us.

T'Aral -> # :: Sets controls and course for approach. ::

Joe Manning -> #These uniforms are meant to keep us from having to sneak around too much. But our clearance ain't getting us into a high security area.

Joe Manning -> #We're gonna have to think of -something-.

Troy Parson -> #This man we're going to talk to...

rosetto -> Yeah, okay...::thinks about it. 'Doesn't Joe OWN this vessel?'::

Troy Parson -> #He doesn't look anything like you, by any chance, does he?

T'Aral -> # Medical One - appropriated speeder on approach with a priority patient.

Pher -> Yep. Thing is, the Guardians have pretty much shut down the space port.

Joe Manning -> #I don't have the slightest idea what he looks like ...

Pher -> They don't want any ship getting off the ground, so they are keeping people away from their own ships.

rosetto -> But we should be able to get on board, right?

Joe Manning -> #T'aral dug his name out of a Guardian database. We haven't learned much more about him than what their reports say.

Pher -> But they ought to like what we're doing.

Troy Parson -> #So they maintain a non-pictorial database, then. Good.

Troy Parson -> #We might have a chance...

Pher -> Should be able to... but they are excorting folks to their ships.

Joe Manning -> #They had to. He's been working undercover for the Guardians, gathering intell on the Rainmakers.

Pher -> The only question is whether they have the people to spare to baby sit us.

rosetto -> gotcha.

Pher -> I figue I'll tell them just enough about what happened to Chris to make it a priority.

T'Aral -> # We are on final approach.

Troy Parson -> #So is anyone in the room able to verify that their patient actually is who he says he is?

Pher -> So long as the Captain doesn't make a big enough splash to draw every guardian in the city.

Joe Manning -> #Medical One> +Com+ Please identify yourself, pilot.

rosetto -> ::listens::

rosetto -> So where is the ship?

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: I'm not sure anyone else will be under the security this guy's liable to be under.

Joe Manning -> #But we'll check into it before we go breakin' anyone's knees.

Pher -> Got all your stuf? :: Looks around Sal's hotel room? :: If so, let's get on the move.

Pher -> Ship... one of the main pads at the space port.

Troy Parson -> #What if we were to suggest to them that there had been something of an administrative error...

Pher -> There aren't many larger ships that want to touch down.

rosetto -> ::grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder::Yeah, I think so...

Joe Manning -> #::Raises an eyebrow at Troy:: What sort of error?

Pher -> :: Starts towads the elvator ::

Pher -> Let's roll then. You have your own gun now?

rosetto -> ::follows quickly behind::

Troy Parson -> #That they'd taken the wrong person into their quarantine, leaving poor Mr. LaHaye out on the street to get...::looks at Joe::...rather wounded.

rosetto -> Yeah, got it right here...::pulls it out to show her::

T'Aral -> # Medical One > T'Roh, Nurse Practitioner, Level 2 and party.

Pher -> :: Examines the weapon, evaluating it ::

Pher -> (( Please describe? ))

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: If you mean me, I'm already Xavier Benton ...

Pher -> :: Looks but doesn't seek to touch ::

Joe Manning -> #But that line of thinking gives us a possibility to explore.

rosetto -> Told you it was just a pea-shooter... Home defense thing.

Pher -> Lethal?

rosetto -> Nope..

Joe Manning -> #::As the speeder lands:: It's show time

T'Aral -> # :: Settles speeder, composes herself, and steps out to obtain a gurney. ::

Pher -> OK. Guardians don't like spacers going lethal. It would complicate things.

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: I think T'aral's gettin me some wheels. Hope you don't mind pushing me.

Pher -> :: Manuvers through the lobby, out on the street. Takes a bit to get her bearings then starts briskly to the space port. ::

rosetto -> That's good because I don't like going lethal either...

Troy Parson -> #Not a problem.

Pher -> I'm in just a bit of a hurry, so I'm not intending to be cute.

Pher -> Our covers are that we are spacers needing to get back to our ship.

T'Aral -> # :: Returns with a gurney, gestures for Joe to settle on it. ::

Joe Manning -> ACTION: The rioting at the ports has settled down, but the crowds have only gotten larger

Pher -> :: smiling ::

rosetto -> Not a bad cover, since it's practically the truth...

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: I'm now unconscious ... ::Slings an arm around him::

Pher -> I'm willing to avoid crowds, but don't want to detour too badly.

Pher -> Yah. The truth works when you can get away with it.

Pher -> :: smiles ::

Troy Parson -> #::grimaces slightly as he takes on Joe's weight:: Sweet dreams.

rosetto -> ::smiles::

Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: I hope you Vulcans are better liars than the rumors go. You might have to put your acting face on.

Pher -> (( Did you give pher her own gun back? ))

rosetto -> ::isn't in bad shape but finds himself hurried to keep up with Pher::

rosetto -> ((She took it back in my hotel room))

Pher -> (( Good nuff ))

T'Aral -> # Troy> (w) Settle him on the gurney, and I will push.

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: <w> Remember, broken ribs, a pierced lung, and a helluva lot of internal bleeding. Hit'em with the urgency angle.

Troy Parson -> #T'Aral (w)> Get ready to give it some back...we're going to go in fast.

rosetto -> So, what's the plan once we're on board?

Joe Manning -> #::Puts his head down on the gurney and closes his eyes::

Pher -> Just remove the part, sweep the ship to make sure everything is good, then head back to the hotel.

Troy Parson -> #::takes a position by the front of the gurney so that he can direct while T'Aral pushes::

T'Aral -> # :: Pushes ::

Pher -> I'd like any excort to not to know exactly what we're doing. We'll see if that's allowed.

rosetto -> Do you know where the part is located? I mean I can removed it.

Joe Manning -> #::Breathes the way he should with a pierced lung, finding it ironic that he's the only doctor in the group, yet he's the one on his back::

Mitar Precip -> (lol)

Troy Parson -> #::Pulling the gurney towards the hospital at top speed, shouting:: Coming through! Coming through!

Pher -> Oh, yes. I even recorded T'Aral's instructions on Audrey.

Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The hospital's landing pad entrance is closed, with two guards standing in front

rosetto -> okay, then you can keep the escort busy while I put my things away... I.e. get the part.

T'Aral -> # :: Pushes intently towards the hospital entrance. ::

Troy Parson -> #::heading straight for the guards, calling to them:: You two! We've got an injured man here...clear us a path!

Joe Manning -> #Lawman Baker> ::Runs to meet the approaching group:: What happened? Is he from the blast site?

Troy Parson -> #::turns to Baker, still moving:: The rioters got him...he's got multiple broken ribs, severe internal bleeding, possible blood char...::still moving::

rosetto -> ::looks and sees the port::It's over there, right?

Joe Manning -> #Baker> It's true about the riots then? ::Nods to the other guard to open the doors::

Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Looks at T'aral:: I

Pher -> Yep. Open approach.

Joe Manning -> 'll need to check your security clearances.

Pher -> :: Considers :: And just how do you think I should be distracting? :: grins ::

T'Aral -> # :: Pushes through the door. ::

rosetto -> Well, my good looks and a bar of latinum will get you a cup of coffee most places...

Troy Parson -> #::holds up Lawman ID, still moving:: It's Dr. Audrey, Lawman rank...That's A-u-d-r-e-y. ::breathless::

T'Aral -> # Doctor Audrey, Practitioner T'Roh, and he is Sergant Xavier Benton.

Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Takes the ID and retrieves the scanner from his belt:: Looks like it's getting pretty bad out there.

Joe Manning -> #Baker> Do you know your way around the facility?

Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Sweeps the scanner over the ID::

T'Aral -> # Acceptably.

Troy Parson -> #Wouldn't be much good if I didn't.

Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Gets a positive ID and nods to Troy, handing him back the ID:: Good luck with him. I'll send word to the staff that you could use help.

rosetto -> Speaking of coffee, I could sure use a belt of it about now...

Troy Parson -> #See if you can get them to send up an internal refracting hyperscope...I could really use it to check for the B.C..

T'Aral -> # :: Nods :: Please have them identify an ICU ward for the Sergant. He will need monitoring.

Pher -> :: Looks about for guardians... hoping someone is at the obvious spacer's entrance. ::

Pher -> On the way back, I think.

Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Nods:: Got it. Internal reflecting, uh ... hypo ... and an ICU ward, right. I'll send word along.

Pher -> They ought to be watching this place really closely.

rosetto -> Okay, sounds good..

Troy Parson -> #::serious look:: Make it fast...he's in bad shape.

Joe Manning -> #Baker> And be on your guard in ICU. We've got a special guest prowling the area ... Marshall Savoy herself.

rosetto -> ::looks around and ses no one::

Joe Manning -> #::Opens his eyes::

T'Aral -> # :: Does not present any sign of comprehension, as if the name meant nothing. ::

Pher -> Funny thing is, we really are sharing mutual self interest just now.

rosetto -> (w)This doesn't look good. Where are the guards?

Joe Manning -> Lawman Richards> ::Prowling on the other side of the bridge to the port platform::

Pher -> Hmm. :: Continues towards the door. Looks for security cameras, and makes sure they get good looks at her. ::

Joe Manning -> #<q> Qiyah! Did he just say Savoy?

Troy Parson -> #(w)Shh, you're supposed to be dying.

Joe Manning -> #<q> You've got to keep me the hell away from her. She'll recognize me.

T'Aral -> # :: Directs gurney into a side examination room, then closes the privacy door. ::

rosetto -> ::looks around trying not to look suspicious::

Troy Parson -> #::thinks for a moment::

Pher -> :: Approaches main door ::

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Crosses the bridge now, peering at Pher and rosetto:: Help you folks?

rosetto -> Morning!

Pher -> Yah. We've got a problem. Our XO got rolled tonight.

T'Aral -> # :: Puts a hand on Joe's shoulder to settle him as she runs a tricorder scan over him. Checking readings, she nods. ::

Mitar Precip -> (Richards..the guy from the Running Man? hmm...watches)

T'Aral -> # The room is secure - no monitoring devices.

Troy Parson -> #I wonder...

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Furrows brow at Pher:: ... unless you've got port business, I recommend you move along. There's trouble around here and you're liable to get hurt.

Pher -> Burglery not the motive. Interrogation drugs were used. We're thinking somebody wants to borrow our ship.

Troy Parson -> #Why would someone of that high a rank be here now?

Pher -> Figuring the way this town is running tonight, we thought we'd panic. :: not showing much sign of panic ::

Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: You think they'll just let us into ICU? Not getting us past quarantine in any event.

rosetto -> ::stands there smiling with bag over shoulder::

Joe Manning -> Richards> I'm sorry ... do you have some reason to believe anyone'd be interested in your ship? We've got a lot of ships at the port that a lot of people would love to get their hands on.

T'Aral -> Obtaining an ICU room will be no difficulty. Getting into the restricted area, however, is quite another issues.

T'Aral -> *issue*.

rosetto -> Richards>With High Warp capabilities?

Pher -> :: raises an eyebrow :: Well. The motive was NOT robbery. They had a Deltan using pheromones on poor chriss, which isn't cheap and isn't part of the norm.

Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: An ICU room will also be monitored, though, right? Are we sure we want that?

T'Aral -> # Leave that to me.

Joe Manning -> Richards> Heh ... ::Corner of his lip curls:: Pheromones you say. ::Looks her up and down:: Is this some kind of gag?

Pher -> I figure the threat is real. Also, we're the QoB. She's one of the faster and better armed ships on the lot.

Pher -> :: nose in air :: I just happen to be an expert on the effects of pheromones. No gag.

Joe Manning -> #You can probably start accessing interal systems from here, right?

Pher -> :: grins ::

Joe Manning -> Richards> And I'm an expert on deciding whether anyone is allowed into the port. We've got some dangerous people on the loose and we'd like to keep them here ...

Joe Manning -> Richards> Are you the Captain?

T'Aral -> # No, but once you're settled I will be required to report to the Nurse's station to file a summary. At that time, I will have access to the monitoring stations at the source.

rosetto -> Richards>WHo me? God no! ::chuckles::

Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: Excellent ...

Pher -> Don't blame you. Me too. Look, don't want to bring a full crew aboard. Don't want to start engines or go anywhere near the bridge. Just want to quietly remove a few parts. Insurance, so to speak.

T'Aral -> # :: Hands Joe a small cylinder, about the size of a 'zip' drive. ::

T'Aral -> # When this chimes, it will be safe to move about.

Joe Manning -> #PA> Doctor Audrey to ICU. Doctor Audrey, please report to ICU with your patient.

Troy Parson -> #That's us!

T'Aral -> # :: Prepares the gurney to move. ::

Joe Manning -> Richards> Alright, give me your names and your jobs on the crew. I'll check in with the crew manifest that was put on file when you checked in.

T'Aral -> # Troy > Stay close to his face through the ICU, monitoring his airway.

Joe Manning -> Richards> I'll still need to clear this with HQ, though.

Troy Parson -> #Right.

Pher -> I'm Pheromone of Evenstar Bay, security chief. He's new hire. Won't be on the lists.

rosetto -> Pher>(w)oops... I'm not gonna be on that manifest...

Joe Manning -> #::Frowns up at T'aral:: She's tall and blond and she's wearing all white.

Pher -> If that bothers you, I'll do the job myself.

T'Aral -> # Keep one hand on his forehead, covering his eyes. Your other hand should lift his chin. This will keep your hands in a position to obscure his features.

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Looks up from his ODRI at Pher:: ... new hire ... ::Looks at Rosetto::

Troy Parson -> #::looks at T'Aral:: You know, I can tell where his face is on my own...

Pher -> Not in the system yet. Hasn't even been paid yet. We've had a bad day.

rosetto -> This bag is my gear... I was just gonna toss it on board for save keeping...

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Rosetto, noticing his whisper:: You look like you got something to hide. What's your name?

Pher -> Keep it outside. You'll make the poor man nervous.

T'Aral -> # Yes, but hopefully this will obscure him from anyone who might recognize him, while still appearing to be proceeding with medical procedures.

Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: You're a doctor. You can lean over me and hold your ear next to my mouth and no one will question it.

Troy Parson -> #Just because I don't have pointy ears, doesn't mean I don't know a trick or two...

rosetto -> ::opens bag::Name's Sal Rosetto, from K'Normia. I have nothing to hide, sir::shows bag contents::

T'Aral -> # I meant no offense ... I am not aware of what you know or don't know.

Pher -> A very new hire.

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Running their names through port security:: I take it you both checked in when you arrived?

Troy Parson -> #::rolls eyes:: Just push the cart.

T'Aral -> # :: Opens the door, then drives the gurney about to a lift. ::

Joe Manning -> #I can tell you two are gonna get along just fine. ::Closes his eyes and rolls his head again::

Pher -> I did when the QoB landed. :: Looks to Sal to give his answer ::

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Looks up from the ODRI at Sal's face. His eyebrow raises::

rosetto -> Richards>Yes, I went through a security check when my cruiser arrived a week ago...

Troy Parson -> #::pulling the front of the gurney, frequently checking Joe's eyes and breathing::

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Grins:: Well well ... Mr. Rosetto ...

Joe Manning -> Richards> I think you know the way this works?

rosetto -> ::look quizzingly at him::Not really, sir...

Joe Manning -> Richards> Allow me to enlighten you ... ::Leans forward a bit::

Joe Manning -> Richards> You're on our special VIP list ...

Joe Manning -> Richards> Which means there's a port fee of 100 credits for any passage across this bridge.

rosetto -> ::looks proud of hm self::

Joe Manning -> Richards> Payable to the on-duty Lawman ... of course.

Pher -> :: Small smile ::

rosetto -> Ah... that list... ::carefully reaches for his wallet eying the lawman::

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Smirks as Sal reaches into his pocket::

Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Standing in the secure ICU ward, looking at the unconscious Jerald LaHaye::

rosetto -> ::fumbles through his wallet::Sorry, All I have is a 200 note here... ::smiles weakly:::

Pher -> You could always pay in advance for the trip back.

Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Pher:: An excellent idea. ::Grins wide and takes the note::

T'Aral -> << Folks, it's 10:09 pm EST, and I have to go. >>

Joe Manning -> Richards> Wait here. I'll come in a team to escort you.

Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

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