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Annabelle O'Halloran

Eggs Benedict - A Promise Kept


Will opened his eyes and smiled at the beautiful woman that was sleeping next to him. Remembering last night, he silently extracted himself out of the bed and pulled his clothes on. He left the room and let the sleeping beauty sleep for a little longer.


Eyes still closed and half-asleep, Anna took a deep breath and wondered what smelled so good. It smelled like...heaven...or close to it--it was...breakfast! Rolling over in bed, she realized and remembered two things at once--this wasn't her bed...and the night had been...wonderful. Will had obviously gotten up ahead of her--pilots probably always got up before dawn. She would have liked to wake up with him...but it was just like Will to let her sleep and make breakfast to surprise her. Being very quiet, she slid out of bed and snagged the t-shirt off the floor that she'd gone to sleep in.


Just as she slipped his shirt on, Will walked in with a tray full of breakfast. Eggs benedict, nice extra crispy bacon, toast and orange juice. "Good morning, my love."


"Good morning," she smiled, suddenly feeling very shy. "I see you've been busy...it smells delicious-in fact, it's what woke me up and I have to tell you, it's not a bad way to be woken up." She was talking too fast and could feel the hot blush at the base of her throat starting to work its way up. It was amazing how different morning felt compared to the middle of the night. Amazingly uncomfortable. She sat back on the bed.


His smile widened at her creeping blush. He set the tray on her lap as she sat up, "I hope you didn't mind your sleep being interrupted early this morning." He cleared a stray hair off of her face.


She met his eyes and started to chuckle, the tray giving her something to do with her hands. "I don't know... Let me think...as I recall, I don't think I minded my sleep being interrupted by you a couple of times."


He lay down next to her, propped up on one elbow as she ate. "Well good, after all I wouldn't want to be anything but a gentleman for you. Though if I remember last night, I didn't have to worry about gentlemanly manners, did I?"


She ate a bite of perfectly cooked bacon and just managed not to choke on it before throwing him a dignified look. "Ah, no..."


If anything, she had a feeling it had been her manners that had suffered. He was wearing his t-shirt again but she had a feeling his back was a little scratched up. She also knew he'd be too much of a gentleman to mention it. "This is great bacon."


"Thank you. I try." He snatched a piece of the bacon and started eating it. His back was a bit itchy from last night but he enjoyed it as a reminder. "So what's the plan for today?"


She looked at the plate sitting in front of her. He'd made eggs benedict. "Plan?" She remembered now--they'd been in the gym and she'd told him that she wanted to stay with him that night and have eggs benedict for breakfast. The pesky Observatory from Hell had gotten in the way. "You made me eggs benedict." She felt like she was going to melt.


Tilting his head, "You didn't think I'd forget, did you? I was wondering what you have planned to do today, if anything."


"I shouldn't be surprised but you have a habit of catching me off guard..." She took another bite of the very romantic eggs benedict, and shook her head. "I have two days off...and orders from the Captain to press no buttons." Anna smiled suddenly, and mindful of the tray, reached over and gently stroked the back of his neck. "I think metaphorical buttons are ok."


He smiled as she rubbed his neck. "I have no objection to you pressing these buttons. That's for sure." He stroked her cheek gently.


"That's very reassuring," she said softly. "I guess that encompasses my plans."


"So you are free for two whole days, eh?" She can see his imagination running wild with how to fill the next 48 hours of their lives.


"I'm completely at your service," she grinned, feeling much more relaxed. "And what about you? Won't the flight deck be missing you?"


Will grinned, "Maybe, but I think I can arrange something with Angel to allow me the time." He gently moved the tray over to the nightstand before sliding up to her until his face was only a few inches from hers. "So, are you fully rested right now?"


"I'm not exactly feeling rested right now," she answered a little breathlessly, while sliding one arm up around his neck and pulling him a little closer.


He closed the distance and kissed her deeply, for the longest time. As they kissed, he realized that he might not be able to get enough of this...enough of her, but he was sure going to try.

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