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Mitar Precip

"Observed Insanity can lead to an Emotional Response"

Mitar was getting nowhere and time was running out. He could not believe the "insanity" in his opinion to sticking to the plan of carrying out the raid with what resources they had deployed. Two Fighters vs. Four Shipyards. It was an issue of payload, ordinance and capability. He had no doubt Manticore herself could take out the shipyard Atragon had assigned her to destroy. But with botched intelligence, leading to what he thought was an plan that was going to not achieve the original goal of the mission...send a message to the Arcturans decisively what the Federation means. Precip could not understand the logic of it. Why couldn't Sovak either..Roget...Farrington... clearly.... What was going on ..on this bridge. Precip knew why he send for Kenickie...He did not think Atragon's plan would work..and was clearly against it. The Admiral even suggested anyone not agreeing with the planned attack..remove themselves. Mitar feared he couldn't take this insane tactical situation and plan the Command staff was following through with. For the good of the crew...he'd need to execuse himself...::standing in front of Sovak..arguing "logically" to the Vulcan ..trying to keep his voice down....he was concerned he was going to fail. As Mitar continued to try to win Sovak over to the tactical scenario faced by the attack group...his emotions were coming to the surface... Why won't you stop this insanity? Alter the plan you green blooded Logican! Could he win over a Captain Sovak to what Mitar saw going down on his 3-D display. Hurry Kansas....Hurry ..::Precip muttered in his head while pleading with the Vulcan. He did not want to cause a scene with an emotional ouburst on the bridge. Sure, his tenure as Tactical officer of Manticore may be through...but he did not want to lose it in an emotional appeal ,only be escorted off the bridge..blasting Atragon and Sovak for their lack of reason...and logic. Hurry Kansas...Hurry...

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