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J. T. Baron

Any way to sim on iPhone?

Title says all... I can't imagine a client app would be that hard to write (if I actually knew how :P )



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The short answer is "No."


Our chatroom uses a Javascript, and neither the iPhone nor the iPad support Javascript. Steve Jobs pretty much said that Javascript is completely useless.


The slightly longer is answer is "It may be possible."


I've heard tell of people hacking their iPads to run Java.


The even slightlier longer answer is "Yeah, it could be possible, but why would you want to?"


For one, hacking anything made by Apple is usually reserved to the truly devoted, and it's not just because it can be difficult. If you hack your iPhone, and then subsequently brick it, what you have is a $500 shiny paperweight, instead of a $500 shiny paperweight under warranty. Secondly, it may just be because I have chubby baby fingers, but the idea of taking on the task of reading and writing during a sim on such a small platform seems more than daunting--it would probably give me a headache to rival an aneurysm. The only real reason is if you're out on business quite a bit and don't always have access to your desktop. In that case, I say get yourself a netbook. :P

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I've tried looking for a mobile version of Java for both a Windowz mobile phone and an Android, and they don't exist.


And to echo Mr Knight, its aneurysm time if you wanted to. There are times its hard enough to do so on a computer screen.

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Understood. Thanks for the replies. (if I do figure out an easy way I'll let you all know)

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