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=^=personal academy log=^=

Cadet T'Rasei, log entry #3, 6.6.10


The USS-Caliban was testing new upgrades on their weapons and other systems. They all reported to be functioning normally. The ship was in an area with lots of large asteroids to test the phasers on, but there was one that just wouldn't be destroyed. There was a lot of confusion down in engineering because there didn't appear to be any power drain in the phaser systems, and the testing hadn't appeared to have started when it did. (I got to be the OPS officer again.) The CENG called up to the bridge to ask when the testing was going to begin, and I told him that "apparently, it just did." So he came up to the bridge in the TL.


Everyone started trying to figure out what was going on with our phasers and why the asteroid couldn't be destroyed. Then some of the energy from the phasers built up near the back of the bridge and caused an explosion.


T'Rasei out.

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