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Initial scans indicated that the debris brought aboard did not constitute a threat to the Manticore or her crew, allowing Syndrx to return to the task or repairing the sensors and leaving T'Prise to run both the preliminary and in-depth analysis. Visual assessment suggested that the metal samples brought aboard were formerly part of some spacecraft, origins undetermined as yet. Ordering a full metallurgic assay and elemental analysis, the Vulcan astrophysicist requested a portable sensor unit be delivered to the cargo bay before running a tricorder over the samples as part of her exploratory scans.




Stepping out of the turbolift on deck 20, Morran made his way down the corridor, mumbling to himself while hunched over from the weight of the portable sensor unit. Shifting his burden from one arm to the other, he glanced over at the Trill who was following him, finding the action was made somewhat difficult by the weight of the equipment dragging his shoulder down. “You know, this thing is quite heavy. I'm a biologist, not a grav lift.”


Right on the heels of her colleague and carrying the rest of the tools and equipment, Jaxa stopped abruptly as the El Aurian addressed her over his shoulder. “We could try to find a grav lift, but T’Prise did sound like she wanted the sensor delivered now rather than later.”


“Bloody women, always wanting something this very minute…” Morran trailed off, muttering incomprehensibly. Somehow, he managed to slouch even more, taking on a more defensive posture yet still able to move quickly down the corridor.


Continuing to dog his footsteps, Jaxa listened to his ranting, interjecting at his particularly colorful description of women. “Somehow, I know where you’re coming from. My wife used to...well not my wife but Tobias' was like that.”


Turris' eyebrows perked up curiously at her words, a look of surprise playing across his features as if he was noticing something for the first time. He slung the sensor back across his other shoulder, tapping behind his ear and gesturing with his freed hand. “Ah, right. The spots. I suppose we're something of kindred spirits.”


Jaxa smiled to herself thinking that maybe she had finally found a way to put all these persistent memories to good use; befriending her science lab crew members was high on her list of things to do.




Accepting his personal effects from the orderly, Escher immediately went in search of his new comm badge, not bothering to change into the clean uniform. “Escher to T’Prise. What’s the situation?”


Glancing up from her tricorder at the chirping of her own badge, T'Prise raised an eyebrow at Escher’s unexpected comm. “Sir, I was informed that you were currently in sickbay undergoing treatment for injuries sustained during the campaign. Have you been cleared for duty?”


Waving his hands vaguely in the air, unconcerned that she was unable to see him, the science chief responded. “‘Ish. Well enough to talk. Nothing long-term. I want to know the status of my science team. Also, what was with that broadcast from Melville? Also, are you okay?”


Perplexed by his show of concern, especially given that she was responsible for his current sojourn in sickbay, she paused for a moment before replying. “Commander, you need to recover from your injuries. You ought not to be concerned about the science team at this juncture. Commander Syndrx and I have everything under control.”


Escher blinked a few times at her words. “Syndrx is back? Wait, scratch that, it's unimportant. I am fine. I'm a picture of health. What are you working on right now? Can I help?”


Completing her scans, she turned her attention to the tricorder, scrolling through the readings. “Unless you are cleared for duty, I cannot discuss our current situation with you. Although your interest and concern is appreciated, your focus should be on recovering.”


“T'Prise, I will recuperate much better if you tell me what's going on. I'm going to be your science chief again rather soon, even if I'm not right at this instant,” Escher rejoined, sighing loud enough to be heard over the comm.


The doors behind her opened with a loud hiss, revealing Morran and Jaxa along with the requested equipment. Attention still focused on her tricorder and conversation over the comm, T’Prise only gave them a cursory glance.


“Sir, regulations specifically prohibit me from providing you with any pertinent details...” she trailed off mid-sentence as the tricorder's findings finally registered and then raised her voice slightly, but at a noticeable level, to continue on. “This must be incorrect.”


Detecting her change in tone, Escher nearly jumped out of his biobed, intent on marching down to the cargo bay. “What must be incorrect? T'Prise, what's going on?”


Oblivious to the conversation taking place via the ship’s communication systems, Morran swept clumsily through the portal into the cargo bay, slinging the sensor over his shoulder and letting it thump on the ground before using it to prop himself up. “The equipment you ordered, Miss Vulcan,” he announced with a gesture towards the machine.


Jaxa followed behind, placing various pieces of equipment on the nearest surface. She was very interested in what T’Prise had said, a Vulcan questioning a reading never led anything good. From what little time she had spent with the Manticore science team she knew that T’Prise would tell them when she was ready.


Disregarding Morran’s grand entrance, as well as Jaxa’s more subdued one, T’Prise continued to study the tricorder, as if trying to make sense of the readings. “Commander, these scans indicate that this sample is part of the Manticore's hull, a portion of the saucer section to be exact. Given the amount of debris in the field we encountered, there is enough to constitute an entire starship. I will need to complete an analysis of the isotopic signature and perform radiometric dating to confirm, yet the results of my preliminary findings indicate an exact match to the Manticore.”


Throwing up his hands, Morran walked over to the wreckage and began to poke through it. “Oh, so you already know what it is? Why exactly did you bother to drag the two of us down here?” Running his hands over a particularly large piece, he pushed it aside, revealing what looked like a portion of the Manticore’s call sign and designation on another large section underneath.


Manticore? But...” Jaxa trailed off, moving towards the debris with a astonished look on her face.


A silence fell as those in the cargo bay assimilated the information before them. Moments ticked away before it was broken by the sound of Escher’s tinny voice emanating from T’Prise’s commbadge. “What is going on? What...what does this mean?” his tone was hollow, attention focused on where his team was rather than his own surroundings.


“Predestination paradox,” Morran muttered, mostly to himself, shaking his head.


Turning her sharp gaze towards the lieutenant, T'Prise addressed their chief. “It means that the implications of this debris are far more disquieting than first assumed.”

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