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=^=personal academy log=^=

Cadet T'Rasei, academy log entry #1, 6.3.10


Two days ago, the crew of the USS-Avenger beamed down to the surface of a planet that appeared to be uninhabited. We materialized in an abandoned city. A strange ship flew across the sky, but didn't register on our tricorders. Then we encountered a strange voice without a body, and when we talked to it it explained that it was an astral projection. It also told me about how unobtanium was once mined for on the planet, so I double-checked my tricorder readings. I thought I had been detecting a strange substance on the planet earlier, and I was correct. Apparently it had been unobtanium! It also told everyone about how it's the caretaker of it's people because the remaining others do not like to interact. It told us that others like us would be allowed to come back as long as the only thing we took was data.


It was a fun sim, and exciting. I can't wait for my next one! :)


T'Rasei out.

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GREAT LOG -Welcome to academy :) :) :P

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