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Capt Rian Kwai

The Battle Within

There was a battle going on within Rian Kwai. Sensing the weakness of Composure, Fear and Panic began their assault on Intelligent Thought. Common Sense was struggling to rally against the onslaught as several of its compatriots were sidelined with injuries. Composure was having a nervous breakdown. And Concentration….well....it burned out with an overdose of Adrenaline a few minutes ago. The only thing keeping Anarchy at bay was shear Stubbornness.


All due to the realization that Rian was much sicker than she had admitted to herself earlier.


She didn’t know what was causing this reaction within her body. Was it the chemicals they used to send them to sleep? The implant? The food? The water? The air? Was it because she was a Trill? Or was it because she was just more vulnerable/susceptible? Something was affecting her more seriously than the other human captives and that alarmed her. Really, really alarming her.


Rian never did play the part of ‘damsel in distress’ well. She had no patience for it, nor did she ever see where it served a purpose but to incite panic in others. She was not trying for martyrdom by downplaying what was going on within her own body. Kwai was just trying to keep the rest of the crew safe and focused on escape, not on her own deteriorating situation. Unfortunately, she feared it may be backfiring on her if she didn’t regain some semblance of control of her own senses.


So the Trill drew strength from two sources. The obvious choice - the wall where she currently propped herself up against and would refuse to move away from until the room stopped spinning. The not so obvious choice - the Robinson child, who’d back she rubbed gently to sooth him as much as herself. Hopefully, with these two sources of comfort, the Trill would be able to function again.


If not, Fear would certainly win this battle. But hopefully not the war.

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