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Le Morte

Parasite Under Glass

" Parasite Under Glass "


Duty log: 1st.Lt. Le Morte,ASCI,Sky Harbor Aegis


The small creature in the glass cage we have prepared for it appears to be recovering from the chemical sedative Dr.Pavillion had introduced into the chamber prior to taking samples for study in an attempt to delve deeper into a way to either destroy them or in the very least dissuade them from turning this station into a "blue plate special" I believe is the term overheard by others.


We had been making progress in our combined interdepartmental studies of the critters for lack of a better term,a parasite indeed. The samples taken and subjected to an impromptu exposure to a combination of certain chemicals,solvents,Iron and aqueous silica along with the re engineered DNA/RNA samples taken appear to be having the desired effect.


The timer is ticking away and tissue degradation is continuing unabated as projected on the simulations I had ran prior to exposing said tissue to this nasty little cocktail. the monitor and recording the results Le Morte continued to marvel at the creatures previous ability to adapt and survive in the most harshest of environments. The tissue is beginning to crystallize as had been theorized...the recombinant agents were having the desired and predicted results.


The cross referencing of Star Fleet data sources had found more than a few close matches to our guest we presently have. The habits and mannerisms of the creature most closely resembled the ways of a Terran life form known as a Remora, Though obviously the physical characteristics are blatantly different...there is a very distinct exhibition of similar habits. The new cocktail I have constructed and labeled as XP-5013 for referencing is now proceeding to crystallize the samples and should ...when complete render them down to nothing more than a crystal dust and non threatening.



Reflecting over the previous hours Le Morte simply smiled as he went over again in his mind the way beings interact when working together for a common goal and how at times the simplest solutions to a major concern may originate from the most improbable source...Leilani doing her nails utilizing a solvent compound, Dr.Pavillion going through the gamut of DNA/RNA sequencing to possibly find a viable weakness to exploit. The idea when all the puzzle pieces were in place resulted in the possible way and means to rid ourselves of this problem.



Observing our guest in the glass cage...I wonder if it knows what may be occurring shortly and what it will mean to those of their kind,Well whatever type of rudimentary intelligence it may posses...it must know we must survive and what it and their kind are doing is not in the best interest of our continued survival. Survival is the key...and history is replete with the accounts of the survivors of similar situations,and this is a fight for survival however you color it.


Computer...End Log....Beep..!

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