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Tangled Complexities

T’Prise made the final adjustments to the slipstream emitters and glanced over at Ensign Jaxa, who was diligently bent over the control panel opposite, making similar alterations to the targeting computers alignment protocols. Once their modifications were complete, the emitters and targeting computers would work in tandem, insuring accuracy and precision. The cannons were now in good working order and would function as designed if used in the upcoming conflict. In addition, Jaxa had gained valuable experience working on the project and was becoming more adept at her new role on the team, something which boded well for the science department.


Stability and understanding of the roles and capabilities of the other team members within the department made the scientists aboard Manticore function as a unit, rather than disparate individuals. It was obvious from the discussion she had had with Commander Escher earlier during the shift that he was still having difficulty recognizing this concept. He, like many others of his species, tended to humanize other races, instead of recognizing the distinct cultural and physiological differences that existed between them.


It was logical, when first venturing out into space, for cultures to make analogies between their own social mores and those of other species. This gave them a common ground from which to reference. Once an understanding was achieved, fully exploring a culture from an unconstrained perspective, perceiving it from the viewpoint of that culture, was the next logical step. However, despite their advancements and the founding of the Federation, humans still had the tendency to adhere to their own cultural mindset. Rather than viewing other societies with open-mindedness, they still approached their associations with other species from a strictly human perspective, not allowing for the inclusion of new ideas or differing beliefs within their understanding.


From a Vulcan point of view, Escher was both a colleague and a companion. However, given her recent lapses in judgement as a result of her compromised state, it would be illogical to effectively communicate

to him her beliefs regarding their relationship. He would misunderstand and misinterpret her intentions, as humans were wont to do. Once her equanimity was restored, she would be wholly incapable of reciprocating any feelings he would afford to her as a friend. Given her own lack of experience with emotion, she was unable to comprehend the human need to make connections with their acquaintances, but she did understand that these connections tended to have an effect on their personal and professional lives. Given the complexities of the situation, it was

better that she did not allow Escher to engage in any sort of emotional entanglement, it would invariably lead to complications.


As his friend, she was resolved to place his interests and needs ahead of her own. This was the most logical course of action and she was nothing, if not logical.

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