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Mission Summary

The missing crew of the Republic have found themselves as being part of some type of experiment. Fiona was still being poked and prodded but Rian ha seemed to have found a friend. One of the Oest gave her something to drin when they brought her into the room. while that was taking effect she saw them take her com badge and place it in a machine. She began feeling better the longer the time went. One of the Oest pointed to her and to the badge in the machine. She gave up explaining until she could hear their thoughts in her head. A bit of a conversation so to speak went on between them.


Fiona while in another room was having even more samples taken from her and a scan of some type on her abdomen. Once they finished with her they allowed her to remain a few moments to recover slightly there but then had two others take her to the second cell to be alone to recover.


The Oest that had befriended Rian was getting worried as it was almost time for the other to return after his experiment. He quickly pushed more of the root into Rians mouth telling her to eat and swallow it. It will make her ill but it will also keep her alive. At least thats what he told her.


The crew still on the ship have launched 2 boeys to keep track of the wormhole exit point. Joy and Heather have began scans, Will is trying to comfort his wife and Ayumu was piloting uS on Search Pattern. Everyone is anxoius to get the team back.

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