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USS Republic Summary

While the crew of the republic sit waiting for the wormhole to reopen so they can go find their missing crew, that missing crew is becoming more of a set or lab rats for the creatures holding them.


Fiona seems to be their favorite when it comes to doing experimentation. They have also taken interest in Bardolf as they seem to have taken some samples from him as well. Even though it was a cheek swab, it was a samle all the same. Fiona had been sedated enough that she could not resist what they were doing to her. They placed the samples taken from Bardolf in a tube and then withdrew it in a syringe with a long thin needle. They then inserted the needle into Fiona's abdomen. This was done a few times. After this they turned her on her stomach and began running what looked like a scanner up and down her spine. Fiona was terrifed and unable to do anything to stop it. She felt the twinges of the needles and then the pressure on the nerves in her spine. She was left by her experimenter to go eat lunch, he figuring she was still sedated and tied down enough to keep her from escaping.


Kwai was taken from the habitat, carried into a different room and placed on an exam table. Her captures then took a cup and pressed it against her lips trying to force her to drink it. Kwai took the cup from the creature and sipped at it instead of allowing herself to be forced. The odd thing is after a few moments she began to actually feel better and her gut stopped hurting as bad. The creature then placed its so called finger tips to her temples in attempts to communicate with her somehow.


Bardolf and Gunner where left in the habitat. Poor Gunner had eaten to much of the so called food they brought in and spewed it up. Bardolf was still to weak to be able to move to clean it, He could barely walk and called the child over to him.


All of a sudden the Republic begins to pick up Neutrino particles, signaling the possible opening of the worm hole. Once the worm hole was completely open, Ayumu was ordered to proceed into the wormhole at full impulse. The Republic began its trek through the wormhole to find her missing team.

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